[work] ...my now ex-coworker is a moron...
latest #16
how do you no-call/no-show three times in under two weeks when you only got the job cuz your mom is friends with the owner????
(ok, that, and yesterday when he wrapped the line, he did this...)
(for those of you who aren't familiar with food service... you don't wrap containers together! you wrap them separately!)
(wow. That's stupid)
(I find it hard to believe this guy had been a manager at one of his prior jobs...)
This stuff is why I have been absent from the internet scene xD
The struggles of being a trainer...
(must be a lie... or must have been chaos in his previous job)
sorry to hear that
8 years ago
I'm thinking his previous job MUST have been a case of high turnover in the staff... Cuz that is one of the few logical explanations
yes. That would seem likely. o.o
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