8 years ago
sat in the steamy room of the Hamam, playing with the Kese on his right hand as he waited for his next customer. The head honcho had made a fuss of picking out a Tellak for this fella, looking through the_
latest #155
8 years ago
Records for a fresh, but talented recruit. And it had somehow ended up being him. Although, there had been a lot of muttering about the colour of his hair, from what_
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Little he could understand. He sighs, left hand coming up to tug at a short strand. Since arriving here, he had come to see it as a curse.
8 years ago
's thoughts are broken by the sound of bare feet against the marble floors. He moves to stand, back straight as he waits to see what all the fuss was about.
8 years ago
was by far one of the pickiest bathers in the entirety of the Ottoman Empire. it was always a problem to please him because he had peculiar taste in aspects of
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his life that he probably shouldn't but honestly the man didn't care. When life was filled with stresses of ascension and what was to happen next and how to deal with the
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Christian powers Sadik needed breaks. That was why he had gotten rid of the last Tellak and asked for a new one...with better skills. -
8 years ago
hums lightly as he enters the steaming room only a towel wrapped around his waist. he was well built and he was certainly not like any of the other's Gregory probably had to
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deal with. He's quick to take a seat as he motions the young man to come towards him to get to work.
8 years ago
Raises an eyebrow as the man walks in like he owns the place, gesturing to him like a dog on a leash. He humours the man for now, eyes falling on the expanse_
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Of the man's chest. A man who has probably seen a few battles, but he had seen bigger men back when he was a mercenary. He waits for the_
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Man to lie down before reaching for the first bucket of boiling water and pouring it slowly over the man's back. This part had become so routine to him_
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That he can let his mind wander on other subjects. Such as... What would this customer be looking for, when the pleasantries were over. The thought alone makes him shudder as he reaches for a second bucket.
8 years ago
's gaze is on Gregory as he watches the young man make his way over to him. his eyes roam over the body and it's not quite
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clear what he's thinking. His lip curves up in a lazy smirk before he's taking position for the wash and message. Sadik places his face on his crossed arms as he hums lightly.
8 years ago
"What's your name?" He asks curious
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Looks up with the question, eyebrows furrowing briefly before he stands again. 'Gregory,' he answers, letting the boiling water run over the man's shoulders and down his back before moving_
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Onto his legs. This is probably the first time he has been asked his name, the question unsettling him a little. Not even his boss has asked... 'Why?' He asks, before_
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He can stop himself.
8 years ago
quirks a brow at not only the reply but the question in turn. "Because I like to know the name of the person touching me. Where are you from? Your Turkish is not very good."
8 years ago
Bites his tongue, having to think of a politer reply as he begins to rub the man's body with the Kese, aiming to rid him of dead skin. 'Scotland.'
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pauses as he takes the information in. "This explains your fair skin and red hair." He hums his tone a little Husky probably due to the message.
8 years ago
Snorts under his breath, rolling his eyes as works the Kese into the knots he finds along the man's back. 'You forgot the colour of my eyes.'
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laughs. "We have similar eye colour." He says as he groans a bit when a knot is being pressed against. He was quite tense due to the palace life.
8 years ago
Pauses for a moment, internally questioning that before he continues on. He hadn't noticed his eye colour. One thing he had noticed however was how warm the man's_
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Laugh sounded. A stark difference to the cold indifference of most of his customers. He takes some time to work out the various knots, biting his tongue to stop himself_
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From laughing at the man's groans.
8 years ago
can hear Gregory stifle his laughter. "You find this funny, kid?" He grunts when another knot is dug into. Damn...he needed to do this more often.
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Stops short, a spark of fear running through him. 'No...?' He offers, having only really picked up on the fact that he was getting told off.
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glances over his shoulder at Gregory which reveals to the young man sharp green uncommon trait for a Turk. "No or yes?" He asks mostly to be
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petulant and because he liked making people feel uncomfortable. The boy probably had no idea who he was dealing with.
8 years ago
notices the eyes first of all, feeling somewhat exposed under their sharpness. He doesn't step down under the gaze however, standing his ground. 'I didn't understand the question.'
8 years ago
Looks irritated. This man seems to be an expert at getting underneath people's skin.
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is not only an expert but a professional in the field. "I asked if you found this funny and you answered uncertaintly so is it yes or no. Commit to your answer."
8 years ago
's eyebrow twitches, hands forming small fists at his sides. 'Yes, I found it funny.' He moves to grab the bucket of soap, hoping that was the end of that conversation.
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At this point, he found the other more irritating than scary, although perhaps that would have changed if he knew who he was dealing with.
8 years ago
| Typically, anyone who would have received such a reply would have been offended but Sadik's expression lightens and he looks effectively amused. "Is that so?" He hums lightly before
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turning back around so Greg could finish his washing. He really did love it when people didn't know who he was, it made it that much easier to play around.
8 years ago
Looks surprised when Sadiq's expression lightens, wondering if there was something a little off about the man. Usually, he would have gotten a beating_
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For that kind of response. When the other lies down, he begins to lather his cloth and work on scrubbing the man down, proving to be rather talented and able when a bit of elbow grease was needed.
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'What's your name?' He eventually asks, thinking it only fair.
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closes his eyes and enjoys the treatment. The last boy had been horrid as his job as a Tellak. "Sadik." He says simply. He wasn't sure if that meant anything to the boy and he kind of hoped it didn't.
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Doesn't seem to react violently to it, quietly saying the name to familiarise himself with it. 'Nice to meet you,' he murmurs eventually, just as he's finishing off.
8 years ago
doesn't really hang out as he rolls over and pushes himswlf up in a sitting position. again, he's studying Gregory. "Have you also seen war?" He asks curiously his voice carrying a hint of interest.
8 years ago
Lifts a bucket of cold water to wash the man off, slowly letting it run over his shoulders and down his back. He's aware of the eyes on him, looking back in defiance. 'How do you think I ended up here?'
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's lips quirk. "There are other ways but your body structure says you have. Quite well developed too." He hums again taking in the other's body. He gets up now done...
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well with no time to spare. "Maybe I'll see you again." He hums.
8 years ago
Perhaps looks most surprised at this point, a look of relief washing over his features as he realises this was the actual end. 'I'll be waiting here.' Probably. Unless he did something stupid.
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doesn't say more and with that exits. He would be back and he would make sure Gregory was here waiting for him.
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Follows him to the door, waiting until the other is out of sight before returning back to the room and attempting to relax.
8 years ago
comes back several months later. He had been in charge of squashing a revolt in the Balkans and had been injured in the process. He wasn't completely healed but he didn't give a shit...there certain things he
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prioritized and the Hammam was one of them. This time when he wakes in his side is bandaged and there are quite a few cuts, bruises and scraps. however, he
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didn't look to be in a bad mood.
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Had waited, somewhat anxiously, for the first few weeks or so for Sadik to return. As time passed however, he had slowly let his mind wonder to other things.
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|Thus, he is somewhat surprised as the man walks through the door, having expected some other kind of big shot. His eyes immediately drop to the bandages,
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Eyebrows furrowing. They'd just be a nuisance. 'Welcome back.'
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gives him a smirk that was intended as a smile. "Miss me?" He says as he takes a seat. "Maybe go easy...and just wash nothing else..." He huffs tired of all the people thinking he
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was unable to do things on his own because he had gotten hurt.
8 years ago
Raises an eyebrow at the smirk, a small smile tugging at his lips. 'I had almost forgotten about you, actually.' His Turkish has improved, although it's still heavily accented. He eyes up_
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The wounds from up close, nodding at the suggestion. He doubted the wounds would hold up to much more than that.
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looks offended. "Doubtful. I'm very hard to forgot." His smirk widens as he takes a seat.
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"Your Turkish is getting better."
8 years ago
Takes off the Kese, picking up a cloth from a bucket of bubbles and working up a lather. 'It has been a couple of months.' He begins to wipe Sadiq down, touch turning cautious as he wipes across wounds.
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|He avoids the bandages rather stubbornly, never having dealt with that before.
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cringes when he goes over an especially tender spt but other than that doesn't seem at all bothered. "Well I was a little busy in the Balkans." He says
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the part about it being little a huge understatement. "Is this all you do?" He wasn't to familiar with the life of a Tellak besides what they do in the Hamams.
8 years ago
Moves the older man around a bit, making sure every inch of him is covered before wiping him down. Gregory misunderstands the question, stilling for a moment before he asks, 'What do you want me to do?'
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's brows knit together at the question answer. "It's not about what I want you to do. It's your own time. Or is this all, you clean people, that's your life?"
8 years ago
Blinks, laughing as he realises the misunderstanding. He rounds the man, taking the arm on his good side and beginning to massage it. 'I do chores around the bath, play with the other boys...' He shrugs...
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He wasn't exactly free to do as he pleased.
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snorts, he had taken that wrong. "Ah you're that type." He does sigh when Gregory massages his good was his Scimitar arm.
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scowls, perhaps pressing against the pressure point by Sadik's thumb a bit too hard. 'What type?' When he had said play, he meant play. He was still young after all.
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hisses in pain pulling his arm free. "Fine, fine, not that type. Fuck kid...go easy on me. I'm already in enough pain!"
8 years ago
Pulls his hands back, trying, and failing, to look innocent. 'I still don't know what you 'type.'' He moves to stand behind Sadik, adjusting the man's position before deft fingers work inbetween_
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His shoulder blades. 'I am going easy on you, by the way.' He could have pressed on that point harder.
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's brows knit. "Cruel." He complains before the question about that type arises. "I can show you later what that type means."
8 years ago
Isn't shy about shifting Sadik about to get at certain knots, although he does seem rather cautious over his injuries. 'Ohhh... so you're that type,' he comments, smirk evident in his voice.
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glances over his shoulder even if it was clear he was in pain...but it was a good pain. He gives Gregory a pained smile. "I might be." He answers a mischevious edge to his tone.
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Has a hard time hiding his amusement, especially when he sees the other is in pain. 'Perhaps you should find another Tellak.'
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quirks a brow. "I think it just needs time. I'm very charming and persuasive."
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Calls it a day at that, not able to do much else without jostling the man too much. He rounds the man, standing to the side just out of Sadiq's reach. 'Did your mum tell you that?'
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glances up at his m as he rolls his good shoulder. "No, my mother is busy with other things at the moment." He answers. "But I have experience."
8 years ago
Eyes the shoulder up for a moment. He can't really stop himself from coming in closer to inspect it though, hands clasping around it and giving it a cautious rub.
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'Experience leads to confidence, which leads to mistakes.'
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leans a little closer his lips hovering over Gregory's shoulder and neck. "Am I make a horrible mistake then?" He asks.
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Is used to this, he reminds himself. Old men do it to him all the time. Yet, a small shudder runs through him nonetheless. His fingers find the knot bothering_
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Sadik's shoulder, slowly working it out. He takes his time in answering the other, letting his breath ghost over his skin. 'Yes. You're injured.' Hardly the best_
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Way to ensure a good first impression.
8 years ago
freezes groaning lowly at the way Gregory was working the knot out
"Unfortunate." He breathes pulling back to let the other finish. -
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wouldn't force especially if Gregory wasn't interested.
8 years ago
Visibly shudders as Sadiq groans in his hear, taking in a shaky breath as he finishes off. 'Is there anywhere else?'
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pulls away slowly. "No. Not for now." He says as he slowly starts giving Gregory some space.
8 years ago
Steps back, giving Sadik an odd look before he begins to clean up what he had used, emptying buckets and throwing used towels about.
8 years ago
| "I'll see you next time kid." He says before testing his gaze and exiting the hamam.
8 years ago
|Gregory was pushing his way through the crowded market of the city, past the bartering of the locals and traders, coming from lands he had never even heard of.
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.As he pushes past two old women, he trips and falls into the broad back of someone obviously very important, if the quality of his clothes are anything to go by. He steadies himself quickly,_
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_standing up straight as apologies fall from his lips.
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had been given the order by his father to deal with certain personal matters that he had honestly wished he didn't need to be. He had just finished when he felt
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a body fall into his back only to pause when he recognizes the voice. He turns so he can see the boy and quirks a brow. "Didn't expect to see you here, kid. They give you days off?" He asks as
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he steadies Gregory.
8 years ago
Looks just as surprised, raising an eye at the getup. What exactly was Sadik's job again....? Had they even talked about it. He shakes his head at the question, smiling wryly. 'Just errands. No rest for the_
8 years ago
8 years ago
notices the surprise but decides not to elaborate. They had never once talked about his profession. "I see. I guess I can say the same."
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hums in response, trying to place the man's job from his clothes and failing. 'I'm guessing you might be more wicked than me though.' He jokes, hand gesturing to his clothes.
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's lip quirks into an equally wicked smirk. "Oh definitely." He replies fully intending the double entendre. He places a hand against Gregory's back as he starts to guide him slowly
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slowly through the crowd. "Did you get what you needed? Let me help you."
8 years ago
Notices the hand on the small of his back, giving the other the side eye before deciding he didn't mind too much. He shakes his head, looking down at his fingers as he checks off what he needs.
8 years ago
"I still need to pick up coffee, tea, sugar and order pestemals.' He looks over, raising an eyebrow. "Do you really have enough time for that?" It would be handy if he did... The crowds seemed slight more_
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Bearable with the older man about.
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hums amused. "I can make time." He answers as he shoos a few guards that had been tailing him. He could handle himself anyway.
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Grins, nudging the older man lightly with his elbow in the ribs. 'Thanks.' He spots the coffee stall, directing them that way. 'What would you recommend?' It was for customers, after all.
8 years ago
|The man at the stall immediately blanches and Sadik doesn't even have to say anything when the best coffee the man owns is presented in front of them. "That would have been what I would recommend." He hums not
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at all surprised by the treatment. The man seems to push the coffee into Gregory's hands and it's clear he wants Gregory to take it for free.
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looks shocked, having never received this treatment before. He usually got offered one of the cheaper beans before mentioning his workplace. He gives Sadik the side-eye,
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Before taking the beans with a confused Thank you. Even if the man wants him to take it for free though, he reaches for his purse and offers some coins to the man.
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moves to push Gregory's hand back. "It's fine. This will be on me." And what he meant was that it was on his ranking in society. "You said you needed tea next?" He smirks. There was something interesting about
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's stance that if Gregory looked closely would be quite telling. It was relaxed but it wasn't as neutral as it was when he goes into the Hamam. There was status definitely, as if he owned the entire Bazaar.
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Almost protests, a question on the tip of his tongue before he remembers something his Mother used to say. /Never look a gift horse in the mouth/ he takes the coffee, nodding as he leads_
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Sadik to the store where his Hamam buys tea. He has noticed how wide a berth their giving, the way people notice Sadik and fall quiet. 'Are you a criminal or something?' He asks, his mind immediately jumping_
8 years ago
To the worse.
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laughs loudly. "No, but I'm sure many would say I am." He's vague in his responses not wanting to give Gregory any actual hints to who he really was. When they arrive at the tea, again, the man seems to throw
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the best tea at them and without charge. Sadik looks positively amused. "It's like people are reading my mind. All my recommendations are being thrown at you....quite literally this time."
8 years ago
Has to scramble to catch the tea, almost dropping the coffee in the process. There is something... Oddly thrilling about Sadik's lack of answers and the way people respond to him. 'They seem scared...'
8 years ago
's studying Gregory for a second as they continue walking through the crowd. Sadik was acting as if they were the only two around. "Are you scared?"
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shakes his head, 'It's hard to be scared of someone you've seen mostly naked.' He stops, taking advantage of the small bubble they have. 'I think I might actually have_
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Power over you though. You should be the one that's scared.' If Sadik was serious about waiting until Gregory wanted to sleep with him... Then he had something the man wanted.
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looks highly amused. "You think you have power over me? You don't even know a thing about me except the way my mostly naked body looks....and you wouldn't be the first."
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Doesn't seem put off in the slightest, raising an eyebrow. 'Why don't you just find another Telak then?" He heads towards the sugar stall, wondering if he should get some for his self a well. A secret stash_
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For his tea.
8 years ago
snorts. "I think you'd be devastated if I got a new Tellak. I bet the job is quite boring and far from rewarding. You need me as much as you think I want you." He replies with such confidence it almost comes
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out arrogant.
8 years ago
Stops in front of the stall, pausing at the amount of confidence in Sadik's voice. "I clean other people more regularly than I do you.' They also pay for things Sadik's seemingly trying to earn. 'I'd live.'
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Points to the sugar he normally got, and then to some crystallised frankincense, knowing he had a little extra so that he could splurge a bit.
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watches him eye the crystallised frankincense sugar as he motions for the merchant to fetch it for him. "Then I think you can see that I would also live." He says as they're passed the bag and he's passing it
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to Gregory. "Plus, you hardly have to blackmail me. I want you to have these things."
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seems to pause for a moment, Sadik's words getting to him slightly. He wasn't used to being handed things, so easily. He usually battered and fought for such things.
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He takes the bag, nodding. 'Until you get what you want,' he points out.
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meets Gregory's gaze. "And what is it that I want?" He asks his brow quirking and his full attention on the redhead. Sadik liked gifting people especially because certain things represented ownership to him.
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laughs at the crassness of the comment. "You make me seem so one dimensional. I'll have you know I have both of those already." He did have access to the Harem after all, it just wasn't the particular tight
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hole or lips that he preferred.
8 years ago
Raises an eyebrow, 'You're not?' He asks, grinning from ear to ear. His curiosity is peaked however, wondering exactly why Sadik seemed so hung up on begging him. 'Do you have a wife?'
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snorts. "Hardly and I'm not allowed to have a wife." He stresses on the 'a'.
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Stops in front of the stall where he has to make the orders. 'You have several?' He asks, tone incredulous.
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laughs. "No kid. none. I can't get married."
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Blanches, 'Are you a priest?'
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gives him an incredulous look. "I'm Muslim..." The merchant acts once again like the last two and retrieves the best
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quality good handing it to Sadik who passes it to Gregory. "Anything else kid?"
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Shakes his head, adjusting everything he had accumulated throughout the market. 'I'm not a kid.' He eventually remembers his manners however, looking off to the side as he says, mThank you.'
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'Thank you.'
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looks amused Ashe crosses his arms over his chest. "What are you then?"
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Feels his pride prickle at the question, eyebrows furrowing. 'A man?!?' He says, taking his turn to sound incredulous.
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looks him over before humming almost derisively. "Of course." He finally says.
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Laughs, shaking his head in amusement. 'I guess you wanna sleep with a kid then, old man.'
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smiles in amusement. "No, a boy rejected me but a man would have accepted. Also I'm not old."
8 years ago
pauses, wondering if that was true... Although, he could hardly imagine the owner of the Hamam accepting Sadik's offer. The thought causes him to shudder. Having thought of the owner, he says, 'I should get_
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back....' He'd rather not get a lashing today.... And he also needs to explain away the fact that he's somewhat managed to buy the best goods from each stall for next to nothing.
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