8 years ago
[work, bookstore woes] "i'm returning a call from your store because i've ordered a book and it came in" "uh... well what can i help you with" "i've just told you!!!!!!"
latest #8
8 years ago
"arent you going to ask which book" "why"
8 years ago
tonight is a Weird Night
8 years ago
there was another person who was SHOCKED and ALARMED that i didn't take their billion-year old books with awful broken bindings because they were So Valuable
8 years ago
ok well 1) a book being old doesn't mean it's worth anything 2) if it was worth anything, condition matters 3) i dont have to buy it jfc
8 years ago
also they were all, like, penny books with sale rankings so far down the chart on amazon they were in the MILLIONS
8 years ago
i guess not as bad as the time someone brought in five plastic tubs and wouldnt stfu about how AWESOME her books were, the books were GREAT, i wouldnt be able to wait to see em
8 years ago
and i opened the first tub and a literal cloud of mold spores came out
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