VirtualConceit shares
8 years ago
Designers we have 3 Gacha's for GachAmazin that begins 14th of Feb. Please comment below or contact Brayden Thirdborn or Tilly Arun in world for yours! GO GO GO GO!!
latest #11
8 years ago
I'm game if you still have slots
VirtualConceit says
8 years ago
mirajai send me a message in world Brayden Thirdborn
8 years ago
HeGotSwag: I will when I am home on mobile atm but expect it from Mirajai maven :-)
VirtualConceit says
8 years ago
VirtualConceit says
8 years ago
I found you I sent you a message. Sounds good
VirtualConceit says
8 years ago
I have two colors left pink or Green?
8 years ago
Hey do you still need designers???
8 years ago
HeGotSwag: green sick of the sight of pink
VirtualConceit says
8 years ago
Slothism yes
Miramoo says
8 years ago
HeGotSwag: Can you send me a NC with the information or something. Time is too short for us to play IM tag. @_@
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