In my quest to wear out the niblings, I wore myself out.
latest #15
And Chris still wants to take us rollerskating...
not that today wasn't fun, though... there is this place called the Amazeum and why did this sort of thing not exist when I was a kid?
And if it did, why did my parents have to be too poor to afford to take me to such a place?
Yep, til next week
Tomorrow I hafta not kill ensure the survival of entertain the kids again
but then I am pretty sure I am off niblet watching duty for the rest of the week
oh my plotty alpaca
oops, we are leaving for skating now
8 years ago
there is no such thing as worn out kids
8 years ago
Good luck!
holy carp they are actually tired
niece is saying she's tired, nephew is just flopped on the couch looking sleepy
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