Priya Asavari
8 years ago
What movie should I watch? Little Boy, McFarland USA, Into the Woods, The Water Diviner, or Unbroken? I haven't seen any of them
latest #7
Sai ❤️ says
8 years ago
The only one I've seen is Into the Woods, so I'd watch that. LOL!
i liked unbroken....hated into the woods...too much singing
Sai ❤️ says
8 years ago
Maybe that's why I liked into the woods, I'm a HUGE fan of musicals and fairy tales
Priya Asavari
8 years ago
Well, you guys narrowed it down to 2 for me! I think I will like them both, just on very different ends of the movie genre spectrum. I think I'll go ahead and watch Into the Woods, I like musicals...
Priya Asavari
8 years ago
and it sounds like it will be the more light hearted movie for the evening. And I'll watch Unbroken when I'm ready for the inspiring true story, but more intense movie night!
Skye_Braveheart: yes unbroken will make you cry so if you don't feel like being sad, the musical is the way to go
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