9 years ago
My friend is going to GM a Shadowrun game, and I am making a character for it. I have made some evil and horrible decisions regarding exactly what my character will be. Read more below!
latest #41
9 years ago
Being low on inspiration, I decided to gaze back in time to my first ever character, one named Jim Coyote. My thinking started out as a spiritual successor to Jim, but then it... evolved from there.
9 years ago
My character's race shall be troll, and I'm building him to be a bounty hunter.
9 years ago
I've decided that he has a very good relationship with his grandfather, who was a devout worshipper of the Aztec pantheon and who claimed to be the son of Huitzilopochtli.
9 years ago
Now, my character is not religious the way his grandfather was, but he likes to honor his grandfather's memory. So, roughly once a month, he performs a ritual that his grandfather would want him to perform.
9 years ago
Namely, he captures someone (it has to be someone who he has a good reason to want dead) and kinda sorta sacrifices them in as close to the traditional Aztec way as he can.
9 years ago
One of the other players in the party tends to play very good characters, and it seems like the one he's cooking up for this game is no exception (he'll be our shaman). So these two elements should combine well
9 years ago
So, do you want to hear more? If yes, do you want to hear about what this character tells people about him being a troll, or how his grandfather died?
9 years ago
Or maybe you want to hear the idea I had (that the GM ok'd) on how the game will start out?
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
I'm laughing way too hard, partly because of the character updates and partly because IDK if your GM knows what they're getting into here.
9 years ago
Also do tell.
9 years ago
I've warned my GM repeatedly, but he foolishly continues to allow me to develop this character.
9 years ago
So I suppose first of all, I decided that his grandfather died when he fell down a flight of stairs onto some bullets.
9 years ago
... Literally.
9 years ago
As such, my character is going to be preachy about making sure your bullets are stored safely and accounted for, particularly around staircases.
9 years ago
Occasionally, my character will insist that he is not a troll, but a severely deformed human, and that there are non-magical explanations for all of his apparently troll characteristics.
9 years ago
He's the size of a troll because he has gigantism. His horns are actually a rare form of tumor that can make structures out of keratin (this really exists, you might not want to look it up).
9 years ago
His tusks? His family actually has had a jaw like that with malformed canines for generations dating back to before the Great Awakening.
9 years ago
He has an absurd amount of muscle mass? Well, he leads an active lifestyle.
9 years ago
If pressed, he might admit that his allergy to wrought iron is a little harder to explain, but he's sure there's a reasonable explanation.
9 years ago
Mind you, I intend to play it in such a way that it's ambiguous whether he actually believes this or is just saying this to fuck with people.
9 years ago
And as for the start of the game, my GM agreed with my suggestion to start the game off with my character having captured the other runners for a meeting with our prospective employer.
9 years ago
They will be bound in the back of whatever vehicle my character buys. This cannot possibly create any conflict whatsoever.
9 years ago
Oh, one more thing. My character is violently prejudiced against anyone who could be considered a street samurai. Therefore, I'm trying to encourage one of the other players to make a street samurai.
9 years ago
Jesus. Yeah okay it's your GM's own damn fault.
9 years ago
Also I'm still laughing at all of this but how does falling onto bullets kill a man?
9 years ago
Good gravy....
9 years ago
The bullets were still in their casings, and one of them landed upright. Unfortunately, my character's grandfather landed on it just wrong, and it went between his ribs and nicked a critical organ.
9 years ago
He probably would have survived if he'd gotten timely medical assistance, but living as far off the grid as you can get does have its drawbacks.
9 years ago
To be fair to the GM, this is the same guy who let me buy 200,000 centipedes.
9 years ago
No I'm pretty sure that definitely means he should know better.
9 years ago
Actually, I think it's more that he knows what I'm capable of in an RPG and is prepared to let me derail the entire campaign with insanity.
9 years ago
If anything, it's the players who aren't prepared for me. One time, we were confronted with a classic dilemma: One NPC claims another NPC stole something from them, but the second NPC denies that.
9 years ago
As my evil character, I told one of the good players I had a plan to resolve this, and to keep them distracted. I then stole the item in question and told them that I was taking it for myself.
9 years ago
I may have also intimidated them into leaving. Either way, the player who helped me was kicking themselves afterwards.
9 years ago
Oh my god.
9 years ago
But yeah I guess if the GM wants you to derail things then more power to him, the mad bastard.
9 years ago
I say that but I enjoyed you derailing shit so uh.
9 years ago
Excerpt from my character's background (before he really started running):
9 years ago
"He drifted from squatting space to squatting space, using his bulk and his detailed explanations of Aztec sacrifice to scare off other squatters[...]"
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