8 years ago
Went to the Starbucks drive thru this morning for breakfast, and the person in front of me paid for my order! So nice T___T never happened to me before!
latest #6
8 years ago
pay it forward!
Armyn 01 says
8 years ago
i do that sometimes! but only if they get like one thing LOL
8 years ago
Aw really?? I gotta do that sometime~ but Yeah my thing was like $5 hahah
8 years ago
How does that work at a drive thru if they're in front? Do they pay with their card or cash? Lol I'm just curious
8 years ago
yeah usually the person behind you already has their order rung up so you can just pick up their tab. i bet it would b kinda ugly to be like "ill pay for the next peson but only if its like 2 dollars" LOL
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