8 years ago
People of Plurk. Is Fallout 4 a suitable jumping on point for the series or should I try and track down the first 3 first?
latest #6
8 years ago
While the others would be good to know in terms of flavoring (especially 3), it's not necessary.
8 years ago
Hmmm. I might try and find at least number 3 then.
8 years ago
You probably should try out New Vegas, too. 3 has the better story line but New Vegas has better companions and add-ons. I have a feeling you'd love Old World Blues.
8 years ago
Mad science! Floating brains in jars! Roboscorpions! Genocidal toasters! All in one place!
8 years ago
Ohhh things I definitely need in my life. Thanks for your help!
8 years ago
3 and Vegas were great, and if funds are a issue there used to be some pretty comprehensive playthroughs on YouTube with no commentary so you can just absorb the story
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