Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
sometimes i just look at my schedule and think "oh shit. oh-- OH SHIT. OH wait... nope. SHIT."
latest #53
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
i keep stacking things one after another and they're all POINTLESS but i really don't like missing deadlines (yet i miss 100% of my deadlines and just move them every time)
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
and i've now come to the end of the year and i'm like I HAVE 5 THINGS TO DO BEFORE THE END OF THE MONTH WHICH IS 2 DAYS AWAY
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
obviously that's not gonna happen but yeah
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
first thing: finish this supernatural/harry potter crossover fic that's currently 85k and will probably be 100k when it's done
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
second thing: finish editing the fic i only signed up to illustrate but edited just because i couldn't bear to see all the typos and grammatical grossness
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
third thing: finish the fic that was due like two months ago, because my posting date is in one month and my betas really need to help me with a fuckton of crap and they can't do that if it's not done
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
in the meantime: gotta update that fic about fairies that my sister keeps asking for more of, she sits there at dinner re-reading the same three chapters over and over because apparently it makes her happy??
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
also in the meantime: finish my 1940s AU that I paused to write my HP/SPN AU
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
then i need to immediately begin a christmas fic
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
THEN get back to the commission fic that my friend commissioned like two fucking years ago oh my god
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
and also this summer i want to do up my room, finally, after so many years
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
my mother had to clean it last week because something died in here and we couldn't find it
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
and it's so clean right now and i love it
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
but anyway
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
all the things listed above, except the commission fic, need to be done before the end of the year
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
what is that, 63 days? 64? NOT ENOUGH DAYS.
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
oh and i failed to mention that during this time, i also need to write a few shorter fics because i haven't updated in a month and my goal for this year was to update every 2 weeks
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
which i've mostly kept to, except when i pause 40k fics to write 100k fics
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
i have a problem
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
i love this problem
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
this is sO MUCH FUN
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
generally people seem to have difficulty making their word counts go up, i have a problem keeping mine down
The Wiccan
8 years ago
That is the best kind of problem - too many words that want out of the brain
The Wiccan
8 years ago
(Also wow that's a lot of writing!!!)
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
body = 0/10 ; brain = 200,000/10
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
mental health = 5.10
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
i had a random tantrum like a 3-year-old the other day because my dad wanted to borrow my laptop for an evening to do a presentation at a meeting
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
could NOT handle that idea
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
screaming and crying and rolling around on the floor until i felt gross and had to take a shower
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
and by that point i was just laughing because what the fuck??? emotions???????/
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
and i was researching autism today for my current story and yet again i'm reassured that 100% of this is caused by my being hella autistic and being incapable of handing change in routine
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
i cannot quite understand why it took 21 years for me to figure out BY MYSELF that i'm autistic?? why has the health system of 2 different countries failed me so, i wonder
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
but i will note that my mother remained calm and smiled throughout that entire tantrum, which made it easier to deal with. we went to a seminar thing about panic attacks a few weeks ago
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
and she learned that the best way to calm someone down from a panic attack is just to act calm
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
and she apologised for that time i had a panic attack and she spent the whole time yelling at me
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
and she was great this time. i mean i threw a water bottle at her but she picked it up later and washed it and brought it back and i gave her a hug
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
she's so wonderful, i appreciate her ability to learn stuff a lot
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
also i really probably need to see someone about this
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
eh.... hhehhhh
The Wiccan
8 years ago
Your mum is pretty cool <3
The Wiccan
8 years ago
Whereas mine is trying to force me to exercise and give up sugar, while simultaneously denying she's ever called me fat
The Wiccan
8 years ago
Plus she's not going back to work next year so that means approx 6 months with her around home...
The Wiccan
8 years ago
If I don't get a job and move out, I am going to come seriously close to violence or at least a screaming match..
Brdcrumb Lion@
8 years ago
your mother is X-(
The Wiccan
8 years ago
Uh huh
The Wiccan
8 years ago
This morning was a repeat lecture featuring a new point (of bullshit) about how I "need more of a social life"
The Wiccan
8 years ago
Along with the "why don't you take pride in yourself? Why don't you seem very happy at the moment?" bla bla bla
The Wiccan
8 years ago
Well hmm let's see, probably because I can't share my actual hobby with her (writing) because she'll scoff and tell me it's stopping me meeting people
The Wiccan
8 years ago
like what if I don't want to meet people atm? Nope, apparently not an option...
The Wiccan
8 years ago
ranting mutters
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