8 years ago
[new years/resolutions/2016] okay so two things I'm gonna do next year that I've sort of already started:
latest #18
8 years ago
Thing 1: I'm going to do at least 100 hours of meditation/mindfulness.
8 years ago
I've got a bit of a head start on this one with a little over an hour under my belt. But in that hour I've already started to feel diminished anxiety and increased Good Feelings.
8 years ago
And I have a handy app to keep me honest!
8 years ago
8 years ago
It's called Breathe, for anyone who is interested.
8 years ago
As you can see on 12/13 I felt awesome (I went to the craft store and bought materials for Christmas and bday presents)
8 years ago
Today I felt bleh because lol my period
8 years ago
I may do a little check in at every 10hr mark.
8 years ago
nice! i should download that
8 years ago
Thing 2: I'm going to attempt to do a project 365 where I write something of no less than 250 words every day for a year.
8 years ago
I've realized that it's a muscle that's not being fully served. Like I think I put too much pressure on myself that everything I wrote has to be Awesome and Perfect and Presentable, whatever that means.
8 years ago
So I'm trying to get over that bullshit.
8 years ago
Which is why, in addition to writing those 250 word Whatevers, I have to then post them on a public platform with no editing.
8 years ago
So yeah. That's the plan. Not sure how or where I'll post this stuff yet, but there you go.
8 years ago
seasalts: it's really awesome! It makes recommendations based on how you feel and keeps track of how you're doing!
oooooh that app sounds sooo great
♥ Michi ♥
8 years ago
Thank you for that app. I need to try and get into meditation. You cab really feel a difference?
Weh I don't think that app is on android
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