I am ridiculously offended right now omfg
latest #22
I get it. I get that I look all of twelve, okay? It is annoying and frustrating a lot of the time, but I can deal with it.
But when you tell me you think my goddamn driver's license is fake?
Oh just piss off.
I will even acknowledge that, yes, I really do need to get a driver's license for the state I actually live in, but I've been having some issues with that...
(read: I refuse to pay for a license with the wrong name and gender marker.)
But don't tell me my perfectly valid and legitimate ID that I got from an actual DMV is fake because it has different features than this state's IDs
Yarn Temptress deireann
8 years ago
Fuck all of that.
/rubs face
I would not be pissed if they'd just said, "Sorry, we're not familiar with out of state IDs and don't feel comfortable accepting this"
like, I get that?
but when you're telling me you think it's fake because it has two barcodes... yes, lovely, I have seen this state's license and I am aware it has only one, but this is from a different state
at least they gave it back to me, because I have heard horror stories
(ok, and if they had not given it back, then I would have told them to call the police, because I would not be leaving without my license)
but. yeah. fuck that. =-=
So, for shits and giggles, I went and dug out an ID from the state I lived in three years ago
Apparently that ID -if it were still valid, which it is not- would not have been accepted either
because whilst it has the one barcode they said a valid ID should have, it is not fully laminated and lacks a hologram of the state seal
(the other two reasons I was given happened to be that my ID is not laminated -it IS, it's just not super shiny lamination- and lacked a state seal hologram)
which tells me... they aren't familiar with out of state IDs and the varying security features
now, this one I'm looking at is a bit older and not valid because it is expired, but thinking of my most recent one from that state... it does have the state seal, but it also has another holographic image
so now taking bets on if I could use the most recent one from that state... "It has other images on it. Not real."
(I mean, that one would be invalid anyways because there is a hole punched in it, but)
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