8 years ago
Thx for the prayers for my brother. Pain is manageable today but it was a long 12 hrs of nonstop pain and spasms
latest #8
say, Grace#🟦 says
8 years ago
(cozy) prayers continued, did the Drs find out why?
20SoCalDude24 says
8 years ago
Mike L
8 years ago
:-o prayers continuing
8 years ago
momof3plus: They were still at a loss as to why the drugs didn't work but they concluded it really was just the muscle spasming and not the pins slipping like they were afraid
8 years ago
He was jerking his legs so much from the spasms, he could have ruptured or dislocated yet another disc. They wew just about to call an anesthesiologist to literally put him back under to stop him from jerking
Mrs. Montoya
8 years ago
8 years ago
MrsMontoya: Not an option due to the surgery incision :-). When I left this afternoon (had to get back to Memphis) he was doing much better
Mrs. Montoya
8 years ago
perhaps very massage of hands, neck/shoulder, or feet. to give the nervous system another point of reference, one that is not a damaged one.
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