a lot more happened and for the past few days i've been so stressed i've had a lost of appetite and started drinking
i used to drink a lot with co-workers and friends in asia, but since i've moved back to the US, i've been pretty good about laying off the alcohol. i've probaly only had 6 beers so far this year
until the other night, that is. though, i'm just limiting myself to a can/bottle a night to help me relax and sleep. sort of
now i'm even dreaming about worse scenarios. i'm just pooped.
thankfully the main manager will be in tomorrow so i can tell him everything. i love working there and the other servers. i have a great time with customers, but this situation is just so incredulously
uncomfortable. i told the guy that if he and his friends try to make passes at me again, i'm walking out the door, quitting, and not coming back
he claims he doesn't remember a thing from when he was drunk and had the gall to ask me to have coffee with him after my shift. i was supposed to be off and so was he, but i covered for another server
he found out and came into work today
I'm so sorry these jerks have made things so stressful for you :C
you shouldn't be sorry! it's not your fault. :c thank you though
it's already harassment at this point
Does he not know what a jerk he is?
I really hope the main manager cans him
i think he just lacks social skills. he quit highschool at 16 and has been working ever since. mentioned that all he does is work and he just recently moved to texas to help the new boss at the restaurant
he can't because that chef is close friends with the new boss. it's a family-owned restaurant
Or at least puts you on separate shifts.
the new boss asked that chef to come work here and help improve the quality of the food
unfortunately, he works 6 days, so it's just difficult
i'm giving it a week after i tell the manager tomorrow
he's the only sensible one
if things don't improve, i'm just quitting
If he's getting backed by anyone even after this kind of behavior, I'd start looking for somewhere else to work
i told the bartender that wasnt around during this incidents about what happened
he told me i should have taken the sushi knife and held it to his balls
and threaten to cut them off
that was the most hilarious thing. he was really upset though
Bartender understands at least
thankfully another server stuck around late after he got let off early
he stayed until we closed so i wouldn't be alone with them
I wouldn't trust being alone with him at all
Or keep knife in your hand.
oh god, it just scares and stresses me to think of it
man, i've got handfuls of pens
i've studied boxing and self-defense. i'll use my head if i have to, lol
straight at the nose! aim for the eyes!

i can't believe him. he's trying to play it off like he didn't do anything because he can't remember
he doesn't understand i need space
Or if he didn't remember he didn't ask anyone
If someone hates you suddenly, the right thing to do is take responsibility and he's clearly acting like a high school kid
Thinking he can just play stupid
he's been texting, pleading me to talk to him and that he really, really likes me
it's not like, just because you like me i have to respond to you
this year has just been a bad year with guys, lol. too many creepers have approached me
thankfully the other servers and bartenders (they're not part of the "boss family" as we like to call it) are good to me and understanding

i'm tired. carolllll, my loveeeee
thank you for ranting with me
He's clingy and controlling
Yeah ignore him, block his number even
Or idk 'you owe me an apology.'
he went as far as to look up my name somehow at work and get me on facebook
'Do not talk to me again until you repent for what you've done. I hate men who act like children.'
now one of the new boss/managers is creepin' on me
'Your behavior has been controlling, disgusting, and childish.'
i feel like cheap entertainment
Is what I'd say to his face
But I don't know if that would even sink in.
Ugh what the heck is wrong with these people
well, when i told him straight to "leave me alone" he seemed to back off
Yeah definitely block them both or change your handle on FB
So it's harder to look up your name but your friends know who you are
that'll be good, it's about time i do that
Also your profile pic if you want to be safe. They might remember the current one. It'll throw them off too.
Or I could give you my photo lol
you mean, this beautiful one you drew me?
i totally should. i'd love to use this ivysaur pic

it could never compare to you

okay that was so cheesy I'm sorry
Also as long as you don't have any friends who would leak your info, you can tell them in a post you're changing to throw off two creepers
(Also plurk hid a lot of your responses until I reloaded the app oops)
You're welcome ;3; glad it could give you a little peace of mind.
it really, really does. i feel a lot better getting to talk to someone about it.
sorry, though. you must be exhausted from work as well
I'm kind of off and on lol
Got home ok, then tired, now in bed I'm like whee
lol. sometimes i feel like plurk is the only place i can dump stuff like this sometimes
hahaha, i totally get you
Pls don't be sorry, I really hope the best works out
And I don't think you deserve all this unwanted attention and pushy creep
thanks. my brother says if it doesn't get better, then to just quit and later go for a corporate place because at least there, harassment isn't tolerated
Also I hope your brother is also ok with helping you out too
cause, yeah, this is america. sexual harassment is a huge deal
my brothers have been good
Oh you responded before I finished my sentence omg you read my mind
last night, the elder of the two came to pick me up and waited by the exit
Ya ya I'd keep an eye out for a few places in case.
took him out of his Destiny time, lol. he waited 30 minutes and was awesome
he was ready to kick some ass
kept the car on the entire time so we could just drive away asap
my brothers are ready to support me when i need it. we're real close
Would they be allowed in the doorway where you leave from?
Like so he can watch you get ready
i live with two brothers. the younger of the two actually works there with me
but he only works weekends cause he has another job
Lol or even both of them come and give him a good threatening glare
it sucks cause my family, we all like to eat there
now it's just like... eh.
Ugh not with this guy making it now
i'd probably go on the day he's not working, hahaha
i like the other sushi chef. he has this fatherly vibe (it's prolly also cause he actually has kids) and he's really kind
I hope he'll be supportive of your situation
Like he should understand if he has daughters
Ugh I keep thinking of that guy saying 'I really really like you' and I'm just
'No, kid, you like the idea of controlling and manipulating me.'
he keeps saying it like i'm supposed to like him back
'You didn't like me enough to respect me when I said no.'
everyone that's not part of the boss family understands
i know! i was thinking of saying that
That's not how life works, what is wrong with his selfish childish brain
Glad to hear you're being firm with this guy and that you have support, there!
if he really did like me, then he would understand that i need time away from him and i need him to give me some damn space
'You didn't like me enough to behave like a responsible and respectable person.'
he bought me stuff for breakfast and i just gave it back to him. i told him "do not buy me stuff. do not make me food. do not ask me out. if you and the others try to ask me out, i am walking out that door and
quitting and not coming back."
but then he came minutes later and said, "Sorry. i couldn't understand. can you text it to me?"
He has all the wrong ideas about how relationships work and he needs to realize that.
it feels like he has this idea we ARE in a relationship
Does he not understand the word NO?
Yeah that sounds like some possessive controlling issues he's showing
Ok I should sleep but uuunnnnggfjjjjhhh this guy needs to catch a clue
i'm feeling so much better now
Poor socialization skills or not, he needs to be responsible for when he messes up
And treat you like a human being, not some conquest
you know how to say all the right things
oh knowledgeable and wise carol
Rant away, I don't think any of us blame you
i wanted to tell my mom about it, but i didn't want to worry her sick because she would worry herself sick
;3; I'm glad I could help, and also others who have commented
Jim is def more chill than be but I think he's on the ball calling out this guy
Jim, who's dropping by to check my plurk like a bro
I think if your bros know, that's a good start
you guys are seriously the best
/);3;/) good luck, moonbei, be firm be strong, and ask for help if you need
i can't wait to be able to update with GOOD news
I hope main manager will listen.
have a very restful and delightful sleep
UuU thank you
i believe he will. he told me to inform him if anything happens. also, this kind of thing will definitely affect business, especially if i choose to quit.
i'd like to have a big nose and say i do well as a server. i make big sales and i feel that customers like me
so hopefully me saying that i'll quit if it gets worse will cause him to take action and knock those fools on the head
Hey, of course I want to check in - you're a buddy! XD
Jim Jimmmmmmm
And I'm sure that your manager will take it seriously. Making sure you're able to do your job well is his job, and harassment is never OK!
(Besides the point that if people find out that waitresses have to quit because of that kind of treatment, that's bad for business.)
I'm sure things are going to get better. =)
the bartender said i should've just called 911 on his ass and that would've made him stop but i'd prefer not to make a big whole ordeal of it for the sake of the business
if not, then i'll make them better
I can understand that - but please don't hesitate if you feel like you're in danger! The business isn't as important as your safety.
I feel like it would weigh heavily on my conscience if a business went broke because of me
You're already making them better by being firm with him and making the most of the support you have. I'm glad your Brothers and some co-workers are there for you!
I doubt it would come to that.
yeaaaah, and you all here as well!
you've all given me courage
i've always been such a pushover
The police showing up to take care of a situation like that won't ruin any business. It might cause some talk at the time but that is honestly a very, very small concern when compared to your safety.
well, haha, yeah, i guess 'broke' might not be the right term, but a damaged reputation or rumors spreading to affect business might be a better way to put it
Being nice is great! But you have to retain some boundaries, you know? And when people see that kindness and push it too far, you have to be strong and push back a little.
i actually felt pretty good to stand up for myself today!
...until he came back minutes later saying he didn't understand
"because of poor English"
Yeah, honestly, I think he's using excuses. I agree with Carol.
Because being able to say 'I don't get it' is easier than saying 'Oh, I'm so sorry! I was wrong.'
Also? I doubt he's forgotten as much about that night as he says.
he kept asking if we could text instead, and when i'd ignore him, he'd keep texting. it's funny because initially when he asked for my number, he said it was because he was poor at spelling so he preferred talk
It sounds like he's using excuses to try and manipulate you into forgiving him or developing some kind of sympathy for his position.
i kept thinking, if he was a man, just tell it to my face.
if you've got something to say, just tell me
He just sounds so manipulative. =/
Exactly. Honesty doesn't cost anything.
Be straight up with people and you can't go wrong.
it's something i'm working on ><
this is probably life giving me that chance to level up
XD I like that - level up
Level up your skills! +3 Upfrontness!
hahaha, i always use game phrases like that
But I really am glad you're being firm with him, buddy. That can only improve things.
when customers aren't sure about their chopstick skills, i just tell them, "Well, I'm pretty sure you'll have leveled up by the end of this meal!"
"or i can just get you silverware"
it's so much more fun to speak using game terminology
especially when i was learning to drive when i returned to the US. "I think i leveled up my driving skills today by a little"
"I gained some experience. I'm gonna level up tomorrow"
so yes. i'm gonna add points to my courage and try to level up tomrrow
going to have a boss encounter tomorrow. i think i'm gonna need a theme song
You will definitely need a badass themeto go into the boss room with!
It wouldn't even be your fault if the business got a bad rap
It's his fault for being such a controlling dick

opens arms, flowers bloom around head
Carol is on the ball and said almost everything I was thinking
I don't like it when men take advantage of sweet girls like you
ok, i think i can manage to sleep. have a good night everyone
thank you all so much. you don't know how much you've helped and what it means to me