i'm about to head to bed, but i figure i'd poke around and see if anyone wants my muses in any games?
latest #24
no guarantee i'll be amazingly active, so slow games are best, but i've been thirsting for the sort of panfandom stuff you only really find on dreamwidth.
9 years ago
you're welcome in Forest Covered whenever you want!
question though: how okay would it be to bring in a canon oc that's deeply involved with canon characters? like, the right hand man to the main villain.
because my main muse rn is. that.
i can AU him to an original canon, but he works best in his original verse, so.
Thx everybody!
9 years ago
I'm not really in any games anymore, just some musebox stuff and no-pressure musebox/PSL-things
Thx everybody!
9 years ago
but I'd absolutely love to play with you again
9 years ago
we wouldn't accept a canon oc like that, no
aight, that's fair. i might still take a shot at apping someone who isn't that close-knit to the cast.
sagesaria: holy hell, it's been ages since we've played together. i feel like my muses have just been getting more toxic since lovi, you sure you're ready for that?
Thx everybody!
9 years ago
you wanna see what I've done to Liz since we last spoke, man? I've got a list of reasons she hates me that's taller than she is
Thx everybody!
9 years ago
and she's pretty freakin' tall
that almost makes me want to toss dodger at her just because his existence will make her rightfully angry at the universe for making him possible.
Thx everybody!
9 years ago
or, she might actually get attached to him and be torn between how infuriating he is on the outside and how pitiful he is on the inside. both are possible.
Thx everybody!
9 years ago
either way, I'm sure there will be a lot of snark and/or puns
this is dodger; or at least his modern au, which is what i usually rp/draw.
he's a superpowered slutty drug addict whose interests are Being Right (TM) and being the biggest asshole he can possibly be so that people don't get close enough to pity him.
Thx everybody!
9 years ago
sounds like a charmer XD
pretty much the only reason he stays alive is that he's an OP level of strong and can teleport, because he's actually pretty quiet but when he speaks his mind chances are someone will try to kick his ass.
also, the story with the scars on his face are that he got in a barfight with his adoptive father. it ended in dodger getting his face shredded with a broken whiskey bottle, and shoving a table leg through
his dad's stomach.
and that is.. not the worst thing i've put him through.
Thx everybody!
9 years ago
Liz will be glad to oblige on kicking his ass. In fact if you bring AUs into account there are plenty of Ways she could kick his ass :B
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