8 years ago
owlcoholic - Satu Plans
latest #37
8 years ago
...that should totally say Saturday...
8 years ago
8 years ago
Any updates on time from the parents? Applebes for dindins, yes?
8 years ago
also you totally did not give us Chippy, what did you do with your dog? he is not here.
nope no update but i dont imagine they will be here very late so yes, applebees!
are you enjoying chippy except not because he is not there
8 years ago
IF Chippy were here - and we're talking TOTALLY hypothetical, because we all know he is not here and therefor you have no reason to take him back - we would be having the most awesome times.
8 years ago
he would have been snuggled and pampered and played with. and finally learned where it is ok to poop.
8 years ago
and he would have met the baby elephant downstairs, and been very good in meeting her...especially since she was mildly terrified because she was recent bitten by a dog...
8 years ago
and he would be spending every available minute In Tha Crook. Because that is where Chippys belong.
8 years ago
If he was here. Which he is not.
hahaha of course
well i am glad that if you theoretically had chippy you would be having a good time
8 years ago
Indeed. Theoretically.
8 years ago
Just because I know Matt is going to ask me this tomorrow...wat time are we thinking for dinner?
i was thinking around 7, assuming parents arent a problem
if we dont hear from them by noonish we'll shoot them a txt to see when theyre going to be here
8 years ago
works for meeee and will be an acecptable answer for Matt. :-D I am excite.
8 years ago
I want a chippy :-(
errybody wants a chippy!
also the parents will be here between 4 and 5, so dinner around 6?
8 years ago
Sssssh jenn sneak away and being chippy up here
8 years ago
She'll never find him!!1
RuddyPup says
8 years ago
Miren, whatever do you mean? We have no Chippy. shhhh. We will bring him to you as soon as we can
RuddyPup says
8 years ago
Aiden, did you say something about games after dinner or am I remembering wrong?
yeah! we can do games after
though im actually a little bit tired for games.. what do you think about just coming over to hang instead, and we could maybe do games tomorrow, if you guys arent busy?
8 years ago
I'm definitely game for just hanging out...Matt might be a bit tired, he was up early, but I'll definitely be over after.
8 years ago a little more busy. we have food shopping and laundry to do...
8 years ago
though if I could bring laundry, that would make less stupid adult stuff and more fun times. :-D
haha that's perfectly fine, go ahead and bring it over if it makes it easier
you can always do your grocery shopping then pop over with your laundry after
8 years ago
:-D Yay, many thanks! Imma gonna start getting ready...have the parents shown up yet? Are we still on for dinner @ 6?
they will be here at 5:15! so 6 should probably be good yes.. maybe 6:15 to be safe
8 years ago
-pondering- well, we were not going to bring back Chip before dinner, so how about you txt when the rents leave and we'll head on over?
sounds good
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