I'd ask about Superman, but your unpopular Superman opinion is that he's a great character I MEAN
I really like Sally Acorn. I liked her in SatAM, I liked her all the way through the pre-Flynn days of Archie. I like her Now. I think she's a better partner for Sonic than anyone else in that canon.
She gets a lot of hate which I think is super unjustified. For her time, especially, she was a great character concept and she's evolved nicely over time.
Hot dang, people hate her? Though I guess it makes sense. She gets a ridiculous amount of love from a lot of people and there's bound to be backlash D:
Oh man, yeah, she gets a lot of hate. XD
Sally has been getting a lot of hate from Sonic fans who believe the games are the one true canon, especially ever since Sonic Adventure came out and gave Sonamy fans more fuel.
It only got worse from there. There used to be entire communities online dedicated to hating Sally.
She's one of the most polarizing characters in the Sonic fandom as a result.
Back in the day, if you tried bringing up a Sonally or Sonamy discussion, you'd have armies of haters on either side jump into the fray.
Kitsunechu: Warcraft! It's really confusing! XD I had fun playing it for a little (Despite it giving me a headache. =/ ) But there's SO MUCH to keep track of that I had trouble keeping it all straight.
I wonder if that puts new players off - I think after a while it probably would become second nature, but it just seems super overwhelming at first.
New 52: My criticism of it will never end. But my most contentious point is this... Grant Morrison doesn't Get Superman.
People loved All Star Superman because it was a revival of a lot of fun Silver Age ideas and it had some awesome scenes in it. It was an interesting story in many ways.
But New 52.... look, when your Superman book is darker and more violent than your Batman book? You're Doing It Wrong.
I read in an interview he did where he was talking about the New 52 that he thought Superman had gone from being a street level vigilante into a symbol of right wing values.
Superman, as he existed pre-new 52, is about as far from right wing as you can get. Superman is EVERYONE'S hero. No matter your color, religion, national origin or place of residence he will fight for You.
In fact, it's actually funny, because in canon he and Lois have discussed voting. He wouldn't reveal who he voted for directly, but she voted for 'small government' and by the way he reacted to that, he didn't.
Superman is an illegal immigrant who's stealing American jobs in reporting and fighting villainy I mean
So, if you're trying to recast a hero as some kind of pinnacle of left wing values, having him running around beating the crap out of people... doesn't speak well to your view of what leftist values even are.
Grand Theft Auto... I don't really have an unpopular opinion because I love those games. XD V is one of my favorite games of all time, along with Vice City.
I guess if I WERE to have an unpopular opinion, it would be that IV wasn't that great.
Main character didn't really hold my attention for the little bit of it I played.