x3JaY ♠
9 years ago
Aft cny its time to get a job
latest #9
9 years ago
Not time to serve NS meh?
x3JaY ♠
9 years ago
April then go in, 2 mths away. You got lobang marh? huiting97
9 years ago
jayx3: I go thru agency de... Depend on what job u looking for... Admin? Retail? Waiter?
x3JaY ♠
9 years ago
Idk actually, I only know i need to get a job but dk what kind. So what you working as?? huiting97
9 years ago
jayx3: I working admin lorh.
So you just want a job and don't mind working as anything.... Then u want work part time or full time? Are you willing to travel to other places to work? Like central area etc.
x3JaY ♠
9 years ago
I dontmind travelling if the pay is good.. Part time uhh since going NS soon. Hows your admin job? Busy? Pay well? huiting97
9 years ago
jayx3: still manageable. Like although now working hours I can still use phone sometimes. I am paid 8/hr.
Part time then I think u should just do retail or work in some restaurant.
x3JaY ♠
9 years ago
Not bad uh yours $8. Yours no commitment or contract? huiting97
9 years ago
jayx3: my current job nope. Contract over Le, but I am just working until I find a better job. But the down side of my job is there is no CPF contribution... So abit sians...
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