I wanted to drink tonight because I felt like it and I lucked out in getting the last hard orange soda at the ABC near my house. They were trying it as a new product for a few weeks but weren't sure if they
Anyways back to the days workin the legal pit log. Day 14 was apparently Friday since day 12/13 was posted on a Thursday. I don't remember it that way since day 14 was probably the worst day of me working
but that fell on a friday since I had all weekend to forget I worked at that place, actually think its a cherry place to work and go back on Monday. Monday was actually a good day
As was Tuesday. As was today. Why? Because things have started to finally click in my head on how to do my job. I'm so smooth and fast now that I actually have to check if I did something already or not.
So maybe people quit because at first it is terrible but after three weeks or so things make sense. I also have been more careful about checking about things. For instance, I learned that the format
I was trained to use on a particular letter is technically incomplete but ok if you are strapped for time. When I was hired the holidays were over and many things needed to be done so perhaps that is my
But drinking today was a good idea since I got home and my mom started talking about how this is my chance and when I get more older and more mature maybe I'll want to go back for a different degree