8 years ago
UGH! That moment your ex e-mails you to let you know his new girlfriend had a baby. I care because?
latest #12
8 years ago
8 years ago
lmao like BAI
8 years ago
pretty freaking much lol
8 years ago
That's like the other day an ex sent me a message on facebook to talk about her unofficial relationship, She aint gay! But we live together and we mess around, does that make me in a relationship?
8 years ago
I'm like BAI
8 years ago
I mean what the heck are they wanting? It's like they think friendship is an option but NO. No it is not.
lyl witch
8 years ago
lyl witch
8 years ago
this is why I block my ex's down to the fuckin phone number, over means OVER so fuck off and live with it cause I got better shit to do
lyl witch
8 years ago
I'm just lucky I never dated one so mental he would make new email accounts like yours does :|
8 years ago
email accounts. facebooks. instagrams. Skypes. Phone numbers. Pretty much a stalker..
lyl witch
8 years ago
I thank baby Jeebus daily that you don't live near him or you would have your own episode of 48 hours
8 years ago
LOL I'm glad it was just facebook. She aint got my new number or skype so the broad can't reach me no where but facebook and 99% of the time I ignore facebook messenger lol
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