Barnes shares
8 years ago

black friday sales! 50% off a lot of things! See the blog for more detailed information
latest #10
8 years ago
(p.s.) because im lazy and want to enjoy my turkey day everything will probably be marked down early haha)
woohoo! so getting myself the Hampton house cause I missed out when it was at Collab :-D
8 years ago
katrinaflowers: hope you enjoy! hamptons was the breakout star of 2015! best seller of the year (probably nothing will catch up at this point lol)
That's awesome! I just loved it when I seen it just haven't gotten it yet lol I am slooooow :-D
8 years ago
Barnesworth do you have snow roof coming for the hamptons cottage cause we are looking for the roof for that for our residential sim
8 years ago
Aurakins: 2015 prefab snow caps were released earlier this month, hamptons included! will be 50% off for this sale as well!
8 years ago
Funny, I'm in the middle of a Revenge episode. The Hamptons house totally looks like Emily's beach house. I would totally get it if it could fit on my land. Replurking instead.
8 years ago
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