Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
[cat antics] Wilfred_Humbug Strawberry's scared of the loud rain on the roof
latest #12
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
and she came into my room acting like she was just casually exploring
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
but she never comes in here because Wilson's scent is all over it
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
she meowed to say she was scared and would I please protect her so I said okay
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
and then Wilson woke up and came out of my wardrobe
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
and now they're both sitting on my floor pretending not to see each other and pretending they're not both here because they're scared
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
i'm surprised they're not fighting though. i guess wilson heard strawberry express her fear and she's like "okay fine, truce just this one time"
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
they sniffed hello and didn't act even remotely argumentative which is nice to see
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
cats are weirdly cooperative when they have a common enemy (i.e. a loud roof)
The Wiccan
8 years ago
aww cuties
The Wiccan
8 years ago
The rain woke me up and Mischief wasn't on my bed (and she's silly and runs outside in rain sometimes) so I went to go find her
The Wiccan
8 years ago
And she was fast asleep, not even remotely bothered...
The Wiccan
8 years ago
My dad might actually be right about her going deaf in her old age
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