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had been taught over the course of his existence (the part he could remember) about his role as the embodiment of German nationalism. It had been a growing phenomenon since the French revolution but with the
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emergence of Napoleon....that national thought had been pushed aside to try and repel a man hell bent on taking over the continent. Due to the lack of cooperation between the then superpowers....central Europe
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crumbled under France's might. The Holy Roman Empire was destroyed...leaving a corpse in the wake of what had been a promising future for a once sickly state. However, even when knocked so far down it looks
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impossible to get up...there had been hope and that came in the form of Ludwig...the boy had grown steadily in the face of French occupation. Secret lessons conducted by both Gilbert and Roderich, Ludwig became
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aware of who and what he was...and it was why he was the head of the revolution trying to fight for the rights and independence of the German people. They would create their on state and forever rid
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themselves of the French. However, there was apparently one thing Ludwig and none of the others had been aware of...
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|| France has been enjoying more power than they'd ever previously had, and Francis himself felt like he was on a constant adrenaline rush because of it. The revolution had caused him to die and be
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reborn as The Republic of France; stronger, more determined, and being lead by Napoleon to make huge headways through the continent more quickly than anyone had before. News of a growing uprising had
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reached Francis's ears though, and he had taken it upon himself to stamp out the nay-sayers himself- he knew revolution and it's effects now, and there was no chance he would allow himself to be lead back
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to a guillotine. He had successfully won the battle against Ludwig's revolutionary army, decimating more than he allowed free, and capturing the man that looked to be the face of it. Now that he had the other
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under his control though, he couldn't help but feel slightly shaken. This man looked far too much like the Holy Roman Empire, a power he personally had helped dismantle to allow for France's glorious victories.
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had been humiliated. There had been talk about a chance of not succeeding but with all the hype from Gilbert, Roderich and his own people...he had felt so sure that they would win. Perhaps it was the naivety
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that came with his physical age...but the disappointment was encompassing. He felt he had let his people down...because he wasn't strong enough to carry the entire tide and force of the
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revolution of his people. He sat, ego bruised and body battered, tied up in a corner with no escape. There had been talk of placing him in the dungeons but apparently he needed to answer for his crimes. A part
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of Ludwig wondered if this was the end. Now that he had been caught if the spark of nationalism that had been so rampant in his people would just disappear...or it would remain strong until they had a second
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loved Napoleon, he really did. But he definitely failed to agree with the man's stance on prisoners of war and torture. Francis had been born anew bathed in blood, his empire rising thanks to the loss
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of many lives... why should one destroy thousands but spare the few? He'd been alive for centuries, he'd seen every torture method in the books. Hell, he'd been subjected to more than his fair share of them
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thanks to his status and knowledge, so he knew exactly how effective it could be. But Napoleon insisted, and so he planned to try and obey... for at least a few minutes. He had had the leader of the revolution
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brought to is office in Germany in secret for this reason, informing Napoleon just that the revolution was squashed. Now that he's had a chance to slip away, he steps into his office, holding himself high and
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looking gloriously healthy in his newest victory. Instead of addressing the man in the corner, he opts to completely ignore him first, instead taking a seat at his desk to attend to some overdue paperwork.
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couldn't go anywhere....he was indisposed, looking worse for wear and a little afraid of what was to come. He was the face of the revolution....he was supposed to disappear when the Holy Roman Empire did but
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here he was....a pale comparison of what he was told he had been...but it was difficult for all parties under occupation. "...what are you going to do with me....?" He asks in accented French.
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arches a brow at the accented French, pleased the man knew at least to use his language. He doesn't look up yet, humming softly. "What am I going to do? I think perhaps you should be contemplating
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what you can do for me," he answers, looking over at him evenly. "Give me a reason not to just kill you and place your head on a pike as a warning, for old time's sake."
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doesn't look at all bothered by the threat. "You know that you can't actually kill me." He answers softly brows knitted together. "I can do nothing for you." Ludwig wasn't even beating around the bush. He
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wanted nothing to do with Francis....or cooperating with him at the very least.
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's brow twitches slightly at the reply, refraining from saying he'd done it before.. that would just prove his point. He pushes away from his desk, standing and taking loud, even steps until he's
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right in front of him. "Nations are not invincible. Your head separating from your body lets you feel death, I can promise you that one," he replies, smiling with no kindness at him, That was a sensation he had
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become too familiar with too recently. "Now tell me," he starts, crouching down in front of the seated man and tilting his chin up, admiring his face. "What did Those two old codgers expect, putting a
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runt like you at the forefront of rebellion? It's almost as if they wanted you to fail."
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's cheeks flush in indignation and the fact that Francis had clearly overstepped his boundaries. Ludwig was still youthful in features but it was clear that his eyes held so many more years than his body. He
Ludwig was
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strong but he wasn't ripped. His body was a little awkward and it was clear that if Ludwig had enough time he would grow to be even taller than he is now. "They expected hope...." His voice trails off knowing
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full well that he had failed...that now that he was caught it seemed like there was no hope...and he wanted to be back with Gilbert and Roderich...not here with Francis the face of oppression.
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looks over the boy, finding he rather liked that look of embarrassment on his cheeks. He could see a lot of potential in him- part of the reason he had needed to crush their rebellion so early- and could
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appreciate the way he must have risen from the ashes of the Holy Roman Empire. This boy would make a great person to have on his side in the future, and if he could manage to steal him that way, it
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would crush Prussia and Austria's spirits for sure. "Hope?" he laughs, shaking his head and letting go of his chin. "The French Empire is hope. It's enlightenment, it's artistry, it's a Europe bonded together
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to become stronger. Rebellions simply stand in the way of progress."
Ludwig is
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glad when Francis releases his chin and he looks away from him his brows just furrowing further together. "It's not much progress when the one thing you fought for you oppress so harshly."
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laughs, reaching forward again to pat his head condescendingly. "Ahh, the naivety of youth. Don't worry, you'll understand some day." That's all he bothers replying to that, standing again and
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brushing off his coat. "I must say, I'm surprised you believe in your actions so strongly, after seeings how Austria and Gilbert both abandoned you on the battlefield," he muses. "At least they know when
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they've been defeated."
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's expression grows hard. He would not believe that and he would no longer answer this man. He shifts in his bonds making sure to look anywhere but at Francis. His body tenses because he expected anger...he was
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blatantly ignoring the man.
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pauses for a second as he watches, but outright laughs as the boy seems to seize himself up, amused at the tactics. "Lie to yourself all you want, but they won't be back for you. They'll find a replacement
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to satisfy themselves with, and face defeat again and again." He pulls open a drawer from his desk, pulling out a flog he hadn't had excuse to use for a long time. "You, however, will be made into an example so
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that we don't lose thousands more new French citizens to their foolishness."
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had been told not to believe whatever Francis would say. The man was deranged he had heard what he did to victims that fell in his hold. Ludwig had been prepared to deal with this if he lost...and now that he
Ludwig was
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here he wished he could be anywhere but here. Gilbert and Roderich wouldn't just abandon him...they would come find him when they managed to regroup and gain the men necessary for a rescue mission.
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hooks a hand into the nation's collar, yanking him up with an ease one wouldn't have expected from such a lithe man. He grins at him, but says nothing as he starts sharply tugging to pull apart his shirt,
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rather than taking any care to undo it properly. "You won't be needing this," he says, pushing the shirt off his shoulders until it falls to his waist, stopped where
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it couldn't come off because of the boy's wrists bound in front of him. "Now, kneel."
Ludwig is
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startled as he wretched up and then shivering at the feel of the cool breeze against his naked skin. If what Francis had pulled from his desk had been any hint of what was to come...this could not be good at
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all. Ludwig wants to rebel but he doesn't have it in him especially with such a commanding tone. He does glare at Francis as he slowly gets on his knees. He bows his head in front of him and swallows a lump in
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his throat, his back bare and ready for the lashing he was sure to get. It wasn't as broad as it would be in a couple of years but it was a nice back...a shame that it would be riddled with red fat marks all
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across it.
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grins in the face of that glare, pleased to see the boy following his commands regardless. "Good dog," he praises condescendingly, finding he really wanted to break that glare so that the boy could be his. He
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picks up the flogger again, admiring it for a moment as he walks around to Ludwig's bare back, before bringing it down quite sharply against the bare skin before him.
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nearly cries out but manages to hold in the sound by biting down on his tongue. His throat feels like it's constructing at the blinding sting from the flogger. His muscles clearly tense and blood is already
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trailing down his back from the break of skin.
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smiles as he watches the red welts pop up on his pale skin, waiting a moment before striking him again. The knots in the flogger were good at raising blood and causing damage, so Francis knew not to do too
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much. He still brings it down on his back three times in quick succession though, seeing if he could pull out the boy's voice.
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does end up gasping in pain, the cry caught in his throat after holding it in for so long. There were tears streaming down his cheeks and he hated that! He hated that Francis had pulled that much...he was
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shaking his body unable to handle anymore of the pain and the tension awaiting for when he would be hit again. He could feel the blood run down his back and even a bit of blood he'd managed to draw in his palms
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by clutching his fists so tightly.
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.is pleased to almost get that cry out of him, noticing the boy was already at the edge of his breaking point. He brings it down against him once more for good measure, before pulling back the flog, running
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his fingers through the tails as he steps in front of Ludwig. "You know, I didn't really want to have to do this," he says, tilting Ludwig's chin up to see the tears on his face, looking concerned
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himself. "Your actions forced my hand. If it doesn't happen again, than neither will this," he promises with a soft smile.
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's glare is back on his features but it really diminishes the impact when there were tear trails down his cheeks. However, the redness of his eyes brings out his vibrant blues and if he knew he could get away
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with it he would have spat in Francis face. "You're sick..." He gasps but then when Francis words sink in he becomes mildly confused...but he doesn't take back his previous words. He meant them...this was
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inhumane treatment, no matter how he looked at it or for what reason it was done.
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found the expression stunning, he really wanted to kiss him right then and there.. but that wouldn't be best. Instead he runs his hand gently down Ludwig's cheek, wiping away a tear with his thumb. "I
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just want us to be able to work together. If you stay still for a moment, I'll wash your back off so you can re-dress," he offers, standing again to go put away the whip and instead pull out the water and
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cloth he had prepared before.
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doesn't really have a choice....he was tied up and in immense pain. He squeezes his eyes shut and breathes from his nostril. "Why are you being so nice all of a sudden...?"
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smiles at the question, coming back over to him. "This is enough cruelty for today, and you braved it well. Also, brace yourself, this is will sting," he warns, before starting to wipe down
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the boys back with a water/alcohol mix, to disinfect with. "I told you, I'd like us to be friends again. But if you make that difficult, I won't be able to leave it be."
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