8 years ago
Would you go see a play performed in SL? Would you be in one? I wonder how a voice and SL animation performance would go...
latest #17
Alicia ✿
8 years ago
I went to see Hamlet performed years ago. It was awesome!
8 years ago
I dance in SL, same type of deal. It goes pretty well as long as the audience gets there early enough
8 years ago
... To get their viewers dialed in and the animations cached
delidearest says
8 years ago
yes! i've been to dance performances and i was just in awe. i do wonder about lag when the animations aren't in a queue.. and if its live voice. that syncing seems awfully hard
delidearest says
8 years ago
how was hamlet done? live animations and voice?
8 years ago
All those voice things are all prerecorded usually
8 years ago
Lag is a killer. Toggle and sync animations are your best friend
I am part of the Jewell Theatre for 4 years i think now
we do it in text and theatre play though, not with voice
because syncing would just be horror in addition to the regular lag
delidearest says
8 years ago
thats awesome! i would love to come see a show!
8 years ago
I went to a great production of Alice in Wonderland by the Avatar Repetory Theater a few years back. They do some brilliant work
delidearest says
8 years ago
great tip! I've joined their group so I can see the next one!
8 years ago
I have been to Romeo and Juliet by Basilique company, and a maiko ceremony celebration in a Japanese RP sim. All animated :-D
8 years ago
There has been a lot of great theater in SL over the years. Some was great, some not so much.
1angelcares says
8 years ago
I'm a professional actress in SL. I once did a live show. Pretty nervewracking, due to lag. It was an awesome show, though! Called "Ghost Pirates," directed by Cellandra Zon.
1angelcares says
8 years ago
Here's a trailer for it: Ghost Pirates
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