Craving for Hokkien Meee.....><
Find it difficult to skip meals like others. Skipping meals makes my tummy bloated. And I keep burping to let the wind out.
Gave in not because of the temptation, but of the unbearable heat.
The best episode ever throughout the seasons. Yet terribly heartbreaking.
莫非自己已与港式幽默渐行渐远? I think The Mermaid is overrated.
他的英文名是Faiblert啦。 XD 前两年曾经google此名字,果然这在外国人的名字database里是不存在的。我还有个学生名叫Smanda。不是自己取的,而是印在IC里,去不掉的那种。 呃。。。
感觉大部分城市里父母在IC上取Christian name 的学生是比较受英文教育的(在钟灵时看见的例子),而小城镇嘛,好像好一些有Christian name的英文都很差咧。。。
I've got to revise my strategies and remind myself on hourly basis like seriously.
Away from Penang makes it hard for me to fully comprehend the whole story behind the land claiming issue and what the fuck is going on exactly why these people did these and that.
And now the take-down-ah-jib thingy
oh a grown-up world is the last world I would like to be in
watching Fifty Shades of Grey...喜欢女主角的颜,男主角可以再帅些。。故事除了SM part其实很普通,遗憾的是我竟然看的是已经cut了的,哎哟。。。
Can't wait for GOT S6 premier at the end of April....
How contradictory it is when public says test scores do not determine one's success, yet criticizing the ranking of some international assessments. oh come on, just make up your effing mind.
Coursemate 金句,稍加修饰
Finally finished marking the papers, one word to describe the results - disastrous.
When the information is easily accessible, I find it hard to process and digest all of them, let alone picking out the useful ones. Arrggghhh.. Information overload.
The heatwave certainly doesn't help.
Step away for a little while before my brain explodes from downloading this and that.
Went all the way to this ulu place and came back. Did a little math and found out that it's certainly not worth it. Hmm... Should have asked for more deets before saying yes.
虽然年中的egtukar如果有教六年级,感觉比较难得到, 但还是想申请看看。看着目前的analisa, 还蛮有希望的。
可是。。那天校长突然很有心机地告诉我,四月的egtukar不需要申请,还有点莫名其妙地提到了APC。他也知道,即使校长不sokong, 还是有可能会走。
关于APC,我资历过轻,很多大我几岁我的都还没拿过APC,如果他真的无端端让我拿,我觉得对他们不公平啦。 如果遇到小气的,恐怕我在这间学校会待得很尴尬。
Officially a mifan now. Got it last night, Redmi Note 3, played with it for a while, still getting used to bigger screen and android operating system.
My Nokia Lumia has been acting up on and off for a few months. I have no intention to wait for it to have a complete breakdown, or I would be kelam kabut.
Game of Thrones is BACK!!! 表面波澜不惊。 不确定是要一集一集追还是养完整季才来binge watch。。。。。
I did not realize that I'm a control freak until I teach. But after a few years, I also realize that I can't control everything. The more I want to control, the more frustrated I am
as I know this ain't gonna happen.
To control every single thing.
Cut myself some slack to avoid spiralling into the hell hole, constantly trying to grasp something you can't get ahold of.
When one's nature is polluted, can it be reversed or purified? I wonder.Education is definitely a type of brainwash. The one which comes primarly from family, the effect is most deep-rooted.
For the night is dark and full of spoilers. XD
每年一梗 May the forth be with you.
Billboard hot 100, 前十首我只喜欢7 years 这首,其他恕我不会欣赏。
有些相当受欢迎的英文歌都是相当sexually explicit, 有些的旋律又不好听,实在很难理解他们的口味。 好像rihanna的work, 很catchy, 但是她唱的方式有点gili,加上music video呃。。。。。上次那个不懂谁的anaconda我根本看不下去
Time is scarce and life couldn't been more hectic. 喘口氣~呼
World knowledge is scarce as well, catching up with Brexit vote's news, still can't fully comprehend the whole story.
Brexit breakdown: the results
现在facebook live 着不懂是真自杀或假自杀==
对human behavior这课题一直很好奇,于是乎发现了那么一群人。他们会去关注这类人,然后又sipek讨厌这类人,一直在comment那里用灰常难听的话辱骂对方,冠冕堂皇当了cyber bullies.我看了也是醉了。结论:人类真是个奇怪的动物呵。
在两天的政治迫害和恐袭。。还有之前的brexit的成功让网民禁不住惊恐地表示透过brexit看出Donald Trump如果赢也不意外啊。。。。
Suspicious-looking Proton Saga NEY 8122
虽然已戒game瘾, 但对pokemon go保持观望态度。但是一脱离internet好像就不能玩啊?等这里开放。。。。
9 days of holidays. It's terrifying how easy time being wasted away. >益<
Student won 1st price in the District Level Storytelling competition. Mixed feeling.....
In-charge of the 2nd part, impromptu storytelling.. kinda challenging...
Students are given a word, it could be an adjective or a noun. Then. they are given 30 seconds to get prepared. ya...30 freaking seconds.
Then they have to tell a story which includes that word, for 2-3 minutes.
When I first got this 'mission' a few years back, I was like walao so sui one.. XD
Totally clueless how to train the student.
If I mess up this part, it could screw up the whole performance, become 拖后腿, no matter how good her first part performance was.
First year, didn't get any prizes.
Second year, got 4th place.
This year, the same student as the second year, gt 1st.
It would be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled over the news. Yet, I'm a bit blue coz I've gotta continue the training to prepare for State Level Competition. >.< hectic ar life..
为了pokemon go 决定去搞一个data plan 类的东东。
刚才去打包在小镇taman小巷左弯右拐后,居然没有看到半只人影在玩pokemon go, 实在是很桑心。。。以后我要玩时岂不是看起来特像肖狼?
walau eh, 我几时讲过喔? 那时就有点不爽。虽然看得出家长是个问题人物,但说不影响心情是假的。。
稍后我同事仗义地去说话了,然后最后发现讲的不是我,是2K的班主任。当然,2K班主任也没那么说过。之所以会po出4B 的筹募卡。是因为哥哥拿而已,弟弟没拿
生病好像是因为昨天中午去抓pokemons? XDhaiz.
办公室有个thermopot, 那种煲水后会保温着,一按就会有热水出来的那种。
那位young man 有一次倒水进去,被同事制止,因为里面还有很多,水煮太多次不好
呃。。。我们怕。。。万一真的发生什么事,那受害者该怎么办? 那是一辈子的阴影啊
Recent favourite is Stranger Things, not particularly frightening, yet it's intriguing..
It still irritates me when I hear someone saying being a teacher is good and free coz so many holidays. Then why the fuck didn't you be one?
It irritates me more when I hear it during the time when I have have to work on weekends for 3 weeks in a row.
Not to mention working extra time on weekdays.
Giving myself a break when I'm having dinner so I indulge myself watching an episode. Why on earth do I have left only one episode of American Horror Story? Certainly not for the stomach. ==
When you have had watched The Walking Dead or American Horror Story or Hannibal while having meals, you pretty much have a strong stomach.
*Why on earth have I left..
How is life? Still the busy as a bee.
Shitload of work is still pending. What really irritates me is they are irrelevant to teaching. The documentation shit is solely for displaying purpose..
That feeling when you know something has to be done to stop this ridiculous norm, yet what you can do is succumbing yourself to this norm. fml
被一 group原本就是一小gang的年龄相仿同事纳入其中,包括自己有四个人。
KC坐的很靠近,也蛮好聊的,SY教同科所以也有话题,和YK 因坐得远且好像 frequency对不太到则不太说话
然后前一阵子KC 开始卖东西,成为“微商”, 尔后YK也加入其中
然后KC其实也帮过SY改两叠簿子(writing) ,因为SY 看到YK这么做,所以她就也叫KC帮她改。我又再次傻眼。
不懂是否混熟这里了,开始会接收很多八卦,自己也开始会讲八卦。 XD 实在是不怎么健康。 XD
看完了《你的名字》,让我想起日本另一部作品《穿越时空的少女》。风格很相似。一丁点儿韩剧signal的fu, 而《是有我不在的街道》是前两者及signal的结合吧。
可是我总觉得哪里怪怪的。 Adulthood sucks ==
我应该是属于中间者,哭的那位同事在她哭那天有text我, 谢谢我的帮忙等。 其实我只是喜欢computer的东东所以会主动去摸。。。
结论:当事人责任心很强,也要求高,也担心pengawai来看时大部分老师不会这个frog, 校长又死爱面子等原因导致鸭梨大
至于同事们,我们是习惯性吐槽及埋怨frog的system, 就像每次吐槽任何一个教育部废到要死的programme。
有些同事在她哭之后,觉得她是在演戏,像去年还是前年她的朋友那样, 也是哭了。
One of the reasons I hate adulthood, or humans. XD
I'm a terrible liar, unless I've had my script ready, I usually suck at telling lies.
Yesterday when I was in the night market, I stopped at the kaki lima to catch two pokemons which had just spawned.
When I was catching them, an uncle approached me started asking questions like are you a local etc.
He saw me a few times when I was out taobao-ing
I was annoyed but being the polite kind I didn't show much I just obviously 敷衍 him.
He gave me his number and I pretended save the number but the truth is it's the pokemon go app.
All of a sudden, I regretted to have stopped to catch those pokemons, I should have walked fast like I always do
I need to work on lies like where I'm from and what I do for a living.
Most hawkers who I frequent knows these info and I think I was foolish enuff to give out these info simply because I did not know how to lie. fml
I'm glad I'll be gone soon.
前一陣子很多人對train to busan 的評價很高,原本沒啥興趣,看著皮評價高就湊湊熱鬧唄。
All fall into expectation。
現在看著The Walking Dead最新一季,幹,這才叫恐怖的血腥畫面,然後那人性的醜陋。。。。。韓國仔死得好慘啊。。。。T,T
8A 拿到的奖金,总共是RM 950。Walao 很jelly 啊
回槟城前是后轮胎爆胎,这次从槟城回来,则是前轮胎爆胎。 XD
(果然很会弄坏东西)回槟城前mug有点裂了,刚才去mr diy买了个杯子,结果要泡nescafe时,热水一倒下去,听到怪怪的声音,开始漏nescafe,原来下面爆掉了。 原来玻璃是不太能承受热水的啊?!
Tried to see if any new good songs lately, yet failed to find anything I like.
No weekends for 4 weeks straight. fml.
Signed up to learn, didn't expect it clashing with other events as well. The last 2 months are busier than I anticipated.
The rehearsals are terribly exhausting. Wore me out so much I hardly wanna move.
Fingers crossed to be my most favourite weather tomorrow. Cloudy it is.
Cloudy it was.
It turned sunny when most events were done. Overall it ran smoothly.
So obsessed with all the sing offs...But Connor Maynard is a bit too chatty. I just wanna listen to the songs.
Sometimes, I'm deeply terrified of small talks. Sometimes, I embrace them.
Small town residents are friendly or way too friendly, I'm still not entirely used to that.
Went to buy economy rice. Twice. different sellers, first time buying already chat with u liao..hmmm...
Was trying to walk around the residential area to exercise a bit, chose night time and already half way giving up.
Sometimes I was busy so I skipped.
However, my biggest concern is meeting the residents. They'll definitely chat you up, at least a bit after greeting them.
A few days back when I was walking, saw my neighbour's maid. She joined me and broke my routine. I slowed my pace. even slower than my normal non-exercising walking pace. Then, after that she stopped and started chatting with me for at least half an hour. hmmm....
I'm definitely an introvert.
Changed my screen like finally! I thought I screwed up the fingerprint detection, hochai it works!!
今天 放自己一馬
Embrace the changes? I highly doubt that.
It's already foolish to follow all these irrelevant clerical work, yet with this chaotic school system? come on..
Have been working over the weekends for weeks... ish...