Katieusher is
15 years ago
popping in
latest #29
15 years ago
pops up too
Katieusher says
15 years ago
Patriarka says
15 years ago
I need a name for my future e-store
Patriarka says
15 years ago
I want it to be Europe-wide
Patriarka has
15 years ago
a question for you
Katieusher thinks
15 years ago
Katieusher thinks
15 years ago
Patriarka asks
15 years ago
if it is possible to transfer money from Paypal account to an ordinary bank account
Katieusher says
15 years ago
Patriarka is
15 years ago
Patriarka says
15 years ago
that means a company does not have to be created, just a paypal account
Patriarka asks
15 years ago
also if credit card payments from future costumers would be directed to the paypal account or the bank account
Katieusher says
15 years ago
paypal businesss account or they will limit it
Katieusher says
15 years ago
yup to the C Card question
15 years ago
as in yup, Paypal account or as in yup, bank account?
Katieusher says
15 years ago
as in paypal
Katieusher says
15 years ago
Katieusher says
15 years ago
Katieusher says
15 years ago
15 years ago
Patriarka says
15 years ago
Patriarka asks
15 years ago
why the question marks
Katieusher says
15 years ago
hit 'L' twice, and nothing worked
Katieusher says
15 years ago
has a few names
15 years ago
15 years ago
Katieusher says
15 years ago
Katieusher says
15 years ago
why does my 'l' not work?
Patriarka thinks
15 years ago
it's the fairies again
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