isaSuperstar asks
16 years ago
how do you picture a perfect date? (p_silly_couple)
latest #24
iTony says
16 years ago
haha that emoticon is crazy. umm not sure... where each other enjoy themselves
vbin says
16 years ago
just like it happened to Tom Hanks on "Big"
vbin says
16 years ago
he got action
nightsky says
16 years ago
sushi and then a long walk on the beach.
TheKenJones thinks
16 years ago
it's a success if she doesn't press charges :-o
isaSuperstar asks
16 years ago
do you think that what you do matters? or it is really the person with you who matters the most? (p_scenic)
deepsha says
16 years ago
no idea!
isaSuperstar says
16 years ago
TheKenJones come on! :-P
iTony says
16 years ago
i think it's what you do
isaSuperstar thinks
16 years ago
that there is some negative thoughts in here, why? is it because you stop believing in love? :'-(
16 years ago
i prefer to use infrared
16 years ago
oops, did I Plurk that out loud?
iTony says
16 years ago
haha infrared.
iTony says
16 years ago
let's say there's been deceptions
NetHead says
16 years ago
isaSuperstar, the person matters most, like just going to a park with them and sitting under a tree and enjoying their company
16 years ago
agrees with nethead - it doesn't really matter where you go, it's the person you're with that makes the difference
isaSuperstar wants
16 years ago
to thank you all for your thoughts (g_girl_kiss) and hopes that you all find the right one
dpcafe says
16 years ago
it's raining, we both rush for shelter and find a nice cafe where we chat till morning
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
My wife does not want me to picture a perfect date. :-)
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