Caligraphunky: You're hilarious - you have a dry, sometimes caustic wit that I love. Your observations on things are always interesting! And you're kind to spiders. The world needs more folks who are!
Mikenno: You are super sweet and amazingly creative! I always enjoyed RPing with you, it was always super fun, and I love your writing! (Obv.) You're just an awesome buddy to have!
Lizadow: Literally one of the nicest people I've had the pleasure of knowing. And you're super strong, too - The stuff you talk about dealing with sometimes would end me, and I have a lot of respect-
subwaymaster: Oh man, you're such a great artist! I always enjoy seeing your work and I still love the two times I got you as my Secret Santa! You're also funny and nice and just awesome!
TemporaryCancer: You Get Me. Mostly my love of shelled reptiles. I love how we can start talking about literally anything and then suddenly it's Turtel Power Hour. You're also super creative and great with-
G30FF: You're so cool. XD You know stuff about every geek topic ever and I've learned so much from you! I enjoy that we chat most days and it's always interesting!!
Kitsunechu: My Brother from a Different Mother! (And Father. And Country.) I always enjoy talking with you and chatting about anything and everything - you're so much fun! Always super nice, even when things-