Candii Kitten
9 years ago
Copyright question: Can I upload clips of me singing Disney song snippets? Or is that copyright infringement?
latest #29
Bebe ✨Sparkle
9 years ago
If you are going to profit from them then I say yes?
Meowasaurus Rex says
9 years ago
People sing songs in secondlife all of the time and profit from them though/
9 years ago
Live performances are different to recorded clips iirc
9 years ago
and the assumption of a live performance is that they have the rights to publicly broadcast a cover of said song.
Meowasaurus Rex says
9 years ago
It's 10 seconds of the middle of the song, acapella, no music.
9 years ago
Welcome to The Walt Disney Studios Licensing Website is where you can get licensing information from Disney
Meowasaurus Rex says
9 years ago
Sooooooo many things in secondlife play known songs. It's irritating that no one seems to even care.
Meowasaurus Rex says
9 years ago
No I'm just saying it's irritating that they do lol
9 years ago
And people do care, I know the kid community cares a lot less about it, but they do more now than they used to.
Meowasaurus Rex says
9 years ago
turbulent: True!
Meowasaurus Rex says
9 years ago
ok, same thing with nursery rhymes?
9 years ago
It depends on the nursery rhyme I think? Some are in public domain.
9 years ago
Persey: hi5
Meowasaurus Rex says
9 years ago
9 years ago
Enjoy the hilarious new video
Meowasaurus Rex says
9 years ago
ok this could work, thank you guys
Bebe ✨Sparkle
9 years ago
But enjoy the hilarious new video though.
Meowasaurus Rex says
9 years ago
CindyBoo: lol right?
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