Chii ☆
9 years ago
Me, at 11:30pm: "Hey, it's 11:30. I should probably make dinner."
20 minutes later: "Hey, it's almost midnight. I should probably make dinner."
latest #7
Chii ☆
9 years ago
12:45am, still haven't eaten
Chii ☆
9 years ago
I'm dumb. |D
1 am, "Okay, I'm finally making dinner. /puts dinner in microwave"
3 am, "Man, I'm hungry..... I should make- FUCK"
Chii ☆
9 years ago
Chii ☆
9 years ago
I actually have a friend who's done that before!
Chii ☆
9 years ago
I did wind up eating after 1am though. |D
well that is good
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