[RL] My mother tried to ask me questions about my trip to NYCC
latest #24
"Do you dress up like those people?"
"Those commies? The cosmocons?"
I'm like. Did you just call people who go to conventions commies? LMAO
Apparently we're all communists. And cosmonauts. Communist cosmonauts.
The best part is she had no idea what was so funny
I think she was trying to be all "in" and "hip with the lingo" so she just made up her own
While also having that "Ugh, those people" tone 8|
I told her some women dress up as male characters and visa versa and she looked horrified
Nope, commies. Apparently she had no idea what "Con" even stood for and she thought I'd been saying "Com" this whole time
Also cosmocons. I have no idea where that little gem came from, but it was hilarious
I think that's what she thought "comicon" was
It sounds like it would be full of cheap 80s special effects robots made out of cardboard boxes
And people wearing space suits made out of tin foil
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