15 years ago
Scott Appleby from Notre Dame will be on the show tomorrow to explain Obama invite decision. Prayers for composure would be appreciated.
latest #23
AdamtheCatholic says
15 years ago
forget that! Let him have it! Check out and read some of Fr. Barrons words on the matter
AdamtheCatholic shares
15 years ago
iPadre says
15 years ago
Give it to him! I would and he would never forget it!
gregwillits says
15 years ago
Adam - good link. thanks!
iPadre says
15 years ago
I will pray for you also! You will be much more charitable than I would.
AdamtheCatholic says
15 years ago
Charity is not alwase being polite!
AdamtheCatholic says
15 years ago
gregwillits ;-) no prob
lah_406 says
15 years ago
not sure how I would handle that conversation. I know you will come prepared.
lah_406 says
15 years ago
remind us again tomorrow so we can all pray for you.
15 years ago
gangga says
15 years ago
Migly says
15 years ago
if possible, put on podcast! Greg,,,give it to him! Someone has to stand for the truth of the church, the teachings and what it means to..
Migly says
15 years ago Catholic. to be a proponent of life, what it means to value life, to know that there is NOTHING without life.
Migly says
15 years ago
Greg...get HIM...hold him ACCOUNTABLE!
knittingvt says
15 years ago
boy some of you sound very non-christian, I hope you are tongue in cheek
Migly says
15 years ago
knittingvt part of being Christian is guiding those who have strayed back to the true meaning of Christianity and the teaching of our Lord.
Migly says
15 years ago
sometimes that means saying things people don't want to can be charitable about it...I think the Willits can do that!
15 years ago
I would love to see ipadre give it to him straight. I know gregwillits will do a great job though. May the Holy Spirit guide you!
Migly says
15 years ago
amen Zina!
knittingvt says
15 years ago
my comment was due to the "give it to him" type plurks. I agree that the invite to President Obama was not appropriate for a Catholic
knittingvt says
15 years ago
University. It was the tone of some of the responses that seemed harsh, Greg..prayers to you.
AdamtheCatholic says
15 years ago
it being the truth!
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