von Hellington
8 years ago
misailury here! I'm running a randomized CR event PSL-thingy tomorrow! Writeup is here and signups here! Spread the word!
latest #144
۞ XL
8 years ago
I have a very busy day today and will be in and out until moontime evening, so if you need to ask me something, it may take me some time to get to it
۞ XL
8 years ago
But I will do my best
es un elote
8 years ago
shit, this sounds interesting
8 years ago
auste ★
8 years ago
HEY GUYS if you're looking for a sandbox to play silly RP shenanigans here, SIGN UP
auste ★
8 years ago
۞ XL
8 years ago
The first person to sign up will be matched with Tamaki Suoh. Just saying
8 years ago
looks neat! replurking
Celizabeth Hood
8 years ago
۞ XL
8 years ago
... I just realized I didn't take canonmates into consideration. I'll add this to the post later, but the answer is to plot together where
۞ XL
8 years ago
You can, play along where it's fun, be confused where it's fun, same as anything else
۞ XL
8 years ago
Roll up each other's cr like an unstoppable magic katamari
۞ XL
8 years ago
* majestic
8 years ago
What a great premise!!
es un elote
8 years ago
If we're planning on throwing multiple characters in, should we mention which ones we are?
es un elote
8 years ago
oh wait no our names would be there whups
8 years ago
Might make sense to space them out, given it's a proximity-selection?
8 years ago
Or maybe to post as sub-headers to your name??
es un elote
8 years ago
OH right, yes. i'm gonna be spacing them out, probably, so
8 years ago
So at the end of the month does the game reset and start again, sort of?
8 years ago
(I'm assuming with the option to continue playing things out PSL style if wanted)
۞ XL
8 years ago
drayma: you can and in fact are encouraged to stick around the setting and keep continuity. And more events will be run in the future
۞ XL
8 years ago
RandomProphet: yeah, just keep your name on all your comments and I'll hopefully be paying enough attention not to pair you with yourself
es un elote
8 years ago
if not i could just pretend it's 2008 and thread with myself for 200 comments
es un elote
8 years ago
۞ XL
8 years ago
Or with the same person twice. Proximity is the rule of thumb but it's more like "the closest applicable"
۞ XL
8 years ago
RandomProphet: haha. Thems were the days, eh
8 years ago
Are you choosing one of the three options or if we signed up for three do we get three PSL threads?
۞ XL
8 years ago
But yeah, I'm just gonna start from the top and work my way down and carefully spreadsheet as I go
۞ XL
8 years ago
drayma: you will (probably) get three
۞ XL
8 years ago
Three matches, opportunities for way more than three threads, since everyone will be existing in the same setting
۞ XL
8 years ago
There may be cases where matches aren't possible just because I have criteria on those
۞ XL
8 years ago
So Tamaki there, I want a level of negative cr where maybe he stepped on somebody's toe once. If the only available player wants
8 years ago
Ahhh yes. It sounds like a fun exercise in and of itself!
۞ XL
8 years ago
MURDER PARTY!## well then neither of us have a match
۞ XL
8 years ago
there's another one of mine just to show one that has very different requests from Tamaki's
۞ XL
8 years ago
I guess a bunch of samples are probably not necessary since these aren't apps, but idk, I always like to see examples when I'm signing up for a thing that requires thought of any sort
kaboo 🎃
8 years ago
aw this looks fun but I'm in london this weekend
۞ XL
8 years ago
moonsilver: Bummer. :-(
۞ XL
8 years ago
But Lady'll run an event in a week or two, so maybe you can catch that one
۞ XL
8 years ago
Bumping for the morning crowd
Colorless Juice
8 years ago
everyone get in here
۞ XL
8 years ago
and another bump for the moon-morning crowd!
8 years ago
Thank you for that bump, I might've missed it otherwise. This looks interesting as heck, to be honest. :-D
butterfly wing.
8 years ago
۞ XL
8 years ago
Thus far the spreadsheet is filling out nicely.
۞ XL
8 years ago
Thus far everybody has a ship in their desired age range, too, even characters who are outside of the normal teens-to-twenties RP range
۞ XL
8 years ago
I'm glad I made the rules so simple, haha
۞ XL
8 years ago
without any player overlap, even for those who tossed in a couple characters
Colorless Juice
8 years ago
۞ XL
8 years ago
negative CR is a little trickier (I'm still working on that part), just because it has last priority and not everybody wants it. So probably not everyone will have one of those right away
۞ XL
8 years ago
8 years ago
Yeah I'm flexible on negative CR
۞ XL
8 years ago
it's good to leave a couple blank slots in the lineup because if people want to hop in late, it'll be easier to get them set up
Celizabeth Hood
8 years ago
I am flexy too
۞ XL
8 years ago
no worries, it's not too bad
۞ XL
8 years ago
Almost done! I could use exactly one more character for numbers, but I can just toss in one of my own if necessary
۞ XL
8 years ago
(odd numbers are tough...)
8 years ago
Exactly one...
8 years ago
(thinking) I'd have to figure out who I wanted for it. But if nobody else comes up with one...
۞ XL
8 years ago
I'm just gonna take that slot so I can go ahead and get this finished
۞ XL
8 years ago
People are still welcome to jump in, but won't be matched immediately
8 years ago
yep lemme just type that properly here right quick. no embarrassin' goof this time
۞ XL
8 years ago
Okay! Post is unscreened, the chart is here
۞ XL
8 years ago
match your number or color
8 years ago
Ooooh. :-o
۞ XL
8 years ago
For the most part gen is pure proximity but I did some fiddling to avoid repeats and to fit everything in at the end, and I don't have my form in for the last character on the list yet
۞ XL
8 years ago
I'll haev posts up shortly
es un elote
8 years ago
oh my fuckin' god cynthia and tamaki will be a goddamn party
۞ XL
8 years ago
8 years ago
(thinking) So if I'm readin' it right - that means Lenka will be partnering with Genis for the ship angle and Cassius for the gen?
8 years ago
8 years ago
۞ XL
8 years ago
...did I paste my numbers wrong
۞ XL
8 years ago
ld on
۞ XL
8 years ago
haha no yes it's all good
Colorless Juice
8 years ago
Colorless Juice
8 years ago
you paired my sadist with a masochist, you are a good game host
۞ XL
8 years ago
Solmedes: right!
۞ XL
8 years ago
SlipperyKitten: fate and providence put that sadist and masochist next to each other
۞ XL
8 years ago
I'm happy thouh
Celizabeth Hood
8 years ago
somarysueme FITE ME
8 years ago
8 years ago
i see.
8 years ago
(i still want to be enemies with hikaru as well.)
۞ XL
8 years ago
cassandra is enemies with Guren
۞ XL
8 years ago
Morrigan is enemies with Cassius and Hikaru is enemies with Zelgadis
Celizabeth Hood
8 years ago
i asked for mean girls so if u wanna meangirls with me
8 years ago
Man, I suck at colors today
۞ XL
8 years ago
everyone can be enemies with everyone if they like, who am I tos top them
Celizabeth Hood
8 years ago
fight me too
۞ XL
8 years ago
hm if the colors are appearing differently on different systems I'll toss in letters
Colorless Juice
8 years ago
are you going to fight the whole world
lila ☆
8 years ago
Ah, these are fun matchups!
۞ XL
8 years ago
actualy wait, lemme change the second row of names to letters
۞ XL
8 years ago
or maybe I was lookking at the wrong row and messed it up
۞ XL
8 years ago
haha hold on just a sec
۞ XL
8 years ago
.....ok in fact I messed it up but if people are fine with it like it is then ok :|a
۞ XL
8 years ago
yeah ok this is fine, my ad
۞ XL
8 years ago
and I didn't even mess it up, I just got confused for some reason
۞ XL
8 years ago
Cassandra vs Morrigan and Gurren vs Shiki is appropriate murder levels :|a
۞ XL
8 years ago
ignore me and continue on
۞ XL
8 years ago
ok I got Cassius's info up
butterfly wing.
8 years ago
quietly sets a character in here...
butterfly wing.
8 years ago
۞ XL
8 years ago
morgues: There may be a bit of a delay on anything put in in the last hour, but I'll definitely get to you once I have the main post up
butterfly wing.
8 years ago
That's fine! Take your time.
۞ XL
8 years ago
Also! Nobody asked me about powers, but yes you still got 'em. The brainwashing makes you inclined not to destroy the building though
Colorless Juice
8 years ago
how about weapons?
۞ XL
8 years ago
۞ XL
8 years ago
poor simon
Colorless Juice
8 years ago
does Simon have his chipmunks?
8 years ago
I MAY NOT GET TO STUFF TONIGHT but I will try to introduce soon o/
(work in the morning, argh)
۞ XL
8 years ago
.......I have now decided that non-sentient pets are absolutely allowed
۞ XL
8 years ago
which is to say
۞ XL
8 years ago
Colorless Juice
8 years ago
that tempts me to bring knifedog
۞ XL
8 years ago
look, you know I'm not physically capable of saying no to knifedog
Colorless Juice
8 years ago
۞ XL
8 years ago
es un elote
8 years ago
metal gear is such a ridiculous series
۞ XL
8 years ago
I have some notes on formatting there which might seem a little nitpicky, but the method to my madness is that I'm certain doing it this way will a] make it easier and less exhausting to make top levels
۞ XL
8 years ago
and b] help people to scan and immediately know good places to jump one another
۞ XL
8 years ago
Added in Grey, Betsy, and Tetsu - you're not fully filled out but all three have at least one thing to play with
butterfly wing.
8 years ago
8 years ago
maragidyne So a semi-fucked up casual relationship sound good to you?
333 ♠
8 years ago
drayma: that sounds wonderful
333 ♠
8 years ago
I'm going to bed in a few but we will def talk more tomorrow!
8 years ago
For sure; I really like your guy's concept, he sounds like a delightful shit. >: D
۞ XL
8 years ago
Caught up to everybody who's commented.
۞ XL
8 years ago
(in the doc, I mean)
۞ XL
8 years ago
Also: added links to threads. And made it so you guys can edit it too, once I've disappeared to my moon sleep
۞ XL
8 years ago
(people who are around should go start threads and I'll play with you whether I'm matched to you or not)
8 years ago
PS: misailury In the future you might want to include a 'way to contact other than plurk' or ensure that people add this account on plurk! I had a hard time finding the match-ups and first post
8 years ago
Mostly because a new plurk didn't go up and there was a lot of chatter between your update so I missed the link.
۞ XL
8 years ago
Good call. Plurk is the worst and I should've collected emails or something.
۞ XL
8 years ago
drayma: ... Responding with a ping because Plurk remains the worst.
۞ XL
8 years ago
What I should have done was replied to sign up comments. I'll do that from now on
8 years ago
8 years ago
(This particular night I'm both hammering out an app to get in before the deadline and needing to rest early for morning shift, BUT. I will look again soon, hopefully tomorrow. o/)
8 years ago
WOW TIME GOT AWAY FROM ME but I never forgot about this. I'd like to look around again and see if I can get in, if anyone's still interested in threading with me after I dropped the ball. 8'D
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