and two, i also learned ikuhara's dream is to collborate with david lynch at some point and i can only pound my fists on the table and scream WHY HASN'T THIS HAPPENE DYET
it seems like it should happen
just from the phrase "lesbian bear anime"
ikuhara is like the craziest of anime directors it's fucking great
he's the guy responsible for revolutionary girl utena
he's he the dude who tried to explain that utena and anthy turning into naked race cars at the end of the utena movie was a metaphor for them going out into the world without protection or smth
because i remember that interview
which -- actually isn't a bad interpretation
it's not meant to be literal iirc
but he also answers questions as troll-ish as possible too because he wants people to come to their own conclusions lmao
i blame all my familiarity with utena on my best friend back in high school tho because she lived with me my senior year and we would literally come back after school and watch utena while we did hw
and for some reason we watched the utena movie sped up so akio falling out the window wound up being the funniest shit to us ever
the movie is Something Else
i own it and i've seen it so many times and i still couldn't tell you
something else is a way of talking about it
i freaking love it though, and the tv series
don't get me wrong i like the series but i have so many jokes about it
from watching it in high school
LMAO no way man i get that
prince licky lick for instance
i took it SO SERIOUSLY its ridiculous to look back on it
i saw so much shoujo ai in high school because my friend had such a hard time dealing with her own sexuality in the beginning and when i was so chill about it she basically wound up dragging me through it all
yeah that's why i clung to utena so badly
i was trying to figure out what my sexuality was
i even own some things that are technically hers but she was afraid to keep them at home so she kept them at my house instead
i don't know why but gay or straight was literally never an issue for me it was figuring out that i was ace aro that took time
like even in middle school i was very casual about "like the person not their gender" and had no issue telling friends i was "bi" if they asked (i didn't figure out the ace thing til college)
but utena was a huge part of my high school life because of her so i'll always look back on it fondly
because back then it was incredibly important
My friend made this and I feel it is fun to share whenever someone brings up Ikuhara in this kind of context...
man i forgot how much i dug utena's hair in the movie
i'mwatching penguindrum right now
also the shadow girls are my favs
right?? the character designs in the movie were a+
i want to rp movie anthy someday le sigh
i just love anthy in general
if she wasn't so godmode i'd def app her somewhere
love her
the only line in the dub worth it: 'nice skirt, saionji'
oh saionji i think we called him asparagus
That knitting needle line could pass for canon and I wouldn't notice
are we sure it's not canon
"oh, did Anthy knit in an episode? Was she ever that open about it? Are they in the dorm? That was pretty early, right?"
(open about the stabbing I mean)
fucking saionji
i love to make fun of saionji it's so easy
I just made this horse noise
i also feel like this is a canon line
jesus christ
holy shit penguindrum is fucking amazing i love it
it's so weird A+ work ikuhara-san
it wouldn't be ikuhara without that
That anime was so bad it was hilarious
I was too impatient for them to finish releasing it in the US that I bought fansubs
and then when there weren't fansibs available for the final eps, I printed up a translated script and bought tapes recorded straight from Japanese tv, I was obsessed
some of the first fansubs I ever bought were the black rose saga episodes
iirc it was even before it was released over here