also hi guys i might come back to dreamwidth for a bit.
i keep leaving the community for months at a time and when i come back i only ever recognize amber, saria, artemis, ket and lotten
and Plurk got so sad you left it went and got a makeover
and yeah plurk's changed it's format x.x
yeah, it's weird... but my old theme wasn't agreeing with the new format so i guess i have a new theme now.
random question, has anyone seen any GTA V rpers around dreamwidth? i just cracked into the fandom and i've been having trouble finding people to interact with on tumblr, so.
the closest I get to GTA fandom is Achievement Hunter, so
ah well, i got to the fandom about three years late so i'm not surprised.
how are yooooou
egh... i'd be lying if i said i'm doing well, but it's mostly my own fault so i can't complain.
i'm healthy and stable, that's what's important.
good, that's definitely what's important /snugs tight
it's times like this that i wanna get back into dreamwidth but i have such a flaky history when it comes to activity ;;;
also i basically don't have any of the same muses
Good to see you around from time to time ^^
Mom is getting married to other mom and moving to the US really soon /vibrates at
Glad things are at least stable with you, hope it picks up and gets more awesome soon <3
i'm super happy for you guys!
b yeah, i've got a really cute boyfriend and i'm doing well in school and i don't live with my asshole dad anymore so stuff is really good in that regard, i've just been having some mental trouble.
It's so good to hear from you! Also yeah, Plurk did some weird update-y stuff like 2 weeks ago, everyone bitched for a while then got used to it or found new CSS workarounds.
Not living with your asshole dad is good, as are the other things you're doing well with. Do take care of yourself, though!
Mental stuff can be rough.
i'm doing my best with it, school got cancelled today thanks to the snow so that kind of helps.
i get all of today to drink tea and see about joining any games.
Tea is good! We had snow here yesterday, but today is all rain so likely it is or soon will be all gone
Brains can be dumb, but you'll kick its ass with care and time
And it's really good you don't have to deal with a toxic family situation anymore c:
here's hoping i get better soon, my teacher tends to be a dick when i slack on assignments.
but like, it's his job. so i can't blame him.
It's certainly part of his job, but depending on the mental health issues involved, granting some leeway could also be very appropriate? I'd encourage trying to keep a pretty open dialogue with your teachers
(I didn't get my brain stuff diagnosed until I'd already graduated, which was after like half a dozen breakdowns on different scales and having to take an extra year and drop a major. Try not to be like me.)
Like some teachers will be more and less accommodating than others, and there's no sense telling them your whole life story if it's not necessary, but they can't adapt to circumstances they don't know about
the school's actually got this whole plan thing going on to deal with my brain stuff, but my teacher's a grumpy old british man and going through hoops for open communication isn't really his style.
Ahh. Well, it's fantastic that the school is being helpful!
by which i mean if i ask for clarification on anything he says he just kind of repeats exactly what he just said
...That is. Terrible teaching.
I should know, my last job was teaching :|
but at least, i've been complaining about it to other people involved in the plan, so hopefully we'll work around it eventually.
That sounds like the best course of action
I'm glad to hear you have people in your corner for this
also, my mom got him this for communicating clearly to me:
I think I need one of those tbh
I love him, but my god his communication when he's frustrated and not at work
Anyway, if you ever need people to talk to about stuff, your mother and I are I'm always around, 'kay?
will do :V man i missed you guys
We missed you, too, but we do know life gets busy, and we're happy you've been out tackling your life and doing things!
(I mean, Emi is not here, I'm speaking for me, but I can't imagine she doesn't feel the same)
ironically, my muses have just become increasingly worse people while i was busy becoming a better person
but to be fair, i compressed all of my assholery into one oc and use him to vent.
That's totally fair. I 100% have Dealing With Shit and Sorting Out My Feelings-OCs.
he and his PB are both really cute
and he's like.... a vaguely charming, vaguely more mature lovi who's MAY more willing to actually kill people and also hates women.
I think characters, OCs or not, can be a really good vehicle for confronting, understanding, and learning to deal with things, inside and outside of yourself. /nods
laughs, dodger's basically a manifestation of my depression, but it's good because my depression can go get in a barfight and fuck himself up while i'm here enjoying my tv shows.
if i hadn't made him my depression probably would've been pulling me to irl bars by now.
Chiming in with what Ket said
Always here if you need to talk or vent or just be spammed with gifs with cute animals \o/
Also man, OC's and rp are a great tool for fighting stupid brain bullshit /high fives
Yeah, we like you not being actually IRL in barfights, and support your means of making that happen
(Also, you know about my RP coping mechanism, the "my life is shit, please make my character's life more shit so I can get the gratuitous suffering out of my system" thing ;; So, no judgement.)
my coping mechanism involves bondage, so :'D