9 years ago
dear aywas, it's been a few weeks since i contacted you. please contact me back
latest #26
9 years ago
if you're not going to unban me, at least let me know? the wait is killing me
9 years ago
i am really so depressed over this. i checked my account today and noticed i had received valentines and one of my breedings was finished
9 years ago
i paid 45 dollars for that alidae egg pls let me see what's inside
9 years ago
drags hands down face
9 years ago
9 years ago
contact them again?
9 years ago
i don't know if that will do any good. i wrote them a very long and detailed email explaining my side of things. and i fear that if i write another one, i may push too hard
9 years ago
You're the customer
9 years ago
so, it's worth a shot
9 years ago
they banned you? D:
9 years ago
yeaaah it's quite the story, but what it boils down to is that i was banned because of something paypal did to my account
9 years ago
and the whole reason it started was because someone got a hold of my credit card numbers and was using it
9 years ago
the good news is is that that problem was stopped very quickly thanks to my bank. but the bad news is that paypal thought i didn't buy something from paypal but i did
9 years ago
er, thought i didn't buy something from aywas
9 years ago
so they issued a chargeback. but they didn't notify me of the chargeback. so suddenly my account on aywas is banned for this chargeback i didn't even know existed
9 years ago
i asked paypal to reopen the case so i could say no, hey, i really did buy this thing from aywas. but they were like NOPE POOL'S CLOSED
9 years ago
i sent the full story to aywas about three weeks ago, saying that i would pay for what was charged back on my new card. but i haven't heard a word from them and it's really tearing me up.
9 years ago
like i know people are having really big problems now, and this is a small thing. but i have artwork that i did on there, as well as things i legit paid for
9 years ago
so i'm ... just really sad. it's not anything that's going to make me rage at the world, even though i feel like i'm being punished for no reason
9 years ago
my only hope now is that they are taking so long to respond because they're deciding on if they're going to let me back in
9 years ago
it's hard because even though i'm banned, i'm still getting notifs of things, like my breeding, or that i have a new message, or love letters
9 years ago
Beth got ahold of Eri & Dew just a few minutes ago and they, specifically, are looking over things.
9 years ago
*humming 'friends in high places' 'cause Beth knows all the people
9 years ago
Read bottom- up.
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