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shivers with the nips at his mouth, every touch making him more sensitive to Sadik's affections. With the increased pace he can't help but writhe beneath him, back arching in pleasure as the Turk continues
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to toy with that spot inside of him. "S-Sadik...." he stutters, stopping himself just short of pleading.
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's lips have curved back into a smirk as he hovers over the man's mouth. "Come for me, guzelim~ I want you to come a second time." And then afterwards he would fuck him senseless.
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can almost feel that smirk rather than seeing it, and he whimpers softly at the command, knowing he really would come like this. With Sadik's thick fingers pressing against him so quickly and insistently
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it's not much longer before he arches and tenses beneath him, coming against his stomach with an embarrassed cry of pleasure.
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withdraws his fingers after Francis has come. He moves away from him, disappearing for a brief moment before he's back with a bottle of oil and a cloth. He places the bottle down so he can clean off Francis'
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stomach. Then he's moving to settle over him, the bottle of oil back in his hand and he uncorks it dripping it on his hand. When he's poured enough he slicks it over his erection pumping at himself a bit to
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make sure he lubricates his entire shaft.
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gasps as Sadik pulls his fingers out of him, trembling slightly in pleasure still and slowly calming down as Sadik fetches the cloth and oil. He's trying to calm his breathing as he watches Sadik cleaning off
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his stomach, squirming slightly at the cool touch against his sensitive skin. He can't help but watch when the other pulls back and slicks himself though, cheeks red as he realizes how much he wants him
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inside of him.
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strokes himself for a bit longer before he's grabbing both of Francis thighs spreading them a bit wider and pushing them up. He shifts forward until the head of his cock is pressing against Francis' entrance. -
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hums as lowers himself a bit so he can place one of Francis legs over his shoulder as he grabs himself to press it slowly inside the man. He was being careful, even though he really shouldn't be.
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licks his lips as he watches Sadik, though when his legs are spread and he feels the tip of him pressing in he can't help but gasp, unintentionally tensing up a bit as he realizes quite how large the
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other is. He lets out a choked back sound as Sadik presses into him so carefully, on one hand glad he was being gentle with him, but on the other desperate for more and feeling every inch pressing
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into him slowly like that driving him a bit mad.
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can feel Francis clench around him and he lets out a small groan of pleasure. It's clear the man seems to be enjoying it and he doesn't even wait any longer as he pushes himself completely in. His eyes flutter
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shut for a second as he lets the warmth around his cock sink in. He doesn't wait to long before he's giving Francis a testing thrust and then he's pounding into the man. His pace nearly ruthless.
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trembles in pleasure as Sadik pauses deep inside him, feeling too full and too hot and overwhelmed already, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. He doesn't expect how quickly Sadik would start
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pounding into him though, crying out in surprise and arching against him, wrists pulling against the restraints as he simultaneously tries to pull away and yet push back against the cock inside of him.
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pauses for a second to fix their positioning before he's grabbing Francis hips and going at him all over again. He's grunting and groaning at the's been a while since he's felt so pleased by his
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sexual interaction.
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gasps as Sadik shifts them around, not getting much of a pause to breath before the man's pushing into him hard and fast again. He writes beneath him, making little choked back moans and not taking
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long before he's hard yet again. He turns to press his face against his arm both to try and muffle himself and to try and ground himself a bit, the pleasure the only thing he can think of.
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's cheeks flush as he keeps going. He'd held out for such a long time...well, it wasn't to say that he hadn't enjoyed a few women here and there but he had been holding out for Francis and it had definitely
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been worth it. Sadik grunts as he keeps going making sure to focus just as much on his own pleasure as Francis. He would be coming soon and that he knew.
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's cries are getting louder as he's lost to how good Sadik was making him feel, moving his hips back against him desperately as he's quickly brought again to his peak. He tenses and cries out Sadik's
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name as he's overwhelmed yet again by pleasure, coming hard as the Turk pounds into him.
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can't hold on longer as he feels Francis tighten around him when the mqn climaxes. Sadik's breath hitches
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as he pounds into Francis tight hole a few more times before he's unravelling with a groan. His body tenses as he ejaculates and then begins to relaxs
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the moment he's come down from his high. He knows better than to collapse on the tired Frenchman and so pulls himself out of the other man. -
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looks quite satisfied and taken by Francis' cries of his name. "If you behave I will bring you with me to wash."
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bucks and writhes beneath him as Sadik continues to thrust into him, tears slipping down his cheeks with how overwhelmed he is. When Sadik finally pulls out he groans, trembling in pleasure still as he starts
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to relax against the bed. "Please..." he breathes out after a moment in response to the offer, able to feel the man's come inside of him.
Sadik is
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not cruel and so he moves off the bed to untie Francis before he's pulling the man into his arms. There was no way he would take any chances with the Frenchman after he had tried to escape once before. He's
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gentle in the way he lifts him up off the bed and then proceeds to carry him towards an attached bathroom. The room was filled with steam and it looked more like a sauna then a bath. It was a large and it was
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clear that Sadik had made sure that it kept with a certain layout. He places Francis down before he's pulling a basin over to wash the grim and the cum leaking from his ass.
Francis is
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slow to move his arms down from their previous position, his muscles stiff from being tied like that for so long. He gasps as he's picked up though, embarrassed at being carried, but... at the same time, it was
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nice to not have to walk. His legs probably would be shaky after being fucked like that. The warm steamy room was a welcome change in atmosphere, and Francis marvels at how quickly he could relax in this
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environment, even despite being carried and how dirty he was. "Thank you," he says as Sadik brings over the water, reaching for the wash cloth from the basin.
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slaps Francis hand away and shakes his head. "No, I will do this." He says as way of explanation before he's reaching for the cloth and gently smoothing it over Francis shoulders. Once he's cleaned the area
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's lips follow after trailing over the washed skin. He moves one arm to pull Francis closer as he continues to wash him slowly.
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frowns as Sadik slaps his hand away. "I can really do it myself," he protests, hesitant to allow him to bathe him. He sits stiffly as Sadik starts to wash him, cheeks growing redder
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with the gentle touches and kisses. He feels rather awkward as Sadik pulls him closer, knowing they just fucked but really not understanding the sweetness now.
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wasn't being sweet, he was taking care of his position. He was taking what he wanted from Francis whether the man objected or not. "I know you can but I don't want you too." He says simple as he finishes
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scrubbing Francis down. "Plus, I'm not done with you yet."
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can feel his embarrassment at his situation growing as Sadik continues to scrub him down, deciding just to look at a spot off to the side and try to ignore it for the time being. He shivers with the threat in
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Sadik's last comment though, cheeks still red. "I'm not just a doll for you to play with, you know," he frowns, though still looking away from Sadik.
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quirks a brow. "No? Well, I can say that you're better than a doll. I imagine dolls don't really respond when you do this~" Sadik is standing again and he's pulled Francis back against him as he grasps the
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man's cock and begins to stroke it to life.
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gasps as he's suddenly pulled back against Sadik, squirming now in his grasps and letting out a shaky sound of pleasure at the hand on him. "S-stop that...!" he protests, grasping Sadik's wrist and trying
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to back away from the hand, though being trapped against the Turk just made sure he pressed against him more.
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looked quite amused. "You don't like it?" It wasn't as if he would stop if Francis said no. He could feel the man slowly react to him.
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whimpers softly, unable to help but grow hard in Sadik's skillful hand. "Y-you already had your fun..." he points out.
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tsks Francis. "It was a very short kind of fun." He says as he begins to guide Francis towards the pools. They could relax into them and not worry about making to much of a mess.
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hums in disapproval at his answer, gasping softly as Sadik releases his length. He's reluctant to be lead anywhere, but has to give in and be lead, walking awkwardly with his new problem.
Sadik is
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the first to step in as he moves away from Francis to submerge most of his body. He really liked having the pools regardless of the fact that they weren't entirely Turkish. He hums in pleasure his lips curved
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into what looked like an arrogant smirk as he waits for Francis to join him. He knew the man would because if he tried to leave it would not end well for him.
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hesitates slightly as Sadik sinks into the bath, knowing what the other had in mind, but the draw of a bath being too much to really deny. He steps into the bath carefully, ignoring Sadik's smirk as best
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he could and sinking into the water with a pleasant sigh.
Sadik gives
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Francis a few minutes to enjoy himself in the warm water before he's reaching for him and pulling the man towards him. "It feels nice, huh."
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had just managed to relax enough to close his eyes as he sinks down in the water before Sadik is pulling him closer. He hums in disapproval, trying to lean away from him while passively letting
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himself be pulled over. "The water does, yes," he answers.
Sadik was
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treating Francis like his toy. He was very much like a spoiled child in this sense. He's pulling the man against him as he nuzzles his face against the side of Francis face before nipping at his throat. His
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hands had wandered down to grope Francis ass. "But you feel much better especially pressed up against me."
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could tell that that's what Sadik thought of him as, and he hated it. He hated the fact that he liked Sadik's touches even more though, face going red again as he's pulled against him, inhaling sharply with
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the nip at his throat. "I preferred floating away from you, actually," he protests, trying to squirm away from the hands on him in embarrassment.
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laughs against his skin. "Your body says the exact opposite." He hums as he turns Francis in his hold and pins him against the wall, moving the man's blond hair to the side as he traces the length of the neck
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with the tip of his nose before taking a bit of the skin between his teeth and teasing it. His hands have moved to Francis hips holding him in place.
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flushes darker at Sadik's comment, and gasps as he's turned and trapped, Sadik's hands pressing his half arousal against the cooler tile of the bath wall and causing him to make a soft sound. He's unable to
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help but tilt his head for him, trembling slightly under the teasing but possessive mouth on his neck. He hesitates a moment before reaching behind him to try and push the larger man away. "I-I'd like to
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just enjoy a bath..." he protests, trying to stop them before he got too far again, wishing this situation was under his control instead.
Sadik was
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never the type to give anyone else control. The push from the Frenchman could hardly be considered a was almost a tap if even that. "You will, but not right now." He says his lips curving up as he
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shifts forward moving his hands up to grab both wrists and pin them against the edge of the bath. He bucks his hips forward teasingly trying to see what kind of reaction he would get from the man.
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gasps again as his wrists are grabbed and pinned against the wall as well, trying to jerk them free immediately upon instinct. He makes a soft sound of protest as Sadik bucks against him though, pressing his
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lips together to prevent himself from reacting too vocally... he had a feeling that's what Sadik wanted, and he wanted to try and control himself as much as he had right to at least.
Sadik was
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enjoying the challenge as he moves both wrist together so he can hold them with one hand before he's slipping his hand back into the water. He grasps Francis' erection stroking him slowly, and teasingly.
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can feel the flush creep down his shoulders as Sadik reaches down to stroke him, tensing up in an attempt not to react. His member quickly hardens in Sadik's teasing grasp though, giving him away
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easily as he keeps his mouth pressed shut.
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tsks loudly but moves his mouth to leave a mark on Francis shoulder as he begins to pump faster, relentless.
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tries to hold himself in but can't help but whimper as Sadik starts to mark him in addition to stroking him faster, biting his lip as he arches his back and his hips start to move with Sadik now instead of
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against him, silently begging for more.
8 years ago
~Time skip ~
8 years ago
's time as the Seljuk Empire was short lived. He had gone through more terbulant times before finally finding a leader worth following.
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| This was under the Osman family and he was effectively renamed the Ottoman Empire. His first major conquest being the city of Constantinople and the dismantling of the remains of Rome. Sadik continued to grow
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as time went on and so did his position as a threat to the west. Obviously that didn't stop certain other empires in striking relations with him. He was a force to be reckoned with and he quite enjoyed that.
8 years ago
(( Let me know if this is enough to go on. ))
Francis has
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been highly embarrassed to be rescued by Persia after weeks more of Sadik's treatment of him, his extended time in captivity having caused the impending alliance to fall apart thanks to doubt of how capable
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France was, even though it hadn't been a country issue but rather more of a personal one. The years had passed since then and Francis had continued to grow himself, making plenty of friends and enemies across
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Europe. It had finally been the humiliating Treaty of Madrid and the defeat at the Battle of Pavia that had pushed his king to seek help from a growing power of a Muslim country at last, an obvious
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controversy but a much needed ally to France.
Francis himself had finally been invited to come and meet the nation he would be allying himself with next, this time the deal almost entirely concrete
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before he had much of a say in it. He had heard many things about this Ottoman Empire though, and he had found himself incredibly interested to meet the man and cement the alliance. Francis looked around as he
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stepped out of his carriage at the palace he was meant to meet Ottoman in, taking in the gorgeous and strange architecture before looking around to the people that had been sent to greet him and his King.
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was there by his representative who would take his French counterpart to see the Sultan. it wasn't very common for the Sultan himself to greet at the gates, however, Sadik made
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it a point to know who was coming in and out. He was dressed in his usual outfit, one that covered him from head to toe even concealing his eyes as well as his mouth. He cut an intimidating figure and this was
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usually the case with such delicate matters such as forging alliances with non Muslim states. His gaze falls on Francis recognising him immediately despite the fact the man had grown since
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their last encounter. Sadik steps forward greeting the man. "Welcome to Istanbul." He greets his voice different now that he was not using Latin. "is it your first time?"
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blinks up at the large man covered completely that greets him, at once intimidated and yet rather curious who was under all that fabric. He smiles and greets him with respect, nodding to his question. "Thank
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you. I do believe this is the first time, and it is definitely the first time I've seen this palace. It looks truly beautiful," he compliments. He has a feeling this man was the Ottoman Empire himself, though
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he couldn't be 100% sure until they were formally introduced.. he had only had him described to him. Francis has absolutely no idea that the
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Seljuk Empire he had been held by all those years ago had turned into this more sophisticated and powerful Empire at all, and was equally unaware that the man in front of him knew exactly who he was already.
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does use his height to his advantage as he towers over the other. If he wasn't wearing so much Francis would have been able to see his smile which might have given him away. "While
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our officials talk I can show you around. The palace is very beautiful and then if you're not adverse I can show you Istanbul itself." He hums smoothly. -
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steps forward. "I'm the Ottoman Empire and I feel like it's safe to assume you're the French Empire." His lips curve into an amused smirk. "Shall we begin?" He's motioning
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towards the palace. It was quite the grand gesture.
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.feels small next to him, but he's not allowing himself to show that in his expression. He'd gotten much better at presenting himself confidently over the years as well, knowing now his personal actions can
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affect alliances too. "Nice to meet you, I am indeed the French Empire," he smiles confidently, unaware of the smirk beneath the man's mask. "I would love it if you could show me around," he agrees, almost
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feeling in awe of this mysterious man and how well he carried himself. "Please, lead the way," he agrees, knowing his king will be well attended to as he's lead to greet the Sultan instead.
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waits for Francis to step beside him before he's guiding him forward and explaining the courtyards before
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leading Francis inside to show him the kitchens and then take him to the Harem since most westerners were interested in that particularly. "And here we have the Harem where the women reside."
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follows him around gladly, paying half attention to the grounds and half to the man leading him. It occurred to him after a bit that there was something rather familiar about the man, but he couldn't place his
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finger on what would even give him that impression. He definitely hadn't met Ottoman before... and perhaps now he realized he should've done more research on his new alliance partner's past. Ah well,
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surely it was nothing. He blinks in surprise as they stop at the Harem though, cheeks slightly pink at what he knew about harems. "So the rumours are true then?" he asks before he can stop himself,
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quirks a brow but again that can't be seen. "The rumours?" He repeats but in a form of a question. He wasn't so aware of what the Christians spoke about except for
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the rumour about him being a monster...which was one that he quite liked because it kept a strange sort of fear-respecr for him. "What kind of rumours are being spread? I'm curious now." -
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hums as he glances behind him at the black Ennuchs guarding the Harem.
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hesitates as Sadik asks for confirmation, wondering if maybe he shouldn't have said something. "That.. you keep large groups of women to sleep with at your whim..." he answers, a bit unsure now.
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falls quiet to listen before he snorts at the hesitant answer. "Not all of them have sex. Some of them chose not too but yes the rumours are partly true." Sadik pauses for a
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second. "Does this interest you? This concept?"
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flushes at the confirmation. He personally found the idea intriguing of course, but the church... "...our religion doesn't really approve of such practices.." he answers, somewhat diplomatically.
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hums amused. "Your religion is boring."
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pulls his cover down so Francis can see his smirk. "If they weren't so strict and you weren't an infidel I could try and convince the Ennuchs to let us in."
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bristles at the boring comment, though his cheeks are still red at the possibility of sneaking in. "My religion is not boring, the connection between a man and a woman is a sacred bond meant for creating new
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life," he huffs. Which of course he struggled with following sometimes...
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is surprised to see Sadik's mask pulled down though, and the smirk just frustrates him more. "Your religion is hedonistic, that's all."
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doesn't seem to be even mildly offended by this. "Or we understand the better and simpler things in life." He pulls the cover back on. "Sacred bonds can be between anyone regardless of gender." He was sounding
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a little to in making his own rules but when did he not do this anyway.
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as a person of course had far too many experiences under his belt and his entire past to be a devout Catholic... but he still had to promote his country's ideals. "Hmm," he hums doubtfully in reply instead, a
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bit huffy now that the man had insulted his religion. "Perhaps for the sake of our alliance, it's best if we leave religion to the side," he offers in compromise.
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straightens his posture. "Naive. You and I both know that's what defines any alliance you European make with me but.." He tilts
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his head to study Francis. "For you and for today I will make an exception." Sadik's posture changes as he steps closer. "Tea? I'll have some of the women come and entertain us."
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's mouth tightens, doing his best not to scowl at him. "It's not like I don't know that. I'm simply suggesting that for the sake of small talk not turning sour, we avoid it," he crosses his arms, not backing up
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when Sadik steps closer, irritated now and not willing to back down despite how intimidating of a figure the man was. "Tea would be lovely," he answers, ignoring the rest of the offer, but red cheeks
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clearly showing he had heard it.
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grins under his cover as he motions Francis to follow. He leads the man into a large ample room with colourful mosaics and beautiful carpets. -
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In the middle was a short wooden table and around it were littered an assortment of pillows. Sadik is quick to move around the table and takes a seat. He makes
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a motion for a servant to prepare the tea before he's pulling the mouth cover down and ordering another to fetch some women. "Make yourself at home..." His brows knit
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together when he realises they haven't exchanged human names. "What's your human name?"
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follows after him, if only a little reluctantly, and can't help but silently admire the way the palace was decorated so lavishly and beautifully. He gracefully takes a seat amongst the pillows when Sadik offers
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him to make himself at home, finding the set up rather strange, and yet comfortable. He blinks at the question though, realizing he was correct. "Ah, my apologies. I am Francis Bonnefoy," he replies,
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extending his hand for a handshake.
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takes the hand and shakes it firmly. "Adnan." He returns being very careful about concealing his first name. "Please is all mine." He smirks before the
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tea is being set in front of them as well as sugar. "It's Ceylon. It might be too strong for you."
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pulls his hand back after the shake with a pleasant smile. "Adnan," he repeats to confirm. "Pleased to meet you," he finishes out of habit, despite the fact he found this meeting rather more awkward than
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normal. He hums as the tea is set in front of them, a confident look on his face. "I'm sure it's fine,"he answers. "Tea has become quite popular in my house lately, all the nobles seem quite taken with it."
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hums as he adds quite a bit of sugar to his own. The tea had been brought out in these beautiful glass cups with a metal handle attached to it's neck which added to
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it's beauty because of the intricate design of the metal. He's stirring the sugar in just as the first set of woman come in dressed in clothes that
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revealed their stomachs. Sadik glances at Francis to catch his expression. "They're very good dancers. Don't touch any of them." He makes sure to warn.
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watches Sadik, adding the same amount of sugar to his own tea before trying a bit... ugh, it was definitely too strong for his taste.. but he wasn't going to let that show. "It's delicious.. and I quite like
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the cups you use," he compliments instead, though his attention being caught by the women entering the room. His face flushes red to his ears, and he's clearly embarrassed but also highly interested. He risks
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a glance at Sadik, unsurprised but still embarrassed to catch him watching him. "Uhm, noted..." he replies, turning his gaze back to the women but trying to act a bit less obvious about it.
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looks highly amused by Francis flush and possibly lie about liking the tea. He doesn't really give that much of a reply as his gaze falls back on the women. -
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leans back comfortably bringing his tea cup with him as he admires their sensual movements. It was an art art of seduction.
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sits up straight still amongst the pillows... he didn't really feel comfortable yet relaxing as such, especially with a cup of hot tea. He watches the show with much interest though, slowly sipping his tea and
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only half noticing the strength thanks to being completely distracted by the lewd display.
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wouldn't call it lewd. They were dancing it was an art form and it was certainly entertainment. Really, he's watching Francis more than he's watching the women. He can see them whenever he wants, however, this
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man, he could not. And it was interesting that he could not recognize him granted he was completely covered. He had almost been certain his voice would give him away. Sadik does watch as one girl makes her way
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over to Francis and begins dancing right in front of him. He had told Francis not to touch but the girls were free to do as they pleased.
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still thought it lewd.. there was a lot more skin and sensuality than he was accustomed to in dancing, even with his own more liberal views. Sadik's voice would probably click the moment he sees his face, but
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for the moment he's blissfully unaware, if not creeped out a little because he can still feel the masked man's eyes on him. He blinks as the dancer comes closer, sitting up a bit stiffer as his cheeks
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darken. He's trying not to make a fool out of himself but his eyes are glued to the beautiful woman's every movement.
Sadik thinks
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he kind of is with how flushed he's getting. It was like he'd never seen a woman before. Wow! Europeans were the strangest bunch. Filthy and prudish. He really wondered how he managed to have so much fun with
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them. Oh right! It was moments like this. Sadik does say something in Turkish to the woman and she glances over giving him such a seductive smile before she's grabbing Francis' glass and placing it aside so
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she can straddle him as she gently runs her hands all over him. Sadik was glad Francis couldn't see his face because this was beyond amusing. If the Frenchman had been red from the dancing alone he can't
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imagine what these actions would cause.
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glances over at Sadik when he speaks, though he obviously doesn't understand the words. He's then surprised when the glass is plucked from his hand and the dancer slides into his lap, her hands running over
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him and the effect of that seductive grin going straight... well, down. His own hands hover awkwardly now without the glass to close around... did the no touching rule still exist? Surely if she was getting
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this close, it couldn't... His face still betrayed how embarrassed he was, but he tries to swallow his nerve, already figuring out that Sadik must be judging his reactions. He can't help but lean a
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bit into her touches, laying a gentle hand down on her thigh jut for the contact and murmuring a compliment on her beauty just loud enough for her to hear. He'll be damned if he let the other man get the
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best of him...
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smirks under the cloth covering his mouth. "Cautious. Not bad." He hums in a very teasing tone. He was definitely judging and making fun of Francis. "But she doesn't seem pleased that you aren't giving her
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more attention. Are all Europeans this prudish." He wondered if Francis would be frustrated by his contradiction of not wanting her to touch the women. He hoped the man brought it up later.
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can feel his face heat from indignation this time, rather than just embarrassment, with Sadik's contradiction. He decides not to respond to him, instead taking that as a sign he was indeed allowed to touch
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and Sadik was messing with him. His hand slides up to her (bare!! goodness) waist with a slightly more confident touch, gently pulling her closer and murmuring compliments and encouragements as his
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other hand slides up her thigh. Sure, the church would highly frown upon this.. but he couldn't let Sadik win.
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rolls his eyes despite it not being visible. "Is this how you go after your conquests? Europe seems quite boring if you were able to conquer most of it. I'm almost tempted to tell my sultan that dealing with
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the French is a bad idea."
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frowns at that, having to pull his attention away from the woman in his lap, though his hands still on her. "Women are not conquests," he scolds. Sure many he knew disagreed, but he personally had never
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bought into that idea. "I will not treat them as such." Having been a conquest too many times to track, he had absolutely no desire to make any human feel that way.
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looks positively amused. "Do continue then." It was hard to hide the mirth in his tone. He moves forward to pour himself some more time before he's getting comfortable. He had asked the black ennuchs to gather
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the rest of the women and send them back to the harem. When they were done with this one, he would have his fun with Francis. It has been much to long.
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frowns at him a moment longer before turning his attention back to the woman, apologizing and continuing his more gentle form of seduction. She seems to be amused by it as well, playing along with him and
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surprising him by arching her back as she peels off her top, leaving Francis with her bare chest in his face. He blushes red anew, sliding his hands up her sides appreciatively as he leans in to see if she
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would allow him a kiss.
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leans further back quite relaxed and enjoying the show. The woman does indeed grant him a kiss as she leans close cupping his cheek before kissing him deeply. She rolls her hips on top of him which Sadik -
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applauds her for it silently. If he manages he'll call her away but he's almost tempted to see how Francis performances with a woman. He's quite familiar with how the man reacts to his own touches.
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hums softly as she kisses him, pressing closer and kissing her back sweetly but passionately. He can't help but make a pleased sound as she grinds down against him, his hands exploring more now to please her
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in return, running a thumb over her nipple as his other hand presses teasingly under the waist of her bottoms. He's rather turned on now, highly embarrassed and anxious that Sadik was sitting there watching
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them so calmly, but a little too wrapped up in the woman on his lap to stop. He breaks the kiss to instead trail his lips down her jaw teasingly now.
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places his tea glass on the table before he's laying down and enjoying the show. He wanted to watch he Francis fucks. H e had been privy to watching and so it took him a bit before he was completely turned on
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but he was greatly enjoying the sight.
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and the woman continue to tease and touch each other, the dancer decidedly taking control since Francis was still unsure about Sadik watching them and how far they should actually go. He gasps as she
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starts pulling his clothes open though, kissing him again as she pulls his erection from his pants and strokes him insistently. Francis groans, glancing haphazardly to the intimidating figure still clearly
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watching them as the woman pauses to slide off her pants. "U-uhm, shouldn't we move somewhere more private?" he asks her under his breath, cheeks red as she's now suddenly naked in front of him.She just laughs,
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cupping Francis's cheeks and holding him close as she slowly lowers herself again, rolling her hips against his once she's back in his lap to distract him before asking Sadik the same question, in a more
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teasing tone.
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had pulled down the cloth over his face as he gives the harem woman a lazy smirk telling her in Turkish that he was more than happy to watch. He also tells her that Francis makes beautiful sounds when pleasured
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right which has the woman giggling and curious about whether that was true or not. Sadik was hard at this point but it wasn't obvious because of the clothes he was wearing which he used as an advantage in this
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can't help but lean in close to her, peppering a few kisses along her collarbone as she tangles her fingers in his hair while her and Sadik talk. He can feel the giggle more than he hears it, and he glances
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over at Sadik in indignation, wondering what the heck they were saying. Obviously it was about him. Any protest he's about to mutter stops though when she takes him in hand against, kissing him deeply
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as she lowers herself onto his length. The pair groan in in pleasure, Francis obviously getting the hint that the answer was no, they were not moving anywhere private. He bucks up against her as she rides him,
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eventually having to part from each others lips and Francis starts acting a bit more dominant at last, less aware of the eyes watching him and more focused on pleasing her now. After a bit more of this he
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shifts to flip them over, laying her against the pillows instead as he thrusts into her, leaning in to kiss and nip at her chest but careful not to leave marks.
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| When Francis stops worrying about Sadik watching the Turk does slip his hand into his pants to take a hold of himself and stroke himself lazily as he watches. It's been a long long time since he's seen that
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skin and body and he can tell it's grown since the last time. His gaze his sharp as he notices that Francis is careful not to leave marks. Good, the man learned quickly.
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simply knew the dancer was not his to claim. His attention is completely focused on her now, thrusts getting faster as her tries to push them both to completion. He slips a hand between them to rub at her clit,
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causing her to arch in pleasure beneath him. Together they make quite a beautiful sight and many good sounds, and all too soon they both find themselves giving in to the pleasure, Francis coming with
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a lewd moan muffled against her skin and her crying out in pleasure and tugging his blonde hair in her distraction.
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| It was such a beautiful performance that Sadik stops stroking himself to sit upright. He lets out a soft hum as he catches the woman's gaze telling her she's done well but that now it was his turn. She
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flushes lightly at the thought before giving Francis a small peck to the lips. She slips away from him grabbing her clothes as she heads out making sure to close the door behind her. "I'm impressed. You
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performed very well. Not as boring as I thought." He smirks. "Tell me, how did that feel?"
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would've been content to relax with her some more, a look of disappointment on his face as she gets up to leave them alone. He glances back at Sadik, trying not to let the embarrassment return now that he was
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once again aware that Sadik had watched them the entire time. He does sit up though, hands in his lap as he casually tries to feel less exposed now. "She's wonderful," he answers instead of answering the
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question literally. "Do you always get off on watching other people?" he asks with a tint of a frown at Sadik's hidden insult.
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chuckles. "I haven't got off yet. Guess not exciting enough despite my surprise." He's certainly taking in the sight. "But you can definitely help me as a way of solidifying our relations."
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can feel the flush rise back to his cheeks with Sadik's words, hesitating somewhat. There's something familiar about the way the other was teasing him that was unpleasant. "I'm not sleeping with you unless you
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at least show me yourself," he protests.
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tsks at the protest. "Let's play a game then. You show me what you have learned from my dancers and I will slowly show myself to you, deal?"
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hums suspiciously at him, feeling more embarrassed at the request. "You want me to dance for you?" he asks hesitantly.
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's lips curve up. "I want to see what you know by starting of in dance." He answers slightly cryptically.
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frowns at him, staying where he is a moment longer. He didn't really think this set up was fair... but he definitely wanted to see who was under that mountain of fabric. He decides at last to stand up,
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nodding. "Fine, I'll play your game," he answers, not bothering to pull his clothes back on to pretend he wasn't embarrassed about it. He tries to remember how the dancers had moved when they
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first started, awkwardly mimicking it. If he was going to do this he might as well get it over with.
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laughs at the attempt. "I'm feeling bad for you not turned on. At this rate I'll go limp sooner than you can blink." He's getting up as he moves around Francis so he can take hold of the man's hips. He's
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pulling the Frenchman back against him and demonstrating the way his hips were supposed to move with his own. "Can you feel the difference?" He breathes against Francis' ear. "You Europeans are terrible at all
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the important things except for that Spanish guy."
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can feel his face heat up in indignation with Sadik's criticisms, crossing his arms. "Well excuuse me for not taking a dance class beforehand," he frowns, watching the larger man stand to join him. He gasps
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as Sadik pull him back against him, cheeks flushing worse both at the way his hips move against his, but also at the way the man felt even larger pressed against his naked form. He can't help but move his
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hips with the motion though, a shiver running down his spine at the low voice in his ear. "S-shut up," is all he manages to think of as a comeback.
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forcefully grinds Francis hips against his groin. "I guess love and seduction don't go hand and hand." He continues before he's letting go and making his way
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back to his seat. "Now seduce me properly."
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can't help but gasp as he's forced to grind back against the larger man, cheeks flushing darker at the comment. "It's hard to seduce someone you have no desire to seduce," he spits back, embarrassed by the
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challenge and the thinly veiled insults. "But fine," he huffs, taking a breath before relaxing to try again, doing better this time, refusing to let himself be insulted like that.
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tsks. "It's not me that needs this alliance." He says simply. "You're free to go if that's what you really want."
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frowns, knowing Sadik had a point. He had hoped the other wouldn't have known the full extent of it, but apparently he was going to use it to his advantage... Francis was getting a bad feeling about
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this alliance. He swallows his pride though, knowing he was in serious trouble if he didn't. "What would you have me do then, monsieur Adnan?" he hums, swaying his hips as he steps closer. "Beg?" he hums,
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sweeping into a low and graceful bow in front of Sadik that showed off the arch of his back well, his movements more ballet than bellydancer, but still sensual.
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did like the sound of that. Begging. It would look so good on the have him grovel for his alliance and then seal the deal properly. His gaze is fully on Francis especially the way he was moving.-
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grins as he quirks a that went unseen due ot his mask. "Yes, beg for me~" He practically purrs in a low voice.
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's ecxpression tightens when Sadik agrees... really, he should have known better than to suggest his own humiliation to the man by this point. "Ah..." he hesitates, drawing himself up from his bow and
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pausing a moment before letting out a little defeated breath. "...p-please, Monsieur Adnan, The Republic of France is here to toss himself at your feet," he starts, taking a feww steps forward before
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gracefully falling to his knees in front of the other. "I beg of you for you help in my country's time of need..." he pauses, mouth tightening into a thin line as he bows his head enough to hide the expression
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on his face. "....I-I'll do anything for you, in return," he finally manages to say, as much as it hurt him to.
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sits straighter up as Francis throws himself at his feet. This view was also good of the man and he knew that he was far from happy with what he had been made to do. Sadik was fully aware that he was being
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quite manipulative...but he'd never been anything less than that in his entire existence...except when he'd been under Rome. "Anything?" He asks wanting to hear Francis say it again. "And look at me when you
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tenses in his spot, hesitating at the obviously interested tone to Sadik's voice. He really didn't want to offer anything, but he would be in big trouble both personally and nationally if he didn't have this
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alliance. He takes a breath, trying to erase the displeased look off his face before he looks up. "Anything, mon cher," he answers as he looks up to the intimidating man, doing his best to look every bit as
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pleading as he was sure he wanted.
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