I know this man.If the charge is true, he serves a foreign power but he serves it faithfully. If he is a soldier in the opposing army, he is a good soldier. He has not fled the field of battle to save himself.
Shouldn't we,by giving him the full benefit of the rights that define our system of government,show this man who we are? 難道我們不應該展現我們的氣度,讓他享有完全的權利,以彰顯美國精神之所在嗎?
Who we are.Is that not the greatest weapon we have in this Cold War? 美國精神之所在,不正是我們在這場冷戰中最好的武器嗎 Will we stand by our cause less resolutely than he stands by his? 我們對於自己理想的堅持不如他堅決嗎?