Are you going to scarborough fair 你將要去史卡博羅市集嗎 Parsley sage rosemary and thyme 歐芹,鼠尾草,迷人的玫瑰和百里香 Remember me to one who lives there 記得替我向她問好 She once was a true love of mine 她曾經是我的真愛
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 告訴她給我做一件白絲綢襯衫 Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 歐芹,鼠尾草,迷人的玫瑰和百里香 Without no seams nor needle work 如果襯衫是真的天衣無縫 Then she'll be a true love of mine 她將會成為我的真愛