8 years ago
|Arthur leaves Francis to go back to sleep and attempts to tackle the kitchen. He looks to the books Francis normally uses, stopping upon a page with the letter S. By the looks of the picture, it seemed to be_
latest #492
8 years ago
A liquid of some sort, with meat. He starts up a small fire on the stove and boils some water, throwing chunks of chicken in. Next was...
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Something orange? He looks through Francis' storage and finds some carrots, looking them over for a moment before shrugging and throwing them in.
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_Arthur then shakes salt and pepper over the pot, mimicking Francis, before calling it done and leaving it to cook.
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snoozes away, unaware of all that Arthur is attempting to accomplish right now. It's quite a bit later when he wakes again, sitting up groggily and unable to smell the impending disaster thanks to his
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stuffed up nose.
8 years ago
|Arthur had been sitting by Francis' bed, waiting for him to wake up. There is a sense of tense, excited energy as he leads in towards Francis. 'Are you hungry?' He asks, an excited_
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Smile on his face.
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blinks blearily at him, his tummy grumbling quietly. "..yes, actually.." he replies, a second later sitting more upright in minor panic. "Oh, I forgot to make you food, desole! I will get right on it," he says,
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climbing out of bed and putting his slippers on before realizing something was different about his mood. "...wait, why are you smiling at me?"
8 years ago
Arthur grins, looking awfully pleased with himself. It's as foreign an expression to him, as it is to Francis. 'I made you soup... Cause that's_
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What humans eat when sick, right?'
8 years ago
|Arthur wouldn't mind Francis serving him some raw fish though. He had forgotten to eat himself in all his excitement.
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can't help but stare at the grin on Arthur's face, finding it fascinating but also a bit worried that his dragon had been cooking without supervision. "You can cook??" he asks, bewildered. "Uhhh okay.. lead
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the way then," he offers, figuring from his excitement he'd want to show off.
8 years ago
|Arthur scowls at the questioning tone. 'Dragons could cook long before humans, you know.' Although, cooking is an enthusiastic term for bruning_
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_burning things. He leads Francis through to the kitchen and in the direction of the pot, which has been on a low simmer for a while now. He puffs out his chest as_
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He lifts the lid, revealing the soup for Francis to see.
8 years ago
8 years ago
hums at that, at first marvelling that he might be able to just let Arthur cook for him sometimes now... until he sees the over-boiled pot of stuff that he reveals so proudly. His face goes a green as he
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feels his stomach do a flip, though he attempts to pretend it doesn't so that Arthur doesn't get too discouraged. "Oh wow...! Uhh good job Arthur!" he gives him a (only slightly wavering) smile. Maybe it was
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time he started teaching the dragon some things...
8 years ago
|Arthur practically beams with the complement, forgetting his form for a moment and pressing up against Francis in what would normally_
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Be an affectionate gesture but just comes across as awkward. His arms wrap around the taller man, much like his tail normally would. 'I can serve up a bowl, if you want?'
8 years ago
laughs awkwardly as Arthur wraps around him like that, patting him on the head in return. "Uhhh sure. Will you be joining me?" he agrees, wondering if it's at least spiced. There looked like there was pepper
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in it, so maybe there's still hope.
8 years ago
|Arthur never thought about eating it himself... Although, he supposes he could. 'Alright.' He moves to get two bowls from the cupboard,_
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Haphazardly serving them both up a bowl. He even takes it to the table for Francis, before placing his on the floor. He still definitely preferred_
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Eating while in his dragon form.
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goes to take a seat, though watching Arthur from the table. He thanks him as he brings over the bowl, though amused to see him set his own on the floor and change back. He supposes he should've expected as
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much, Arthur hadn't spent that long in human form before, as far as he was aware. He tentatively pokes at his soup, testing the broth of it first as that looked the safest. He's pleased to find it's just bland,
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at least. Still edible. He's careful as he tries a spoonful with chicken though, wary for bones and gristle.
8 years ago
|Arthur seems to have no complaint over his meal, eating it rather quickly. Bone and gristle wasn't really much of a problem for dragons though. When gems_
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*he's done, he goes over to Francis and settles his head on his lap, shutting his eyes in content. He was pleased to see the man was eating the food he had made.
8 years ago
slowly works his way through as much of the soup he can handle, admittedly amused that the carrot had been just tossed in whole. He pats Arthur when the other settles in his lap, glad he was able to eat
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enough to make the other content. After a few moments he gives up, glancing down at Arthur. "Would you like the rest of mine? I'm full," he offers, figuring Arthur eating more of it meant less he'd have to
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eat later.
8 years ago
Arthur turns his head to look up at Francis, assessing him for a moment before nodding. He climbs half up onto Francis seat and finishes it_
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In a full gulps before settling back down on Francis. If Francis was smart about it, he could probably give all of the rest to Arthur, and make himself his own soup.
8 years ago
.is glad he didn't protest him to eat more, scratching his chin in thanks. "Did you eat enough?" he makes sure.
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|Arthur lightly growls in confirmation, tilting his head for more scratches. His tail sways softly, basking in the attention.
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sighs softly, continuing to scratch the happy dragon's chin, glad at least he could make him happy. "Would you like me to teach how to read and other things, when I feel better?" he offers after a moment.
8 years ago
|Arthur's eyes open, focusing on Francis as he pulls back. It's hard to tell what he is thinking, his usually expressive motions toned down. It's a long_
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Moment before he nods. He supposed it could help.
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watches Arthur's reaction, hoping the Dragon didn't take offence to the offer. He smiles at the nod, petting his head still. Maybe that would help with his cooking too...
8 years ago
|Arthur hadn't taken offence, he had just never seen the need to learn to read and write before. He nudges Francis, pushing the idea of bed into his mind. He was sick after all.
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smiles, patting him once more before making a move to get up. "Merci mon couer, for looking after me~"
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Follows him through to the bedroom, climbing up onto the bed with him and situating himself on top of the other when he's settled.
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settles into the sheets again, though letting out a breath in surprise as the other steps on him to nestle in on top of him. He laughs softly though, glad for the heat to try and persuade the cold away.
8 years ago
((do you wanna time skip to when francis buys a store, or something else or anything?))
8 years ago
had saved up his money, and had proudly bought himself a new store front closer to the main route in town to hawk his antiques and valuables with... hopefully keeping them from Arthur's sticky fingers. He's
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only had it open for a week, but he's already seen a rise in sales simply from being more visible to the public, and he was having a grand time.
8 years ago
|Arthur, in the past week, had grown lonely. Although, he wasn't about to admit it. Francis had been leaving earlier and returning later with each_
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Day, leaving Arthur to entertain and feed himself. It had grown, simply, tedious. He had to wonder what was keeping Francis away from_
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Him. In fact, it had gotten to the point where he simply needed to know. It hadn't been hard to follow Francis, the hat hiding his face rather well. What had been hard was waiting for the opening of said_
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store, whatever that meant.
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.Arthur had walked through the door like he owned the place, looking around with vague astonishment. He could have sworn half of this stuff was from his hoard!
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simply did not expect that Arthur would follow him here, having thought he would figure out how else to amuse himself in his absence; especially with having to put in the later hours to organize the place's
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book system and such. He greets Arthur when he walks in, though too busy entertaining and flirting with another customer to notice the familiar face.
8 years ago
|Arthur sees that Francis' attention is elsewhere and feels a flare-up of Jealousy he has never experienced before. He makes his way over, crossing his arm_
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*arms as he taps his foot against the floor. He clears his throat for extra measure, wondering how long it would take his human to notice that his dragon was here.
Francis is
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trying to convince the young woman in front of him to buy the necklace she seemed torn on. He glances up at the throat clearing with a friendly smile. "Just a moment, sir," he greets, looking back to the woman
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before doing a quick double take when he realizes who's there. "Arthur?" he asks incredulously, assuring the woman he'll be right back and coming around to tug him off to the side. "What are you doing
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here...?" he asks in a more hushed tone.
8 years ago
|Arthur gives the woman a look that tells her, 'He's mine,' although perhaps not in the way she construes it. He had already prepared an excuse for Francis question,
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Sounding rather deadpan as he replies, 'I finished all the books in the house.' He looks nonplussed at Francis' incredulous look, thinking it's what_
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He deserved for having left him alone for so long. 'What are you doing here?'
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|| The woman looks a little shocked at the look, but giggles and turns back around to admiring the necklace against her skin in the mirror. Francis looks a little flustered, obviously not believing him. "I just
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bought you new book last week," he protests. "And I'm running my shop, I told you I would be starting this week..!"
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|'I finished it,' he lies, knowing it lay on the window sill, half read. 'I didn't know you would be here all day...' He looks away, seeming to be pouting._
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
Arthur finally looks up at him, furrowing his brow. 'Fine. Spend time with woman and... I don't know.' He decides to leave with that, not able to_
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Put down his feelings more eloquently than that. He grabs a ring by the door, the one they had their first argument over, 'And I think you'll find_
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This is mine.'
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sighs. "I can't be there with you everyday, Arthur. I have things to do and a business to run." He frowns as Arthur moves to leave, tempted to stop him- especially when the other picks up the ring.
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"No, it's... ah, forget it, you can keep that one," he gives up. "As long as you go straight home, alright?" he asks, moving to return to his customer with an apology.
8 years ago
|Arthur was expecting Francis to stop him, looking even more upset with the whole situation now. His cheeks flush with anger, and slighy_
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*slight embarrassment at having expected more before he leaves the shop. The last thing he wants to do is go home however, and he ends_
8 years ago
Up wondering the city himself. He doesn't realise he's lost until his stomach growls, having watched people wander about with a sense_
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Of purpose he didn't seem to have. He decides to wait on the roof of a public building until nightfall, flying back long after Francis is normally home.
8 years ago
took his time coming home, picking up food from the market for dinner. He's definitely surprised, and a bit peeved to
find the place empty, assuming
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Arthur was doing this on purpose. He makws dinner, eats by himself, and settles into his chair to wait out, though the longer he waits, the more worried he
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gets. Finally he can't take the stress any more, donning his coat and shoes and hurrying out to search the streets for his dragon friend.
8 years ago
|Arthur is just returning home as Francis leaves, sending the other a thought as he sees him leave the house. The dragons lands soundlessly on the roof, transforming into his_
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Human form before climbing down and into the window. It doesn't occur to him that Francis might be worried. Arthur was a dragon... He could handle himself.
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pauses mid step when he feels a thought pop into his mind, expression souring a bit as he looks up just in time to see Arthur climb in through the window. He's relieved but not ready to acknowledge that feeling
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yet, miffed at the other. He immediately goes back up to the apartment, kicking off his shoes and coat and stepping in looking quite upset. "Where the hell were you...!" he scolds. "I told you to come
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straight home!"
8 years ago
|Arthur closes the window behind him, scowling in return. 'I was lost.' He ignores the stabbing feeling of guilt for now as he sees Francis' worried expression, opting instead_
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To look at the wall.
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continues; "You could've gotten attacked, or robbed, or...!" his words die on lips at Arthur's admittance, pausing mid sentence. "You... got lost?" he asks, admittedly surprised. It wasn't like Arthur to admit
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he did something not perfect. He's torn now, he wanted to be mad at him but now he just felt relieved. "...just.. be careful next time, then," he says, defeated and turning to leave the room."I'm going to bed."
8 years ago
|Arthur watches as Francis goes through a variety of emotions, despite himself. It tugs at him how tired and... Defeated Francis looks as he retreats to his bedroom.
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'I'm sorry.' It's not something Arthur has said a lot.... In fact, Francis can probably count the instances on one hand.
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pauses, running a hand down his face before looking back at him. Usually the rare apology meant he was being sincere. " you need to talk about something?" he offers with a sigh, too many things rattling
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in his own head to just start talking. This dragon business was far more taxing on his life than he'd let himself admit.
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Shakes his head, knowing from the sigh that Francis wasn't really up to much at this point. 'I'm just sorry.' He heads towards the kitchen to feed himself.
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can't help but make frustrated faces at him behind his back, before turning on his heel to go into his room. Instead of going to bed though he just collapses face first into a pillow in frustration and lays
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there staring into the darkness of it.
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may or may not be concentrating on what the other is doing, heaving the solid thump onto the bed. He feels even more sheepish when he sees his dinner is ready, deciding to eat it and wait and see if Francis_
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Goes to sleep. When that doesn't happen, he cautiously makes his way into the room, sitting at the edge of the bed.
8 years ago
can feel the bed shift when Arthur sits down, but doesn't bother moving to acknowledge him yet. He had calmed down in the time it took him to eat dinner, but Francis found he wasn't tired enough to sleep yet.
8 years ago
|Arthur feels a little discouraged at the fact that Francis doesn't acknowledge him. 'Francis...?' He tries, shifting closer to Francis, hand reaching out for the man's.
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isn't sure how to handle the man..dragon...whatever at the moment. "...yeah?" he replies softly, turning his head towards him a bit.
8 years ago
|Arthur looks about ready to cry, although he would be loathe to admit it. He can feel Francis' uncertainty towards him, knowing he is the soul cause of it and it eats him up inside. 'Can I sleep with you_
8 years ago
8 years ago
feels guilty when he sees Arthur's face, knowing that expression though the other would try to hide it. He shifts carefully, holding out his arms in offer of a hug. "C'mere," he mumbles.
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Climbs onto the bed and into Francis' arms, burying his face into the man's shoulder. He didn't realise it, but a lot of his life revolved around this human... And it was a big_
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Shock to realise that wasn't reciprocated. He tangles his legs with the other as he tries to get comfortable. 'Did you sell that necklace?' He mumbles into Francis' shirt, barely audible.
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takes him into his arms, rubbing his back comfortingly. He blinks at the question, but nods. "Oui, I convinced her that it complimented her eyes too nicely to give up."
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Huffs a little into his shoulder, not sure as to why, but knowing that he was jealous. 'Hmmm.'
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"Hmm?" he repeats, arching a brow at the reply.
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Shakes his head, 'Nothing.' He plays with the ends of Francis' hair, unsure of what could fix this. 'Do you like the shop?'
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sighs at the neutral reply, looking down at him. "No, it's not nothing. I like my shop well, but you're acting off. Just tell me what's wrong?" he requests. "I can't read your mood as easily as you read mine."
8 years ago
|Arthur knows it sounds pathetic but... 'I hate being in the house by myself all day with no one to talk to...' He buries his face into Frsncis' shirt, wanting to shrivel up and die. He might as well admit he_
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Needs Francis more than he lets on. It did bring up the point that Francis was his only source of company, something they should probably fix. 'I can't fly during the day either...'
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He's been skipping his nightly flights as of late, hanging around to spend time with Francis. In general, it could be said that Arthur was being clingy and acting a little spoilt.
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hums softly, holding him closer when Arthur hides his face like that. He slowly realizes that Arthur's lonely.. something he hadn't really considered before since he seemed so independent most of the time. He
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sighs gently, considering the options; perhaps he had gotten the store out of mostly selfish reasons, but he couldn't keep running the business with Arthur stealing for his horde.... "You could try going out
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like this more during the day...?" he dubiously suggests, though he'd have to help him learn the city better so he doesn't get lost again. "You're getting pretty good at looking human...." Though he
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would worry about him more like that...
8 years ago
Hums, a sound of loss commitment as he grasps tighter onto Francis' clothes. Normally this would be the point where he would bring up being a dragon and what privileges that should afford him...
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_but he simply wasn't feeling up to it. 'I'll try going outside then,' he finally settles on, loosening his grip on the man.
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hums, feeling Arthur relax against him. "Or we could get a pet?" He was at a loss how to help... it's not like he could go out and find Arthur a dragon girlfriend to help his boredom..
8 years ago
Shakes his head, 'Dragons don't have pets...' They have humans. Far more useful. He sighs, pulling back a little to rub at his eyes and hold back a yawn. 'Do you want a pet?'
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chuckles softly, shaking his head. "I've already got my hands full with you," he teases, ruffling Arthur's hair.
8 years ago
Makes a face, 'I'm not a pet!'
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grins, pinching Arthur's cheek playfully. "But you're so cute~ You don't wanna be my pet?" He's just teasing of course.
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|Arthur makes a face, despite the fact he's enjoying the attention. 'Dragons aren't pets.'
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laughs, pulling him closer and kissing his forehead. "I wonder how you would've acted if I had kept calling you Pierre..." he muses.
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Smiles at the kiss, keeping it on his face as he says. 'How do you think you came up with Arthur?'
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hums, well aware of that now. It had taken him a while to figure it out though. "I could've kept calling you Pierre. Arthur felt so weird to pronounce at the time~" he laughs.
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Shakes his head, 'I wouldn't have answered to it.' He raises an eyebrow, 'It's sounds like a name you'd give a bird or something.'
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laughs again, shrugging. "You have wings too~"
8 years ago
Smiles, glad to see Francis laughing openly again. 'I breathe fire too.'
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hums at that. "I'm glad you don't do that very often," he admits. He's in a better mood now, especially since Arthur seems to be in a better mood too.
8 years ago
Nuzzles into Francis' collar bone, yawning shortly after. 'You don't give me many reasons to...'
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smiles, resting his chin on his head. "Is that a threat," he asks teasingly.
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Nods, tone light as he says. 'Dragons have to make threats every once in a while.'
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hums softly at that. "Guess I'd better eatch my back then," he replies, amused.
8 years ago
|Arthur hums in confirmation, beginning to sound tired. 'I'm gonna go out and explore tomorrow,' he murmurs, more of a promise to himself than anything else.
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brings his hand up to brush through Arthurs hair, noticing he seemed as tired as Francis felt. "Hmm, please be safe, alright? I can point you out some neat places to go in the morning.."
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Makes a soft sound of content as Francis plays with his hair. 'I wanna find them myself.' Maybe he can find somewhere Francis doesn't know about, even.
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"Hmm.. still stubborn then," he murmurs with a smile, snuggling in to relax enough to sleep.
8 years ago
|Arthur finds himself, within a month or so, settling into a simple routine while Francis is out. He goes for a cup of tea at the local cafe, reads books in the parks and frequent museums. It's at the_
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Cafe where he attracts the attention of an older man. It's Arthur's first friendship besides Francis and soon becomes something he talks about often, regaling Francis with the funny thing Michael had said that_
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Day or the meal Michael had treated him to. It's enough to get on anyone's nerves. Perhaps it shouldn't be that surprising that Francis comes home to the two on the couch then, Arthur reading some of his_
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Favourite quotes to the man as they drink wine. And if they're too close to each other, Arthur doesn't know much better... He only has his interactions with Francis as a frame of reference for this era.
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had been glad that after that first week of being upset, Arthur had seemed to become more happy with his alone time and with exploring the city. Even th new friend Arthur seemed to have made had
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made Francis very happy at first, it let him feel less guilty about working on his business and starting to open up his personal life a little again. It had gotten annoying fast though, and Francis started to
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wonder if he was becoming jealous... so he keeps his mouth shut about it because that's absurd. Even knowing how often Arthur seemed to spend time with this man... Francis couldn't help but freeze when
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he walks in upon them in such close contact, noticing immediately Michael's hands in places that were encroaching past friendly. He clears his throat loudly to announce his presence, hoping
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the stranger would have enough decency to sit upright and act properly embarrassed.
8 years ago
|Michael pulls his hands away quickly when he hears someone clearing their throat, looking to Arthur for confirmation of who they were. Arthur seems unperturbed by the hands, getting up to greet Francis with_
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A smile. 'Francis! Is it that time already?' He sounds surprised, but pleased. He looks back to Michael, encouraging him to stand up. 'Michael, this is Francis.'
8 years ago
|Michael looks somewhat peeved, knowing he wasn't getting anywhere tonight, as he stands to greet Francis. 'I should really be getting home, Arthur.'
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watches with an even stare as Michael pulls back like that, noting the look on his face... definitely a feeling he'd shared in his own past and somehow not one he liked to see on someone close to
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Arthur. "Ah oui, time must pass quickly when you're having fun," he greets, returning the smile. "Michel, good to meet you! Leaving so soon?" he greets, offering his hand for a handshake, though there's a hint
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of how not pleased he is in the slight twitch at the edge of his smile.
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Frowns as he watches the two react, noticing the drop in both of their moods. It strikes him as odd... Something he would quiz both of them on later.
8 years ago
Michael returns the handshake, keeping it brief. 'I've unfortunately lost track of time... I have to be somewhere quite soon.' He turns to Arthur, his smile considerably warmer, 'I'll see you for lunch on_
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Friday.' Arthur nods, gaze flitting between the two humans before he finally remembers himself and begins to see Michael to the door. 'Perhaps we can all have lunch together, soon.' He looks to Francis_
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For confirmation, trying to read his feelings on the idea.
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always forgets that Arthur can see right through his smiles that are just for show, unaware the other was onto him. "Lunch together would be lovely, I'd look forward to it!" he agrees, only half following to
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give Michael a wave goodbye while keeping an eye on him, glad to see him go. Arthur could probably sense that he felt more tense than his verbal answer sounded like.
8 years ago
|Arthur's frown only deepens at Francis' response, deciding to leave the questioning for later. He makes sure to say goodbye to Michael properly, before shutting the door, a soft sigh escaping his lips.
8 years ago
|Arthur had thought the two men would get along quite well. They seemed similar.
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would likely never admit that them being similar would be the reason they wouldn't get along well, in this case. He pauses for a moment once the doors closed, but turns heel and walks away, to find something
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else to do. "He seems... friendly," he comments, refraining from acting negative about the man right off the bat for Arthur's sake.
8 years ago
Follows after him, raising an eyebrow at the comment. 'He is friendly,' Arthur agrees, knowing full well Francis didn't think so. 'That's the first time he's been here...' He explains, wondering_
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Briefly if that was the issue. He could tell Francis wasn't happy at all.... Placing what was the cause is harder.
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knew he was friendly, but was definitely thinking that Michael was being too friendly. " must like him a lot, to have brought him back here...?" he ventures, trying to feel out if Arthur did like
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the man in the way that Michael had surely thought.
8 years ago
|Arthur hums, nodding. 'He's a good friend.' It was kind of like a replacement for Francis... 'When you're busy with the shop he's good company. Not that I need it though.'
8 years ago
|Arthur rounds Francis, wanting to see his expression. 'What's wrong? You're in an awful mood.'
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pauses, trying to keep his expression positive when Arthur comes around. He feels a bit of guilt with the comment about the shop, though he knew logically the dragon would need other company than him. "I'm
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not in a bad mood..." he denies, though he's not meeting Arthur's eye yet. He sighs a bit, after a moment realizing something that hadn't occurred to him entirely; "...wait, Arthur, how much do you know
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about courtship...?"
8 years ago
Is about to tell him off for lying to him, when Francis throws him completely off with an entirely unrelated question. He blushes, not due to the subject but due to his lack of_
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Knowledge. He hated his knowledge being put under scrutiny. 'That has nothing to do with this,' he hisses, and he would have bristled had he been in his dragon form.
8 years ago
notices how Arthur bristles up at the question, arching a brow but really.. he shouldn't be surprised. "Mm... if you say so..." he answers in a way that suggests he knows much more than Arthur. "Michael seems
8 years ago
nice, I'm glad you have a ''friend'' ", he comments, distracting himself with tidying up a little though the place didn't really need it. He wasn't sure if he was ready ready to give a birds and bees talk to
8 years ago
the dragon.
8 years ago
|Arthur knows that tone. He hates that tone. It means Francis knows something he doesn't. "What do you mean?"
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_he asks, childishly grabbing his book before Francis can get it.
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hums non comittally, shoving the other things he had picked up back on their proper shelves. "Oh nothing, you've obviously got a handle on it. Just warn me ahead of time before you invite someone
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over and I won't interrupt~"
8 years ago
|Arthur makes a face, feeling heavily patronised by Francis' words. 'Why do I need to warn you?' He asks, annoyance obvious in his voice. He had gotten better about not projecting his feelings...
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Although, with the way Francis was acting he was sorely tempted.
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could tell he was annoying him even without the feelings pushed on him, and felt a small victory from it- even though that wasn't really what he wanted. "Because I'd really rather not walk in on you fooling
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around with someone on my couch," he answers bluntly, though his tone was still attempting to sound pleasant.
8 years ago
|Arthur feels his ears burn with anger and embarrassment, grasping onto his book. 'It's not like that,' he counters.
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hums at him, arching a brow. "Oh, no? Because that's sure what I used to intend when bringing home someone alone, and I'm pretty sure Michael thought so too..."
8 years ago
|Arthur looks at a loss for words, resisting the urge to throw his book at Francis' smug face. 'But...' He starts, looking unsure of himself now. 'I didn't mean it that way.' A weak argument at best,_
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And he knows it.
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crosses his arms, obviously not buying the argument. "Michael had his hands in so many places that is otherwise not socially acceptable," he points out.
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|Arthur raises an eyebrow, "I've seen you touch customers where he touched me." He looks annoyed, "I use you as a frame of reference for acting around humans, Francis."
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's cheeks tint a little red at realizing he was the role model, but he frowns. "That would be because I'm flirting with them on purpose!" he protests. "I don't do that withmutual friends." Not that Arthur had
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really ever met his friends... he'd kind of stopped having them over.
8 years ago
Looks annoyed, trying to figure out what Francis wanted. 'Well, why don't you show me then! How I'm meant to act with different people!'
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goes to reply to him, but realized mid way he has no idea how to describe it. Social interaction just came so easily for Francis. "It's... you just..." he froens. "You don't touch friends
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that intimately. And if they're courting you and taking you out as many times as you've bragged about Michael has, that's a pretty clear sign they like you!"
8 years ago
Makes a face, reaching out to grab Francis hand. 'Why can't you just show me where it's not okay to touch then.' He places the hand on his chest, glaring up at Francis.
8 years ago
|Arthur looks confused, annoyed and even a little vulnerable. 'I... I want to understand,' he explains, practically admitting e didn't know anything about it
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blinks in surprise as Arthur takes his hand, cheeks tinting red again as it's placed upon the dragon's chest. "You want to see how people act when they like each other?" He confirms, using
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the hand on Arthur to press his backwards until he's up against the wall. "Fine," he mumbles a little softer, free hand coming up to gently brush back a strand
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of Arthur's wild hair. "People like to be closer to each other, they like to touch where someone might be more sensitive..." The hand on his chest slides down to Arthur's waist now, and
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Francis shifts a little closer; not quite pressed up against him, but enough that it would make Arthur feel like Francis was the only person around. "Voices drop softer, touches become gentler," he continues,
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gently sliding his hands down Arthur's jaw, coaxing him to tilt his face upwards. "And people look at you like you're their whole world."
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Touched me like this,' he whispers, seemingly afraid of breaking the small bubble Francis has created. He seems to lean into each touch, slowly relaxing into Francis hands.
8 years ago
|Arthur gasps in surprise as he's pushed back, shoulder blades pressing up against the wall as his torso curves towards Franxis. His body seems to love towards the man's touches, craving the attention.
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|Arthur might just be looking up at Francis like he is his whole world. At one point, he practically was. His mouth feels extraordinarily dry, Adam apple bobbing as he attempts to fix that. 'Michael has never_
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Touched me like this,' he whispers, seemingly afraid of breaking the small bubble Francis has created. He seems to lean into each touch, slowly relaxing into Francis hands.
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smiles at the way Arthur seems to yield beneath him, his own actions making him realize just how much he had wanted to touch Arthur for a while... it may be totally inappropriate all
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things considered, but now that he was this close it didn't seemto matter. "Good." he answers, hand sliding down Arthur's neck gently. "I don't want anyone else touching you like this," he , testing kiss.
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*like this," he admits, cheeks red and a bit vulnerable himself, but not letting Arthur see that as he instead leans in to gently press their lips together in a chaste, testing kiss.
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|Arthur's eyes shut, a soft sigh escaping his lips as Francis gives him the attention he had been craving for a while.
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He tilts into Franxis' touch, lips parting. 'Why?' He murmurs, before his lips are caught by Francis'. He tenses, unsure of how to react.
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is pretty confident about Arthur's reaction to him up until he feels him tense up at the kiss. He freezes, pulling back a little and perhaps looking a little ashamed now that it seemed maybe Arthur wasn't as
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into it as he was. "I...I think I like you as more than a friend," he admits softly. "I'm sorry, I overstepped..." he assumes, unsure now and pulling his hands back from Arthur.
8 years ago
|Arthur instinctively grabs Francis' hands and tugs them back, pulling the man flush against him in the process. For all that he had read about kisses, nothing had prepared him for the sudden leap in his_
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Chest, as though his heart had stopped working. His hands come up to tangle in Francis hair, avoiding eye contact as he mumbles, 'This is how you touch someone you like, right?' He glances,
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Up briefly, checking Francis' reaction before stubbornly keeping his gaze set on the floor. Seriously, sometimes he had to do the most stupid things.
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gasps as he's yanked forward like that quite suddenly, looking surprised and a little embarrassed. He smiles and relaxes a little when Arthur tangles his hands in his hair like that though, leaning into his
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touch. "Oui.... though usually people don't look away like that," he answers, softly teasing. Somehow the stubborn look just makes Francis's heart swell more for him, and he
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slides his hands back around the dragon's waist. "Did I simply startle you then?" he asks, a small teasing grin tugging at his smile.
8 years ago
|Arthur looks up in time to see that teasing grin, tutting under his breath. 'Nothing you do startles me, Francis.' He replies, hands coming to rest on his shoulders, thumbs_
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Tracing his collar bone. 'Usually you warn people though,' he complains, fingers tangling in Francis' shirt as he tugs him down for his own kiss_
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, bumping their noses briefly in the process. When he pulls back, he looks away again. 'See! I'm fine!' The red creeping down his neck suggests otherwise though.
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finds he loves the way arthur's touch described his inexperience, pressing into it anyways. He can't help but laugh softly at the complaint though, letting Arthur control the kiss and finding it
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very endearing. He grins when he spots the redness in Arthur's expression though, quick to scoop him up in his arms with a grin after that. "Mm the intimite touches are the warning,
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petit prince." He carries him into the bedroom, setting him down and leaning in to steal another kiss. This time he's gentle, but also leading Arthur into how to respond, hoping the other
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would take a non verbal lesson better.
8 years ago
|Arthur yelps, face turning red for a different reason as Francis picks him up like it's nothing. 'Dragons don't let themselves be picked up,' he complains, hitting Francis' shoulder._
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The expression in Francis' eyes as he settles him down onto the bed silences further protests however, causing his stomach to oddly ache with a want, a hunger he couldn't quite place. His arms wrap around_
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Francis' neck, trying to follow his silent cues. He breaks the kiss, gasping for breath. 'I thought I was going to suffocate,' he complains, pushing at Francis' shoulder.
8 years ago
merely laughs at the hit, shaking his head. "Too bad~" was his only reply. He's happy when Arthur responds well to the kiss, pressing closer to him and gasping slightly when Arthur
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pushes him away back. "Don't push yourself if you can't breathe," he laughs gently, hand coming up to tangle with Arthur's hand that was pushing at him. "It's not meant to be a challenge. It's supposed to
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take your breath away in a different manner entirely~"
8 years ago
Looks a little perturbed at this new Francis, soon bursting into laughter. The tension seems to slip from him, a soft smile on his lips as he squeezes Francis hand. _
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'I think I get it.' A little like how his breath catches when the early morning sun catches Francis' hair during breakfast, or when Francis looks at him over the rim of his glasses.
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He leans up to catch Francis' lips in another kiss, remembering to breath through his nose this time.
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flushes a bit at Arthur's sudden laugh, not used to having the peole he wooed laugh lile that. Was he losing his touch?? He notices the serene smile on Arthurs face though, and it
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causes him to relax as well, humming softly as Arthur leans im for another kiss. He kisses him back happily, Trying to let Arthur lead and get used to the sensation, but slowly growing more insistent,
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nipping his lip teasingly.
8 years ago
|Arthur seems to enjoy being in control of the kiss, although he has no idea what he's doing. The nip causes him to jolt, tongue coming out to lick the spot as he pulls back._
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His eyebrows furrow for a moment before he leans in, pressure more insistent than before. He nips Francis in return shortly after, tongue soothing over the spot afterwards. He can_
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Hear his own heart rushing in his ears, a hand coming up to see if Francis' was doing the same.
8 years ago
livks his lips when Arthur pulls back, laughing a little. "Thought nothing I did could startle you~" he teases, though readily kissing him back when Arthur leans in again. He shivers when Arthur nips him back,
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pressing into the touch. Francis is unaware of what Arthur was looking for, but the action certainly has his heart racing even faster than before. He kisses him back deeply, hand coming up to bury into Arthur's
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short hair and coaxing him onto his back.
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|The racing of Francis' heart makes Arthur feel better about his own reactions. Arthur follows the coaxing, making sure to pull Francis with him. He slots a leg in-between Francis' legs, hands sliding down_
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The man's back pressing down on the small of his back to bring the man flush against him. 'I thought you were teaching me about courtship,' he murmurs, mouth pressing wet, desperate little kisses_
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Along Francis' jaw before nuzzling just under the blonde's ear.
8 years ago
gasps as he's pulled down against Arthur like that and the leg slides up between his, and he makes a soft pleased sound as he rolls his hips back against him. "I got a little distracted," he
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admits, laughing breathlessly. "Is that alright by you, petit roi?" he teases, tilting his head for the little desperate kisses and shivering as Arthur
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nuzzles against his neck like that. He takes opportunite in the moment, sliding his hands under the bottom edge of Arthur's shirt and pushing it up to reveal skin.
8 years ago
Arthur shivers as Francis' hands dip under his shirt. 'It's fine,' he gasps, squirming under the hand, thigh rubbing against Francis' crotch. His own hands slide into Francis' hair, tangling in the locks as_
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He tilts Francis' head to catch his lips in another embrace.
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groans softly and grinds against him, shifting so their legs interlock and he can press against Arthur's crotch too. His hands slide up his chest, thumbs rubbing his nipples
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teasingly as he kisses him back. He presses against him, kissing eagerly and nipping at his lip again to tease.
8 years ago
Makes soft gasping noises as Francis returns the favour, fingers tightening in his hair and giving it a tug. The fingers on his nipples make him jolt, a soft sound of surprise escaping_
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His lips as he breaks the kiss. 'Francis,' he murmurs, voice full of arousal and verging on uncertain.
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moans softly against his lips when Arthur tugs on his hair like that, breaking the kiss but not pulling away. "Arthur~" he breathes in reply, stealing one more kiss before he shifts again. "Is
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it more you want~?" he asks softly, with a grin. He slides his hand down to grope Arthur through his clothes, moving to trail hot kisses down his neck.
8 years ago
Gasps, hips bucking into Francis' welcoming touch. 'Hnnn... I dunno,' he says, head turning to the side, feeling overwhelmed under Francis' experienced hands. 'I want to...' He starts, trailing off with a_
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Groan.' He has no idea what he wants.
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smiles at Arthur's unsure replies, reminded that The other had never had an experience like this before. "Mm, I'll take care of you~" he murmurs against his neck, pulling away in favour of slipping between
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Arthur's legs. He undoes his pants, tugging them down enough to free Arthur's arousal before leaning in, trailing open mouthed kisses along his hips to place one against the base of his cock, before
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taking him into his mouth.
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|Arthur feels himself flush, nodding at the reassurances despite himself. Francis knew how to relieve the unmistakeable want and need... Right? He brings a hand up to his face_
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As Francis moved down his body, small whimpers and sighs of relief echoing through the room as the man releases his cock from it's confines. The kisses catch his attention, body tensing, free hand_
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Shooting out to grab Francis' shoulder as he's taken into the man's mouth. Loud, incoherent sounds fill the room, tears pricking at the corner of Arthur's eyes as he loses himself in the sensation.
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can feel the way Arthur tenses and squirms beneath him and he slides his hands up his thighs, pressing him down as he starts to bob his head slowly, teasingly, working his tongue on the underside of his
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cock. He groans in pleasure as he listens to the sweet sounds Arthur makes, encouraged on to take in more of his length and work his mouth faster, glancing upwards to watch the dragon's face.
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|Arthur hides his face in the crook of his arm, muffling the loud noises and chocked sobs in the fabric of his sweater. He struggles against the hands on his hips, trying at once to escape the lips on his_
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Cock while also looking to find more relief in it. His voice grows louder as he comes closer to a crescendo, hips stuttering under Francis' grip as he comes with a short_
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Cry and little warning. He had no concept of supposedly trying to last longer... All he knew was that this sensation, this blank moment in his mind of pure pleasure had to be the goal.
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moans lewdly around Arthur's length as he feels the way he moves beneath him, trying to keep his hips from moving too much as he bobs his head faster. He's caught off guard by how quickly Arthur comes however,
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swallowing what he can before pulling back, continuing stroking him and lapping up the rest as he finishes. When Arthur seems to finally be calming down he pulls back with a grin, licking his lips quite
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purposefully as he takes in the sight of Arthur so dishevelled beneath him. Oh god.. he definitely was way more into him than he should be.
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|Arthur is a complete mess when he finally looks at the other, hair mussed up by the tossing and turning of his head. He's covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and his lips are bruised from trying to hold back_
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His noises. Watching Francis lick his lips as he looks down on him allows Arthur a small sense of pride, despite his state. There was obviously something the man liked, if the hunger in his eyes was anything_
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To go by. He grabs Francis' arm, intending to bring him closer for a taste.
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finds himself really wanting to kiss those bruised lips, even though he can tell that's a prideful smirk tugging at the edges of them. He doesn't get a chance to tease him though, gasping as he's pulled
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forward and catching himself just enough to not land his full weight on Arthur. He's happy to immediately claim those lips in a desperate kiss, his arousal still straining against his pants.
8 years ago
Arthur guesses it's his turn to take the lead, threading their legs together as he kisses Francis back, tongue exploring the inside of the man's mouth. He flips them over in between heated kisses and soft_
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Groans, pressing his arse back down against Francis' crotch and grinding back down against it. His hands are busy trying to divulge Francis' of his shirt, fingers stumbling over the small buttons.
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hadn't really expected Arthur would take the lead but he's pleasantly surprised when he does. He moans against Arthur's lips as pressed down against the bed, arching against the friction of Arthur's
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hips needily. He shifts to try and help with the buttons, more used to them perhaps than the dragon was.
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Arthur sits up as he begins to tackle the buttons earnestly, eyebrows furrowing in concentration. He allows Francis to help, if only to follow by example. When the shirt is undone he looks triumphant.
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Splaying his hands over the man's chest, he moves so that he can grind down on top of his crotch, rolling his hips.
8 years ago
.is breathing hard by the time Arthur pulls back, laughing breathlessly at the adorable look of concentration. He's too distracted to tease though, letting out a low moan as Arthur rolls his hips against him
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like that, his own hips bucking into the attention as he slips his hands p to squeeze the boy's spread thighs. "A-Arthur please..." he breathes out softly, needing more.
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|Arthur feels a thrill run through him at that plea, slowly shifting so that he can give Francis what he wants. Fingers fumble with the man's trousers and belt, softly cursing under his breath as he tugs them_
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Down and off. He rids himself of his trousers as well before climbing back on top of Francis, hands curling around the base of the man's cock and giving it a squeeze. He needs Francis to probably guide him,_
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Unless he wants a play by play of what Francis just did to him.
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refrains from laughing at the quiet curses, lifting his hips to help when Arthur can finally tug off his pants.He groans and bucks into the hand on him, panting softly as he shifts himself up onto his elbows to
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watch him, a thought occurring to him. "A-Arthur would you.... would you be interested in riding me?" he asks, uncertain if Arthur would allow that or even know what he means. He just knew that the view
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of Arthur from here was magnificent.
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|Arthur has a faint idea of what he means, cheeks flushing in new found embarrassment. He begins to slowly stroke Francis, nodding to the request. 'Only cause you wouldn't do it right.'
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|All of his former bravado had been lost with that small request.
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groans in pleasure as Arthur strokes him, rolling his hips up into the tough. He can't help but laugh breathlessly at the comment, noddng. "Show me how it's done" he agrees, though shifting away from him
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momentarily to grab a small vial from his night stand. "Do yo want to prepare yourself, or shall I?" he asks softly.
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Arthur looks completely lost as Francis pulls out the vial... They didn't really cover that part in the books. 'You should do it,' he says, instead of admitting he doesn't know what to do.
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.gives him a knowing smirk, shifting to sit up, though keeping Arthur spreadeagle over his lap. "Let me know if you need me to stop," he offers softly, pouring the oil from the vial on his fingers
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carefully, before slipping his hand down to tease at Arthur's entrance, gently pressing a finger inside of him.
8 years ago
|Arthur grabs onto Francis' shoulder as they shift, nodding as he hides his face against Francis' neck. He tenses when Francis' fingers graze his entrance, making a soft sound of trepidation_
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. 'Francis,' he groans, shifting as he takes in the, for now, uncomfortable intrusion.
8 years ago
smiles as Arthur hides his face like that, kissing his shoulder gently as he carefully presses into him, slowly thrusting his finger inside of him, to help him get used to the intrusion and peppering
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more kisses along Arthur's shoulder to distract him.
8 years ago
|Arthur slowly melts into the affectionate kisses, relaxing as Francis opens him up. He's soon peppering his own kisses against the skin he has access to, fingers threading through_
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Francis' hair as he works on making an angry red mark there, teeth grazing against the skin, biting down when Francis' fingers brush his prostate.
8 years ago
.is glad to feel Arthur start relaxing against him, continuing to tease him with his finger for a little longer before pressing a second in. He tilts his head for Arthur's mouth, gasping and trembling a bit
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beneath him as Arthur leaves a mark and trails his teeth threateningly against his skin. He tenses and cries out in surprise when Arthur fully bites down though, pressing his fingers deeper into him. He swears
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breathlessly, moving his fingers faster and trying to find that spot again, figuring he must've surprised him.
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Groans lowly just below Francis' ear as the fingers are pressed in deeper, pressing against that spot more insistently. He shivers each time the fingers brush that spot, beginning to rock into the fingers for_
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Something more. A more punishing pace, perhaps. 'Hnnn Francis,' he gasps, trying to cling to the man's bare back and failing. 'Your cock,' he pleads, rocking needing against Francis' fingers and his crotch.
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moans at Arthur's pleading and the way he moves against him, continuing to stretch him and thrust his fingers into him for a few moments. "You're ready?" he breathes out, eager to have Arthur's tight heat
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around him but not wanting to hurt him. He does pull his fingers out after a moment more though, in favour of pouring more oil on his cock and stroking, stealing a kiss from Arthur first. "Take the
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lead then, petit chou," he murmurs against Arthur's lips.
8 years ago
|Arthur nods, perhaps more eager than ready but did that really matter? He moans at the loss of Francis' fingers, feeling oddly empty now even as Francis kisses him.
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Eases Francis back down, a hand splaying over one chest as the other reaches back to hold Francis' erection, hand stuttering at how slick it now was. He_
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Lines himself up, taking in a deep breath as he begins to ease himself down, breath catching in his throat as Francis spreads him wide. His head tilts back, eyes shutting as he slowly but surely gets past the_
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Head of Francis' cock, thighs shaking with the exertion.
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lets himself be eased back down onto his back, sliding his hands up Arthur's thighs and giving him a teasing squeeze. He makes a soft noise when Arthur grabs his length, watching him with interest and licking
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his lips in anticipation. He can't help but let out a low moan as Arthur eases himself onto his length, resisting the urge to buck up and trying to let Arthur take his time. The tight and heat around him was so
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tempting though, and he murmurs some encouragements to him to keep going, noticing the way the dragon's thighs trembled beneath his fingers.
8 years ago
|Arthur's attention is brought back to Francis with the moan, eyes dilated as he looks down at him. He looks overwhelmed by the encouragements, slowly easing himself down until Francis is_
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Fully sheathed. By the time he's done, he's gasping for breath.
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groans lowly as Arthur continues to press down onto him, panting himself. He looks up to the dragon's face, smiling sympathetically up at him as he notices how overwhelmed he seems, rubbing small circles
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on his thighs with his thumbs. "Are you alright?" he asks softly, only just holding in his desperate desire to move his hips.
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|Arthur nods, a hand coming up to cover his face in embarrassment. He's struggling to relax, even with Francis' soothing actions and voice, breathing raggedly as he tenses and then tries to relax around him.
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'I feel so full,' he explains, voice cracking half way through. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling... Just unsettling.
8 years ago
can feel the way Arthur is tensing around him like that, and he starts to worry that he's pushed him too fast. He sits up a bit, reaching up to stroke Arthur's hair and push it behind
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his ear. "You can stop if it's too much..." he offers, concern in his expression. "It might feel better if you move though.." he adds, unsure how Arthur was feeling exactly.
8 years ago
|Arthur can feel the concern from Francis distinctly, growing annoyed that he had caused Francis to worry. He moves into Francis' touch, turning his head to press a kiss to_
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His palm. He nods at the advice, slowly beginning to lift himself up of Francis' member before dropping himself down just as slowly. It does help, and he feels himself relax just a fraction, a soft moan_
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Falling from his lips. 'Like that?' He asks, looking for praise or confirmation of some sorts to tell him that's he's doing the right thing.
8 years ago
can feel his heart flutter with the little kiss and smiles. When Arthur starts to move at last though he can't help but moan, rolling his hips carefully against him. "Just like that," he agrees, leaning back
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on his elbows, watching the way Arthur moves his hips. "Better?" he checks, carefully rolling his hips up against him again.
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Nods, 'Far better.' He slowly picks up the pace, trying to meet the rolling of Francis' hips. He's almost forgotten about that jolt of electricity he'd felt earlier, the sensation_
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Shocking him and causing him to tighten around Francis. 'The-ah, there!' He encourages, shifting to try and find the spot again. At this rate he wasn't going to last long, the need for_
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Release already chewing at his stomach.
8 years ago
groans as Arthur finally starts to move in earnest, his hips bucking up to meet the tight heat. When Arthur seems to find that spot again and tense around him like that he swears softly under his breath at
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how good he felt. A few moments more and he can no longer take Arthur's pace, taking control and rolling them over so he's on top without pulling out. He speeds the pace, trying to hit that spot in Arthur
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again, wanting to see him squirm beneath him now.
8 years ago
|Arthur clings to Francis as his centre of gravity shifts, eyes going wide for a moment before all he can actually think about is Francis' cock thrusting into him at a a pace so much quicker than before.
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He runs his hands up Francis' back, nails digging in just enough to leave a mark, as he squirms, letting out a low groan each time Francis hits the right spot.
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Is painfully close, a hand soon slipping to his own torso and taking his cock in hand with a chocked sob.
8 years ago
lets out a stuttered cry as Arthur digs his nails into his back, urged on to go faster and starting to feel desperate himself. He murmurs encouragement as Arthur strokes himself, sliding his hand down on top of
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his to push him faster; he wanted to see Arthur come beneath him. He shifts their hips so he can press in deeper, forgetting in his desperation and pleasure that he should still be going gentler with him..
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Wraps his legs around Francis with the shift, becoming much more vocal as Francis seems to reach deeper within him. The hand guiding his pace is his undoing however. He comes hard and fast, back arching_
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As a long, stuttered moan fills the room. He rolls his hips as he rides it out, unaware of the mess he was making of his torso and shirt as he cums over them.
8 years ago
.loves the way Arthur's voice sounds like this, groaning in pleasure as he feels him arch and tense around him as he comes. He continues to stroke and thrust into him, though it doesn't take him very long
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before he's coming as well, crying out in pleasure and continuing to move until they're both well spent. He pauses at last, leaning down to steal one more passionate kiss before he pulls out of him,
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laying down on the bed next to Arthur but reaching over to run his hands up Arthur's thighs. half massaging and half just wanting to touch.
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Shudders as Francis continues to thrust, sensitive from his orgasm. When he finally finishes, the warmth feels odd, but not quite as odd as the feeling of Francis pulling out and leaving him empty.
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|Arthur can barely catch his breath after the intensity of it all. The touches give him little room to think, perhaps a good thing, as he moves closer to Francis and those delicate touches.
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_His own hands run up Francis' arm and trace over the bite mark he'd left. The image makes his stomach flutter in an odd way.
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smiles as Arthur moves closer to him, stealing another little kiss and tangling their legs together. He shivers when Arthur trails his fingers over the bruising mark though, the skin sensitive now. "Proud
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of yourself?" he teases softly, noticing him admiring the mark.
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Kisses him back, chasing after his lips as he pulls back. He scowls with the question, moving his hand away from the mark. 'I didn't mean it,' he protests. 'You just surprised me!'
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laughs a bit at the reaction, shaking his head. "I didn't say I hated it," he whispers conspiratorially, winking at him. "You should take your shirt off though so I can cuddle you better," he adds, glancing
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down at the soiled clothing and slipping his hands down to help him with the little buttons.
8 years ago
|Arthur tuts at the wink, shaking his head. 'Stop being silly.' He lets Francis deal with the buttons, shrugging it off and dropping it by the side of the bed. 'So that's what I should do with Michael, right?'
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_He asks, keeping his face as deadpan as possible as he curls up against Francis again.
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smiles at the comment about being silly, letting the shirt fall to the floor and figuring he'd have to wash it later. He wraps his arms around Arthur, but freezes at the question. "No, I-I..." he stutters,
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hesitating and wondering now if he'd not been clear enough before, or if he'd misinterpreted Arthur's response. "I was.. trying to tell you I like you more than I should..." he admits, uncertainty at the
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edge of his words now. "But if you like him like that..." he trails off, unsure what to say but moving to pull away from him. It hurt his heart to think Arthur had been thinking of Michael the entire time.
8 years ago
Frowns, wondering if he had somehow gotten the concept of teasing wrong. Francis seemed to derive so much pleasure from it... But Arthur didn't find this reaction amusing at all.
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_He sighs, pulling back to look Francis in the eye. 'I don't like him like that, you idiot.' Although, it is actually all of Arthur's fault.
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would agree that Arthur had missed some of the finer points of teasing- and definitely time and place. "Then why..." he trails off, rubbing his face and looking a bit embarrassed. Even after all these years he
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had such a hard time reading Arthur. "You're being mean to me again, aren't you," he pouts.
8 years ago
|Arthur huffs, 'I was trying to tease you!' He looks embarrassed too, knowing he's ruined a lovely moment.
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blinks at that answer, a small smile gracing his lips again after a moment, though his eyes still betray a bit of his previous expression. "'re not very good at that," he says softly, moving to
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pull Arthur in his arms again. "I can't tell when you're teasing or serious..." he admits quietly.
8 years ago
Steadfastly avoids looking in Francis' eyes, knowing he didn't want to see the hurt in them. 'I don't know how to fix that,' he grumbles, rubbing Francis'
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Back in what is meant to be a soothing manner. 'I'll just stop teasing you.'
8 years ago
's smile grows warmer with the comforting hands on his back, pulling Arthur close and resting his chin on his head. "Teasing is an odd thing, I'll admit...." he hums softly. "'s... a general good
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rule not to talk about doing it with other potential partners right after sex though..."
8 years ago
|Arthur snuggles into the warm embrace, fingers slowly tracing up Francis' spine. 'Noted,' he murmurs, lips brushing against Francis' skin. 'Any other tips?'
8 years ago
arches slightly against the touch, enjoying the gentle touches now. He hums a moment, considering. "Smile more," he mumbles, bringing a hand up to bury in Arthur's hair. "I like your smile...."
8 years ago
Frowns, wondering if that would really fix anything. 'I do smile though,' he grouches, although it's somewhat negated by the way he presses up into Francis' touch.
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hums softly, kissing the top of his head. "Not when you try to tease me you don't... I can't feel emotions like you can, remember?"
8 years ago
|Arthur thought that was the point... 'You're meant to smile when teasing people?' Then it's easy for them to tell that you're teasing them....
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blinks at that answer, laughing a little. " else would I know you're joking?"
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Pulls back, eyebrow raised in question as he looks up at Francis, 'Because it's a ridiculous thing to say?'
8 years ago
blinks as he looks down to him, pouting a bit. "Not when it seems like you're being serious about it...."
8 years ago
Closes the small gap between their lips, eyes shutting as he kisses Francis. When he pulls back he has a smile on his face, a little forced but there. 'How about this?'
8 years ago
can't help but smile as he kisses him back, eyes glancing down to the smile when he pulls back. "Much better~"
8 years ago
Keeps it up for a few seconds before coming up to rub his cheeks. 'It hurts.'
8 years ago
laughs softly at that, peppering little kisses on Arthur's cheeks. "You're cute," he murmurs, before stealing another kiss on the lips.
8 years ago
Makes a face, pushing Francis away. 'Dragons are majestic.' He hated being called cute... Cute was reserved for small animals and babies.
8 years ago
grins as Arthur pushes him away, using their legs tangled together to keep himself close. "Maybe, but right now you're the cutest human I ever did see~" He's teasing again...
8 years ago
|Arthur can tell that much, a hand coming up to cover Francis' mouth. 'I'm not cute, Francis.'
8 years ago
hummmmmms doubtfully at him, before just kissing Arthur's palm.
8 years ago
Pulls the hand back with an annoyed sound, cheeks now bright red. 'You're being an idiot again.'
8 years ago
smiles at him, noticing the blush. "Cute is a compliment," he insists, placing a kiss on the tip of Arthur's nose now.
8 years ago
|Arthur only turns redder with the affectionate gesture, fingers curling for a moment before he gives up with a sigh. 'Idiot.' He snuggles his face into the crook of Francis' neck_
8 years ago
To protect himself from further assault.
8 years ago
laughs gently, tilting his head for Arthur and pulling him close. "Is that your pet name for me now?"
8 years ago
Hums, considering it for a moment. 'It's your own fault.'
8 years ago
grins, humming at him. "How rude! I thought you liked me~"
8 years ago
Falls quiet with that, taking his own sweet time to say, 'Of course I like you... Idiot.'
8 years ago
can feel his heart leap with the silence, cheeks flushing a bit with the honest admittance at last... even if he can't help but smile at the added on name. He's satisfied with that though, cuddling
8 years ago
Arthur close. "I like you too, petit roi," he murmurs.
8 years ago
makes a soft sound of embarrassment, pressing closer to Francis. 'I know that already,' he grumbles.
8 years ago
smiles happily. "I thought I'd like to remind you," he hums, placing a kiss on top of Arthur's head.
8 years ago
Can feel the happiness radiating off of the man, causing him happiness in turn. Is this what liking someone a lot involved? 'I'm hungry,' he says, not quite wanting to deal with this all right at this moment.
8 years ago
laughs softly at that, humming. "You're going to make me pull away from you to go make dinner, aren't you," he hums.
8 years ago
Arthur can feel a smile tugging at his lips. 'I only said I was hungry.'
8 years ago
hasn't moved an inch yet. "Good, then I'm just gonna stay here a while longer," he hums, wrapping his arms around Arthur a little more.
8 years ago
Squirms in the tightening hold, trying to urge him to move. 'I'm hungry...' He repeats, hands coming up between the two of them and eating on his chest.
8 years ago
laughs a bit with Arthur's insistence, realizing he wasn't gonna get to lie here and bask a little longer. "Fine, fine.. what do you want for dinner?" he hums, still lying in the same spot.
8 years ago
Nudges him for the lack of movement. 'I want beef.' He begins to sit up, only now realising his arse felt a little numb....
8 years ago
exaggerates a siiigh, letting Arthur go and sitting up himself. "Alright, I suppose you won't give me a choice hm?" He smiles though, stealing another kiss. "You can relax, I'll go make dinner," he
8 years ago
assures, standing and stretching before pulling his pants back on and leaving to go cook.
8 years ago
Arthur ignores the sigh, kissing him back before he sinks back into the sheets the moment Francis gets out of bed. 'You have a choice,' he murmurs, watching Francis get dressed.
8 years ago
'I'll still be hungry though.'
8 years ago
hums at him, smiling as the other sinks back down. "Oh take a nap, you're getting grumpy again," he teases, sticking his tongue out playfully before disappearing.
8 years ago
Throws a pillow at the door, missing Francis by more than a couple of seconds. While Francis is out he gingerly checks himself out 'down there' growing when he finds the mess there._
8 years ago
_The mess and pain hadn't been mentioned before he started this... If he wasn't grumpy before.. He was now.
8 years ago
can be heard laughing as the pillow misses. He's unaware of Arthur's newfound grumpiness, having been with too many experienced people to remember that that was something he should've mentioned. He hums happily
8 years ago
to himself as he cooks, his heart feeling a lot lighter now that he's realized both that he had feelings for Arthur and that they were returned.
8 years ago
|Arthur soon manages to climb out of bed and wrap a sheet around himself, heading out towards the main living area with the wash basin. 'Can you fill this up?'
8 years ago
glances up when he hears Arthur's voice, noticing the basin and nodding. "Of course cher," he hums, kissing the boy's cheek as he takes the basin to go fill it up. "Stoke a fire if you want it to be warmed."
8 years ago
|Arthur murmurs a soft thank you, heading towards the fire and starting it much like Francis would, struggling slightly. Once he gets it done though, he looks a loss at what to do with himself.
8 years ago
_He knows he can't sit down, he'd make a mess of the furniture so he decides to make a bother of himself in the kitchen, watching Francis as he busies about. 'You never told me about the mess...'
8 years ago
soon has the basin full for him, handing it to him. "Ah... sorry about that, I forgot you wouldn't know," he smiles apologetically. "Do you want my help~?" he offers, humming softly.
8 years ago
Looks offended at the idea, shaking his head. '...N-no!' He takes the basin, placing it over the fire. 'I can clean myself!'
8 years ago
laughs at the offended look, stealing another kiss. "I can be very gentle~" he hums, sliding a hand down Arthur's spine teasingly.
8 years ago
|Arthur attempts to shake him off, 'What kind of help would that be?'
8 years ago
grins, letting himself be shaken off. "I'll have to show you next time, I don't want to burn our dinner," he hums, kissing Arthur's forehead again before pulling away to go check on the meal.
8 years ago
Waits for the water to eat for a while before taking the pot away to clean in privacy, paying no mind to the fact that it would normally burn a person. When he's clean he makes a haphazard attempt at _
8 years ago
Changing the sheets and curls back up in the bed, waiting for Francis to come back.
8 years ago
finishes up cooking while Arthur cleans himself and changes the sheets, soon coming in to join him and bringing two plates of food with him. "You look cozy," he comments, sitting on the
8 years ago
edge of the bed and waiting for Arthur to sit up before handing him his food.
8 years ago
Sits up to greet Francis, taking the plate. 'I was...' He says, a small smile on his face as he looks down at the plate. 'It looks alright,' he hums, still smiling. Of course_
8 years ago
It looks delicious but.... He was trying out his teasing still.
8 years ago
arches a brow at the tease, grinning a bit when notices the smile. "Maybe it'll taste better than you think it looks," he hums, taking a bite of his own meal.
8 years ago
Arthur settles back against the headrest, taking a bite of the meal. He's quick to dig in after the first bite, obviously liking it.
8 years ago
chuckles softly as he notes Arthur did like it, scooting over to sit next to him as he eats too, making sure their thighs are touching. He's just generally pretty happy right now..
8 years ago
|Arthur slows down when he realises their thighs are touching, a blush reaching his cheeks. 'It's good,' he murmurs, inching slightly closer.
8 years ago
|| "Better than alright?" he grins, nudging him playfully.
8 years ago
"I wouldn't say it's that good..." He nudges the man back, avoiding his gaze as he finishes up the meal.
8 years ago
laughs at that, but leaves it be. He finishes up slower than Arthur, soon relaxing against the headboard, content.
8 years ago
Waits for Francis to finish before taking the plates to wash them up. When he returns, he climbs into the bed with Francis and settles by his side, rather intimately. 'Don't say anything.'
8 years ago
.looks a bit surprised as Arthur takes his plate, and is definitely grinning and ready to tease once Arthur returns to him. He hums at the command, wrapping his arm around him and settling in happily
8 years ago
before leaning in to tease. "You like me~~"
8 years ago
Makes a noise, pushing at Francis away once he starts teasing. 'I don't remember saying that anymore.'
8 years ago
laughs, wrapping his arms around Arthur and leaning in to kiss his neck playfully as he tries to pull away. "You said it, I remember~~~"
8 years ago
Shivers with the kiss, scowling at himself. 'Maybe you need to clean your ears,' he squirms in the other's hold, growing more and more embarrassed by the minute.
8 years ago
grins at the little shiver, peppering kisses over his cheeks too. "Nope I'm clean," he hums, pausing a moment... before running his hands down to tickle Arthur's sides.
8 years ago
Breaks out into a fit of laughter, pushing at Francis' arms as he squirms away from the assault. 'S-stop!'
8 years ago
grins, continuing to tickle him. "Admit you remember~" he insists, climbing on top of him to keep him in place.
8 years ago
Gasps for breath, wriggling under the other as he's pinned down. He's not going to go down without a fight. 'Remember what?' He asks between laughs and deep breaths, pushing Francis'
8 years ago
Hands away from his most sensitive areas.
8 years ago
laughs happily as he watches Arthur squirm beneath him, trying his best to keep tickling him despite being pushed away. "What you said to me~ The thing that makes my heart beat so fast~"
8 years ago
groans in frustration before breaking into another fit of laughter. 'Al-alright! I'll say it...!' He concedes, hoping the man would stop to at least give him a chance to say it.
8 years ago
pauses in his tickling as Arthur seems to cave, still straddling Arthur to keep him pinned there and keeping his fingers hovering threateningly nearby in case he retaliates. He grins down at him
8 years ago
expectantly, tilting his head a bit as he waits for Arthur's reply.
8 years ago
Makes eye contact with the man, grinning widely as he says. 'I remember saying your food was alright.' He moves to grab Francis' hands, trying to flip the two of them over.
8 years ago
blinks at him, before he looks offended through his laugh. "You....!!" he gasps as he's flipped, now at the mercy of Arthur and squirming beneath him, grinning. "How rude!"
8 years ago
Pins Francis' hands above his head, smiling as he looks down at the view. 'You'll get over it.' He leans down to catch his lips, tugging on his bottom lip as he pulls back. 'Even if I don't admit it.'
8 years ago
"Even if I don't admit it... You'll remember it right?' He asks, voice barely over a whisper.
8 years ago
stops struggling against him withthe kiss, shivering slightly at the little tug. He smiles gently at the soft question, cheeks tinting a little red. "Of course, mon couer. How could I forget?" he answers
8 years ago
back softly, leaning up to steal another kiss.
8 years ago
|Arthur kisses him back, relaxing his hold on the other. 'Then why do I have to say that I remember.'
8 years ago
hums softly, relaxing a bit but staying where he is. "Because it's nice to hear it coming from you," he answers with a smile.
8 years ago
|Arthur takes a moment or two to digest that before he sighs, leaning in to whisper. 'I remember.' He begins to climb off the man, ready to curl up against his side and hide for a while.
8 years ago
smiles, happily wrapping his arm around Arthur as the other tries to hide. "I'm glad," he murmurs, curling up with him.
8 years ago
||'Just go to sleep.' He murmurs, voice heavily laden with embarrassment.
8 years ago
laughs gently, settling down comfortably. "Oui, oui..." he mumbles softly, closing his eyes and seeming to try to sleep. His mind was still thinking over the day though so it takes him a while
8 years ago
to actually settle enough to doze off.
8 years ago
||Arthur stays awake, his own mind running over the events. He waits until Francis is asleep before creeping out of the man's embrace, and finding clothes. It wasn't odd for him to stay in his human form for_
8 years ago
So long, nowadays at least, but the desire to fly and think the change over was almost impossible to ignore. He dresses before climbing out onto the roof and taking flight. When he returns, the light_
8 years ago
Of the rising sun is threatening to expose him to the world. It's a quick scurry into the room, opening and closing the window with learned practice.
8 years ago
ends up sleeping quite soundly through the night, though he 's in a light enough sleep once Arthur comes on home that he stirs. He turns blearily towards the soft sounds, looking confused and sleepy.
8 years ago
"Arthur....?" he asks softly, propping himself up on his elbow and rubbing his eyes.
8 years ago
|Arthur scratches the back of his head, looking apologetic as he makes his way over. 'Yeah, it's me. Go back to sleep.' He gives Francis' shoulder a light nudge before heading to the closet to change into_
8 years ago
Pyjamas. He was planning on joining Francis shortly.
8 years ago
hums a bit with the nudge, eyebrows furrowing a bit. "Why're you dressed...?" he mumbles, collapsing back against the pillows, still half asleep. It takes him a few minutes to realize the obvious reason
8 years ago
Arthur was up and about, and he sits up in bed when he clues in. ".....did you go out flying?" he asks.
8 years ago
|Arthur was just about to climb back into the bed when Francis sits up, jumping slightly. He had thought the man asleep, and had ignored his first question. 'I did,' he answers, sitting on the edge of the bed.
8 years ago
blinks blearily at him, brow furrowing a bit. "...I thought we agreed that I would come with you when you do that..." he scolds, though he looks more disappointed than angry. He pauses, glancing at the
8 years ago
window. "...and the sun's already rising!"
8 years ago
|Arthur avoids Francis' gaze, hearing the disappointment in his voice. '...I wanted to think... Plus, you needed to sleep.' He knows the latter is entirely his fault, unsure about how to reply to that.
8 years ago
|| "What do you do if you get seen, Arthur? What if you got hurt and I didn't know where you were?" he asks, reaching out for Arthur's hand. He can't help but wonder what Arthur needed to think about
8 years ago
though, trying not to think negatively about it.
8 years ago
|| "What will they say if they see me? Who can they tell?" He queries, although as for the latter question... he once again is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
8 years ago
|He squeezes Francis' hand, expression serious as he says. "If getting hurt will upset you... I simply won't get hurt..." He hesitates, knowing Francis won't like what he has to say. "But I can't stop flying.
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