8 years ago
[RP] So I've kinda been itching to getting back into a game somewhere. Only thing is: I want maybe some of you guys to be there (of course!) and don't want major AC stuff to worry about. Suggestions?
latest #74
8 years ago
I may potentially want to app an OC in the future, too, but unsure.
8 years ago
So, suggestions? Feel free to pitch the game any of you are a part of to me! I want to hear! c:
8 years ago
Seconding SR and Darkness. c:
8 years ago
I don't know much about Ico/Shadow of the Colossus... I do know KH, but never been a huge fan. What can you tell me about em, as far as how posting and story and stuff so far goes?
8 years ago
/meanwhile looks into them
picking fights with other castlemembers VOLGA AND RU NO
8 years ago
hehehe x3 Maybe I'll try SR! May even try an OC maybe? I dunno how well Aster would help in such an environment there. He's not exactly, uh. Good at survival.
8 years ago
Oh, for sure! And that's how I feel right now--ability to RP as I want, but no need for a minimum
it doesn't matter if aster is good at survival, we have a 7 year old
8 years ago
One OC I think about...I dunno how he'd fit in because he's a total dick and has...a bit much of powerful powers :l;
8 years ago
Oh? You'll have to hit me up when that's up, Joh!
8 years ago
Total dicks are so much fun to play. He's not evil, but just a dick.
8 years ago
Mostly it's the power level of the OC that worries me. I mean, I could always trim em down for ~plot reasons~ and give him access to almost none of em. Basically, in the world he's from,
8 years ago
people actually view him as a demigod (which is false) just b/c he has a lot of magical power stuff.
8 years ago
I'll do a brief summary of magic in the world he's from--there are 9 elements, aligned to white-class or black-class magic. Opposite magic schools are very similar (ie water and ice magic) but on opposite side
8 years ago
of the spectrum. Usually, people can use only a few, and the schools of magic they can use are right next to each other on the spectrum or the opposite of another they know.
8 years ago
This character is proficient in all 9. :l; He's meant to be a background character that helps to set the setting of the main series of stories I want to write.
8 years ago
But ideas and character development of said character amuses me. Or, conversely, I could app other OCs. Partially thinking maybe trying out a WoW character somewhere, who is a healer.
8 years ago
Any sort of characters SR is looking for? Roles, archetypes? What might be fun to interact with?
anything, really?
I'm playing a dragon and an entelexeia
8 years ago
...That is pretty awesome, not gonna lie.
8 years ago
Okay, I think you guys have sold my on SR, but I have to decide who to app in!
8 years ago
Oh? figures I just miss it haha When does it open again? :-o
8 years ago
Mmk! Now contemplating time...
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