Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
I did a painting today!
latest #17
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
i haven't painted in years
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
i'll upload a proper photo at some point
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
i got pink and turquoise arcylic from pete's emporium and i guess i just wanted to use that and barely any other colours
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
i've never been able to make purple before! yaaay
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
contrary to logic, blue and red just make brown
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
adding white just makes it a brighter, uglier brown
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
so having pink feels AMAZING i love pink
8 years ago
So gorgeous - I'd buy it!!!!!! You are pure talent, lady.
8 years ago
I love this!
The Wiccan
8 years ago
That painting is fantastic! :-)
8 years ago
I would buy that too
8 years ago
Seriously, paint me one and I'll buy it :3 and put it in my lounge
8 years ago
it can replace that awful thing
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
i should've taken a photo in daylight without flash - but here:
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
I think amara claimed this one for the office she doesn't yet have >u> i'd love to make some more things for you / whoever wants them! health permitting of course
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
but thanks, i like that you like it~~
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