I had someone complaining and rating 1 star on marketplace over a demo that I could have easily helped them with.
I sent the demo to them again in world (the same demo, no changes) and it works fine.
I think there's a sense of entitlement from some people that if they are buying something any issues are unacceptable, I don't get the mentality either
Because doing it through IM's or email means you don't get attention
some people are just
Just an alternative to consider: many people are afraid to contact designers. Sometimes there are complicated instructions on profiles that can be intimidating. Sometimes they see designers complaining
about customers here and other places so they become afraid. Instead of being direct they take the easy, indirect route. It isn't good but I can see how it happens
Not saying any of this applies to you personally, I am sure it doesnt. But consider that not all customers who do this are assholes. Sometimes they are fearful of the reaction so they take a passive aggressive
path. Also? Sometimes people are just jerks.
Not all creators receive complaints well either. The Internet Fuckwad Theory applies to everyone, including SL designers. That's all I am saying.
I don't even think most people who do this are jerks. I think they just don't consider the consequences or consider the possibility that they might be wrong about what's "wrong" with the product.
everyone needs to assume good will. Including customers
they need to assume I wouldn't sell something that is as broken as they think it is, at least not deliberately, and give me a chance to fix it.
but the same thing happens to me Sachiv. User error, one star, I help them as soon as I see it. All better, some can't be bothered to change the rating, or take multiple requests from me before they do.
I've ranted on my own timeline about it. I wish the rating system was better.
I think some of my one-stars are other creators trying to bring my ratings down. "It doesn't work" when I know it does. "It's blurry" when I know it's not.
It's hard 'cos I'm Marketplace only.
So, sometimes it's just assholes being assholes I think.
I'd hate to think other creators would even do that Alaska
I don't get people sometimes
I bet it happens. Internet Fuckwad Theory in action again
and you know, it's a disease, it spreads. People get undeservedly low ratings, and they turn around and rate the competition down falsely, just to level the playing field. And unless you have enough generous
happy customers who will take the time out to rate and wash those out, they do a ton of damage. I see so many creators mention it, big and small. The ratings are not working
I have never, ever felt the need to leave a negative rating. Every complaint I've had has been addressed by just contacting a vendor. But I don't bother to leave a lot of positives either
we should all resolve to do that more. Take the time to rate things positive that we are happy with, to wash out some of the manipulation
The other issue is that you aren't real. You are an NPC in their game. I see game devs getting the same levels of abuse you guys in SL who create content take. Toddlers screaming over trivia.
If they drop you a notecard or send an IM, that is acknowledging that you are a real person. If they just scream abuse at you in forums or leave nasty feedback you can safely remain a non-person.