Sachiv says
9 years ago
I don't get people sometimes, why do folks complain on marketplace or on plurk instead of talking to a creator if they think there is a problem?
latest #28
Sachiv says
9 years ago
I had someone complaining and rating 1 star on marketplace over a demo that I could have easily helped them with.
Sachiv says
9 years ago
I sent the demo to them again in world (the same demo, no changes) and it works fine.
Wavie Haller says
9 years ago
I think there's a sense of entitlement from some people that if they are buying something any issues are unacceptable, I don't get the mentality either
9 years ago
Because doing it through IM's or email means you don't get attention
Sway Dench
9 years ago
some people are just
Kalli (& Tibbs)
9 years ago
9 years ago
Just an alternative to consider: many people are afraid to contact designers. Sometimes there are complicated instructions on profiles that can be intimidating. Sometimes they see designers complaining
9 years ago
about customers here and other places so they become afraid. Instead of being direct they take the easy, indirect route. It isn't good but I can see how it happens
9 years ago
Not saying any of this applies to you personally, I am sure it doesnt. But consider that not all customers who do this are assholes. Sometimes they are fearful of the reaction so they take a passive aggressive
9 years ago
path. Also? Sometimes people are just jerks.
9 years ago
Not all creators receive complaints well either. The Internet Fuckwad Theory applies to everyone, including SL designers. That's all I am saying.
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
I don't even think most people who do this are jerks. I think they just don't consider the consequences or consider the possibility that they might be wrong about what's "wrong" with the product.
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
everyone needs to assume good will. Including customers
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
they need to assume I wouldn't sell something that is as broken as they think it is, at least not deliberately, and give me a chance to fix it.
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
but the same thing happens to me Sachiv. User error, one star, I help them as soon as I see it. All better, some can't be bothered to change the rating, or take multiple requests from me before they do.
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
I've ranted on my own timeline about it. I wish the rating system was better.
9 years ago
Well said! I agree 100%
Alaska says
9 years ago
I think some of my one-stars are other creators trying to bring my ratings down. "It doesn't work" when I know it does. "It's blurry" when I know it's not. :'-( It's hard 'cos I'm Marketplace only.
Alaska says
9 years ago
So, sometimes it's just assholes being assholes I think.
Sachiv says
9 years ago
I'd hate to think other creators would even do that Alaska
Sachiv says
9 years ago
I don't get people sometimes
9 years ago
I bet it happens. Internet Fuckwad Theory in action again
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
and you know, it's a disease, it spreads. People get undeservedly low ratings, and they turn around and rate the competition down falsely, just to level the playing field. And unless you have enough generous
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
happy customers who will take the time out to rate and wash those out, they do a ton of damage. I see so many creators mention it, big and small. The ratings are not working
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
I have never, ever felt the need to leave a negative rating. Every complaint I've had has been addressed by just contacting a vendor. But I don't bother to leave a lot of positives either
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
we should all resolve to do that more. Take the time to rate things positive that we are happy with, to wash out some of the manipulation
8 years ago
The other issue is that you aren't real. You are an NPC in their game. I see game devs getting the same levels of abuse you guys in SL who create content take. Toddlers screaming over trivia.
8 years ago
If they drop you a notecard or send an IM, that is acknowledging that you are a real person. If they just scream abuse at you in forums or leave nasty feedback you can safely remain a non-person.
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