Francis has
9 years ago
acquired quite a few amazing looking artefacts recently, and while he has managed to line up buyers for most of them, there is one curiosity he can't seem to find a home for. A strange rounded sculpture that
latest #325
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looked a lot like it was meant to be a scaly type of egg sat on his shelf, almost mockingly. At some point though while he cleans, he gets the feeling that it would do better in a spot by the sun. He moves
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the egg sculpture to a windowsill, pleased with the way the sun reflects off of it, before going about on his normal life.
9 years ago
|Arthur for a long time doesn't know much beyond the fact that he has moved. The cold makes it hard to think, his mind sluggishly trying to track_
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His movements as he travels across oceans and continents. He passes through many hands, the few moments of heat in_
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An otherwise cold, dull gestation period. He is fully grown long before he can hatch, the boredom eating away at him until_
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_he's grown agitated with his half existence.
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|Arthur can barely remember what his ancestors names are, let alone what lessons they may have passed on. He feels ill equipped to_
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Deal with the world. The heat is a welcome relief and for a moment, Arthur forgets himself and simply basks in it, letting the warmth seep into his bones_
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And warm his blood. Soon though, he remembers he must hatch. The first crack is perhaps the loudest, as his foot pushes up against the top of the egg.
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After that, it is a simply case of pushing against the break until he can see the sun streaming through, startling him. None of the memories of his_
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Ancestors could have prepared him for this.
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.is busy spring cleaning his apartment,enjoying the sun shining in through the windows as he does and humming a soft tune. He startles when he hears a loud crack, however, first inspecting the the picture frame
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in his hands in panic before realizing it had to have been something else. He sets down the frame carefully, getting up to start looking for whatever fell or snapped. He almost doesn't notice
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the egg shaking until the movement of a foot bursting through in the corner of his vision startles him, and he gasps in horrified surprise. "W-what the....!" He freezes on the spot,
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watching this thing he thought was a sculpture hatch, and torn between getting a closer look or finding something to protect himself with.
9 years ago
|Arthur chips away at the egg until he's able to climb out, squawking the whole time. He lands on his face, stunning himself for a few moments_
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Before trying to pick himself up. His wings are small, far too small for his body, and yet he attempts to stretch them anyway with a small squawk that sounds like a groan.
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|Arthur hasn't noticed Francis yet. He's far too concerned with whether or not everything is working or not.
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watches in interest, creeping forward but at the same time blindly reaching to pull one of his heavier hardcover books off the coffee table to defend with if he needs it. He's silent as he watches the small
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dragon stretch his wings out like that, though now only a couple steps away. He clears his throat to alert the creature to his presence and see how he would react, unsure what else to do.
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Turns to face Francis with the sound, wings fanning out in what is meant to be an intimidating show of size but looks almost comical. He_
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Stretches out his neck towards the human, feline-like eyes mere slits as he evaluates him before hissing. Arthur decidedly didn't like things bigger than him.
Francis has
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his book ready as shield as the little thing turns around, but blinks in surprise at the surprisingly adorable display. He can't help but laugh, shifting to put the book down at the hiss and
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crouch a bit, reaching his hand out to let the thing sniff it or sense him or whatever, similar as to how he would approach a dog or cat. "Awww it's okay, little friend. I'm not going to hurt you..." he
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promises gently.
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|Arthur rears up as the other approaches, small tail hitting the window. With little else place to go he is forced to smell the hand, his tongue_
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Reaching out to taste his flesh. The sound of his voice is familiar, his ancestors having lived with and killed humans... But the language was decidedly foreign.
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|Arthur could hear the melody in the language, the soft lilt soothing him just the slightest. It doesn't stop him from taking an experimental bit of Francis'_
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Finger though.
9 years ago
|Arthur was hungry, starving even, and Francis was the closest thing to food he had seen yet.
9 years ago
|Arthur was hungry, starving even, and Francis was the closest thing to food he had seen yet.
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|Arthur was hungry, starving even, and Francis was the closest thing to food he had seen yet.
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smiles softly at the strange little creature as it seems to sniff him, but he yelps in surprise at the nip and is quick to yank his hand back and step backwards in fear of more of an attack.
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"No! Bad.... thing..!" he scolds, quick to fall into pet owner mentality before realizing again that this was not a normal situation. He doesn't quite understand that the nip was because of hunger, more
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thinking it was a hostility thing. "If you can't be nice, you're going to have to go..." but to where, he realizes, knowing he can't just dump whatever this was into the streets of Paris. Was this even a real
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thing that was happening? "...I'm going to have to contact the guy that sold you to me," he frowns, knowing that had been several months ago now and unsure where exactly he had gotten it.
9 years ago
|Arthur hisses at the man one more time for good measure before looking around for food. He ignores the man's rumblings, wondering if_
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Humans had become stupid in the time he had spent in his egg. He could distinctly remember his ancestors conversing with them.
9 years ago
He attempts to eat the shell of his egg, nosing at the item before taking it up and chewing on it. When he realises just how it's tastes, much like chalk_
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However, he spits it out and goes in search of other sources of food. A dead spider, in the corner of the window seems to grab his_
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Attention and he starts nudging at priceless decorations in an attempt to get at it.
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frowns as he absentmindedly watches the creature, mind more on figuring out what to do about this than what the thing was doing. He's startled out of it when he hears the scrape of movement, gasping
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loudly (just short of a screech) as he rushes forward to grab the smaller sculpture just in time before it went crashing to the ground. "Non, non non!" he complains, quick to pick up the other delicates in
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Arthur's way and hurrying to set them aside to relative safety. He would've just picked up the lizard thing, but he wasn't sure if he'd get bit again doing that. "You're going to be a nuisance," he scolds,
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though noticing what the dragon was going for at last and finally cluing in what he was doing (despite making a face at the choice). "...don't eat that.... I'll find you something... What do lizards even
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eat?" he frowns, setting down the last item out of Arthur's range.
9 years ago
|Arthur tilts his head as he hears the distinctive, 'Non, non, non.' He's not sure what he's done, but it's something back. He swishes his tail_
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In agitation, squawking at the other. Then feed me! he complains, pushing his thoughts onto the other.
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watches him for a half moment later before sighing and going to see what he could find that a lizard might eat. He freezes when he thinks he hears something, glancing back at the creature. "Did you....?" he
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starts, before shaking his head. No, that was ridiculous. He steps into his kitchen though, rummaging around a bit for something that he might eat, and coming back with a couple different things. "I don't
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know what you eat, so maybe something like this...?" he offers, setting down a bowl of stew leftover from his earlier meal, a few vegetables, and a cup of cream. He sets them just a bit away from Arthur,
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trying to leave the thing space to explore.
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|Arthur's eyes become fixated on the man as he carries the food over. His first instinct leads him to the stew, biting into apiece of meat_
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Before tossing it up into the air. His neck stretches out as he closes his jaw around the piece, chewing on it a few times before swallowing.
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|After that, Arthur proceeds to gorge himself on the stew before moving to look at the vegetables and cream, both of which he turns his nose up to.
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|He squawks at Francis, before nudging at the bowl he had finished. Apparently he wasn't done yet.
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crouches down to watch in fascination, noting that the little thing seems to be picking out the meat from the stew and not surprised by the time he turns his nose up at the rest. "Meat eater, hm? Looks like I'm
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going to have to go shopping again tomorrow then..." he laughs at the cute little squawk, getting up and taking the bowl to see if he had more. He comes back with the last bowl of the stew, but also a fish he
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hadn't started preparing for dinner yet. "So little buddy, do you eat things raw too?" he asks, holding out the fish first.. he'd eat the stew if this was a suitable dinner for the lizard.
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|Arthur almost turns up his nose at the fish before he gets a whiff of it. He leans forward, tugging the fish from Francis grip and beginning his second feast._
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Apparently he also ate raw things. And their bones. When he's done, he stretches out much like a cat and curls his tail around himself, watching_
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Francis intensely. i want water, he requests, trying to push the idea of thirst upon the human.
Francis is
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amused by the little tugs, pleased that his new friend seemed to be better sated now with that. "Wow, guess I'll get more of those for you," he hums with a smile, picking up the other things to put away. "You
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need a name," he muses, not even realizing that the thought was planted in his head this time and busying himself with getting a bowl of water while he tries to think of a suitable name. "I think Pierre suits
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you," he decides on, setting down he water beside the dragon and reaching out to attempt to scratch his head affectionately in hopes the food created a better friendship.
9 years ago
|Arthur grumbles at the name Pierre, starting to vaguely understand the odd melodic language. A lot of the words seemed superfluous, as though there_
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Just to make the sentences more smooth. He retracts as the hand, reaches forward, the spines on his back drooping. He does let the_
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Human touch him however, assuming he is overtaken with his beauty and must touch him. While the connection is there, he pushes out the idea f his_
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Own name. He wanted it to appear as if it was an idea Francis had had. When done, he butts the head away to drink from the water, sneezing_
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At first contact with the water. Not isn't until then however that he realises how parched he is, finishing the bowl in record time.
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almost pull back but is really pleased when the creature lets him pet it, scratching its chin and admiring the strange shape of its face. He chuckles a little as e's nudged away and pulls back again, pondering
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on a thought that seems to pop into his head, and debating a bit. "Non... maybe not Pierre, I suppose..... Arthur....?" he wonders out loud, frowning a little at the way the name felt on his tongue. "I don't
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know about that one either..." he blinks as the water's gone in record time though, quickly getting up to refill it and coming to sit back down with him again. "Hatching must be a more draining thing
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than i thought," he laughs, glancing back at the weird and now broken egg still on the windowsill. Were lizards usually this big?
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|Arthur seems pleased, letting out a soft growl as he hears the term for water again. The fact that the human has said his name as well, seemed to reassure him somewhat.
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|Arthur waddles about, stretching out his wings and making random squawks as he appears to strut around the windowsill.
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|He seems to be looking for some sort of praise, if the glances in Francis' direction are anything to go by.
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laughs as he watches him strut about, scooting a bit closer and stretching his hand out again to see if he would come up to him. "You're the most cat like lizard I've ever seen," he says, amused. "Will you be
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friendly with me now that your belly is full~?"
9 years ago
|Arthur seems to have settled down somewhat and wants to be fawned over. He pauses when Francis comes closer, looking at the hand for a moment,
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Before giving it a playful head butt. He wants the man to pet him and pay him attention.
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smiles fondly when the strange creature finally headbutts his hand, shifting to scratch under his chin and lavish him with petting. "Not quite as soft as a kitty, but still pretty cute," he
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muses to himself, gently touching one of Arthur's wings curiously.
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|Arthur stretches out his wings, head titled in such a way as to suggest pride. They're small for now, but they would eventually grow. He seems to_
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Thrive under Francis' attention, a small grumble coming from the base of his chest.
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admires the wings, though he found it really strange... wherever this egg came from must have some rather strange creatures. He blinks when he hears the sound though, laughing a bit and
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continuing to pet his head. "...are you purring? What a cute thing...."
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|Arthur moves into the touch, directing the petting to underneath his jaw. He squawks approvingly. Of course this human should be in awe of him.
9 years ago
| It had been a weird and rocky start for Francis, getting used to living with what he now knew to be a dragon- a real live, fire breathing and flying dragon. He had at first assumed it to be a weird lizard,
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but when the thing started clearly communicating with him, he had realized (after a hilarious scream and some panicking about going insane) that his purchase had been much, MUCH more rare than he
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originally guessed. Francis had attempted to sell Arthur, both deeming himself unfit to care for him and also wanting the huge profit that could come off a thing like this... but every single person
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he tried to spark interest in had accused him of attempting a con. He gave up before his business could be affected, though over the last year he had grown fond of Arthur and decided to keep him,
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though worried over how big the young dragon was getting already. Currently he was searching his house for a gold ring he had a customer interested in, getting frustrated as he hadn't thought he had that
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many hiding spots.
9 years ago
|It had taken a while for Arthur to accept that Francis had somehow become his companion. He was sure you normally got to decide these things._
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Francis hadn't shown himself to be unworthy so far however, and had even surprised Arthur with how consistent his meals appeared to be._
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|The desire to roam had grown with time. Yet, even he knew that he would cause a fuss. Francis had already caused enough of one when he had figured out_
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What Arthur was. He could only imagine how other people would react. It was with some effort, and in secret, that he had been practising shape-shifting.
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|Francis returns during one of these practice sessions, looking for something if all the commotion was anything to go by. Perhaps this gold ring he was currently wearing.
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|Arthur was honestly hoping the man had forgotten it. It was frustrating to have one's hoard continuously pilfered by their own companion.
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|Arthur continues to lounge on Francis' bed, knowing they had made an agreement that he didn't enter his room. But that only counted for his dragon form.
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hadn't quite realized yet that his new pet had been the reason he seemed to be so much more forgetful over where he placed some of things in his collection of artefacts, wondering instead if he was going
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senile already. He frowns as he realizes the ring's not in the drawer he was checking, pausing a moment... before freezing as he realizes there's someone else in the room with him. He turns around slowly,
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surprise and suspicion evident on his face. "Ah... hello. May I ask who you are and what you are doing in my bed...?" he asks, frowning a bit. Oh please don't let this be a robbery.
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Arthur, who still hadn't been able to get the eyes down right, looks up from where he is inspecting the ring to reply. His French sounds stilted, his only exposure to the language one sided conversations_
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with Francis. "You can't tell?" he asks, tilting his head.
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blinks at the stilted French, cluing in as soon as he sees the eyes and looking very surprised. "Y-you.... Arthur?!" he exclaims. He had tried to read up on Dragons, but the topic was so clouded with myth by
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this point it had been hard to know what was true or not... he hadn't expected this part of it to be true. "What the... you can be human...??" He hasn't noticed the ring yet, too surprised by the whole
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human body part of this.
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|Arthur raises an eyebrow... why did Humans always overreact to things? This was one of the reasons he had kept this to himself. "What does it look like?" He moves to climb off of the bed.
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|The clothes he wore looked a little big on him, having come from Francis closet, and the hems of the trousers drag across the floor. "What are you looking for?" he asks, sounding irritated as he approaches_
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the other. Up close, you can see other small imperfections. The shape of his ears aren't quite right and his skin has a greenish tint to it. It was hard to transform yourself however,
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when you only had people walking by on the street below for reference.
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would think if he had known from the start, he wouldn't have been so surprised. He watches Arthur as he climbs off the bed, cheeks flushing slightly.. despite the imperfections, Arthur looks really good
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like this.... aaaand he quickly stops that train of thought, reminding himself this was a one year old pet, not an actual human. Not to mention he still looked like he was in his late teens. "It looks like you
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have a lot of secrets that I don't know," he answers, clearing his throat a bit. "I was looking for this ring i have a buyer for; it's gold, with little red stones and...." his voice stops mid sentence as his
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eyes fall on Arthur's hand. "'s the one you're wearing," he says in disapproval.
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looks down at the ring, before simply explaining, 'It's a part of my hoard now.' He looks up at Francis, realising there was a bit too much of a size difference for his liking.
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frowns at him, glad the other still looked young now so he didn't feel bad about scolding him. "No, that's a part of my business, and I am selling it so that we continue to have a house and food," he insists,
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taking Arthur's hand to pull the ring off.
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|Arthur tuts as the other grabs his hand, putting no form of protest up but letting his misgivings be felt as he pushes his feelings_
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Onto Francis. 'I'm the dragon in this companionship.' He reminds Francis, tugging his hand back when Francis is done. He crosses his arms,_
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Tilting his head to the side lin a manner that suggests he was in a huff.
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makes a face as the feelings are pushed onto him, pocketing the ring regardless. "And I'm the adult... don't do that, it feels really strange," he protests, still finding it weird that Arthur was human, but it
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certainly made it easier to talk to him seriously.
9 years ago
|Arthur looks at Francis from the corner of his eyes. 'Don't do what?' He asks, feigning ignorance.
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hums at him, putting his hands on his hips. "That weird emotion thing... don't think I haven't noticed over the past year. It's very invasive!"
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|'How else are you meant to know when I'm hungry?' He asks, sounding exasperated. 'I could have starved!'
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can't help but roll his eyes at that. "I wouldn' let you starve you ridiculous thing. Are all dragons brats like you?" he laughs.
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|"Human's forget a lot of things," he grumbles, a soft growl despite his form, developing in his chest. He could tell Francis was mocking him. 'And I actually_
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think you're the one being the brat.'
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hums, not threatened at all by the growl... Arthur was so cute like this, actually... "We don't forget to eat," he laughs, grinning down at him and patting his head. "That's pretty funny, coming from a little
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thief who's not even past puberty yet," he teases.
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Pushes his hand away, a flush creeping up to his cheeks in embarrassment. Somehow, in this form, he didn't want to be petted. 'I'm not a thief.'
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laughs a bit as he's shooed away, though he's interested in that blush. So dragons could get embarrassed, huh... "I literally just caught you with my ring," he points out.
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Tuts, frowning again. Hadn't he already explained this? 'I told you it's a part of my hoard! Any self respecting dragon has a hoard!'
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hums at him, shaking his head. "This self respecting dragon needs to stop hoarding the things I am trying to sell!" He pinches Arthur's cheek disapprovingly. "What else of mine have you hidden away, anyways?"
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|Arthur pushes his hand away, his movements harsher this time.
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"As if I would tell you where I keep my secret hoard." He wasn't that stupid.
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tuts at that, noticing the harsher movement with a frown. "Maybe I really will start 'forgetting' your meals then," he threatens as punishment.
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Crosses his arms, gaze challenging as he looks up at the man. 'Do you really want to try that?' He gives Francis a projection of his current_
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Feelings, a preview of what he could do in return.
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's frown deepens as he feels Arthur's projected feelings invade his own. He bops him on the head (though not too hard) in warning. "Stop that!!"
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|Arthur blinks, the connection cutting out as he brings his hands up to his head. 'Stop that!'
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blinks as the feelings suddenly gone, smirking slightly. Did he find an off button? "Then stop your weird mind tricks, and I won't do it again."
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Covers his head as he starts backing up, projecting his feelings now more than ever. 'It's what dragons do!' He explains, as though he were speaking_
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To a child.
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cringes as he starts again, smacking him again!! "Dragons aren't even a thing anymore, you should learn to adapt to reality!" he frowns, a bit fed up.
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|Arthur stops quite suddenly, an odd look on his face. It's not as though he didn't already know, he had heard Francis talk about it before.
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|Yet, it still hurt to hear that he was apparently the last of his kind. 'He changes back into his normal form, the clothes pooling on the floor_
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As he climbs out of them and goes to sulk by the window, without so much as a word to Francis.
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blinks as the feelings stop again, looking down to Arthur's expression with pause. He watches the boy disappear beneath his clothes, dragon form reappearing, and he sighs with
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guilt. "I didn't... Im sorry..." he apologizes softly.
9 years ago
|Arthur hops up onto the windowsill, struggling to fit on it now without curling up into weird shaped. He wraps his tail around himself and_
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Folds his wings in, resting his chin on his front feet. The apology does little to affect his mood, but he does let Francis know it's okay, through the weird_
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Mind thing.
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watches him, feeling guilty still despite the reassurance. He leaves him be though, going to the kitchen to make one of Arthurs favourites for dinner as an apology.
9 years ago
|Arthur soon leaves his sulking spot when he smells dinner, making his way into the kitchen and making a general nuisance of himself_
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By hanging around at Francis' feet. His head butts the other's thigh as he starts to get impatient, wings flapping at the same time.
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smiles when Arthur shows up int he kitchen, humming softly as he's impatiently head butted. He laughs and pats Arthur's head. "Just a few moments more, I promise," he says, checking on the
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food on the fire. "Go get comfortable, I'll bring it over to you."
9 years ago
|Arthur looks up at Francis, tilting his head slightly before nodding. He makes himself comfortable in the sunlight coming through the windows, spreading out his wings.
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|As he matures he has started to gain a more radiant colour, something he is very keen to show off.
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steps over to join him after a moment, placing a large platter of food in front of Arthur before sitting down himself. "Bon apetit~" he smiles, looking over Arthur's outstretched wings. Despite
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having had to secure a lot of delicate things around the house for them, he found he quite admired his wings. "You look radiant," he assures him with a grin.
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folds his wings in only once he is giving the compliment, moving to inspect the food. For once, he sends the other warm feelings of gratitude, tail lightly brushing against the_
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calf in what could possibly be read as an affectionate gesture. This didn't mean he would tell Francis where his hoard is, though.
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blinks in surprise at the sudden warm feelings, knowing that was entirely different from the rest of the times Arthur used that trick. He can feel his own warm happiness too when Arthur brushes his
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leg affectionately, and he stretches his leg out a little to half pet him with his foot. He'd figure out where the hoard was someday.... it was his stuff after all. For now... if this was the feelings he
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got for compliments, maybe he actually would start complimenting the young dragon more often.
9 years ago
|Arthur quietly eats his own meal, eventually wrapping his tail around Francis' ankle. Today has somehow led to Arthur feeling close to Francis... perhaps he should spend more_
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time in his human form. They seemed to be able to better communicate that way... even if it did lead to arguments.
Francis is
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surprised as he feels the tail wrap around his ankle, cheeks turning a little pink as he smiles to himself happily. He eats his meal, unaware that Arthur was thinking things he rather much agreed
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with. "Ah... I really am sorry about my comment earlier, by the way... it was out of line," he apologizes softly.
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|The tip of Arthur's tail twitches, a sure sign that he's heard the apology. He decides to quietly accept it, settling down for a quick nap after_
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His meal. The grip on Francis' ankle slowly loosens up until a soft thud of Arthur's tail falling to the floor is heard, along side Arthur's snoring.
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didn't really expect too much of a response, quiet while eating the rest of his meal. He smiles as he notices the other's fallen asleep from his snores, carefully pulling his leg back as he goes to clean up.
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((what i tried to send on skype))
9 years ago
|Arthur, as he slowly grows, eventually becomes unable to fly in the apartment. While he doesn't complain about it, too much, to Francis,_
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|his mood does seem to drop and the sheen of his scales fade as he mopes about. Not even his hoard, a merger hoard at that, seem to cheer him up.
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|He decides to take things into his own claws eventually, using his human form to open the window and attempt to climb up onto the roof of the_
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Building from where he could launch himself. The cold hair is the first thing that strikes him, a shudder running through him as the_
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Cold hair brushes his bare skin. He looks behind him to check that Francis is still sleeping, before beginning to climb out.
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. has noticed the change in attitude in Arthur lately, but was unsure what to do about it. There weren't exactly help books on raising a dragon, unfortunately. For now he slumbers on peacefully, unaware that
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Arthur was doing something dangerous. The cold air drifting in eventually rouses him though, and he sits up, blinking blearily into the darkness. "Whu...." he mumbles, rubbing his eyes as he climbs out of
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bed and over to the window, about to shut it before he notices his friend wasn't sleeping where he normally did. All at once the panic hits him and he leans out the window, looking around to see if he could
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spot him and whisper-shouting his name.
9 years ago
|Arthur's long serpent neck stretches out so that he can peer over the edge of the edge, spotting Francis' head popping out of_
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_the window. He is quick to pull back, tearing up for a dive over the edge of the roof. He knew he would be able to get enough lift, it was somewhere there in his bones.
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_Arthur swoops down past Francis, wing barely avoiding the other's head, and appears to be plummeting to the ground before he levels out into a glide,_
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Wings spread out to their full span for the first time in a long time. The light from the gas lamps causes Arthur's scales to green and ripple in_
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_a series of colours. In joy, Arthur forgets himself and let's out a screech before flapping his wings to gain some height.
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squints into the dim light of the night, unable to see very far and hoping Arthur hadn't run off, like he was starting to fear. The soft sound of scraping on the roof alerts him to look up, just in time to have
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a dark mass whiz past his head, causing him to shout in panicked surprise. He call's Arthur's name as the other plummets down, before his breath hitches in awe as the other gets control and flies
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back up. He sighs in relief, collapsing a bit against the window frame before cringing as Arthur screeches. "S-shh!!!" he scolds in a whisper, trying to carefully climb out the window as well.
9 years ago
|Arthur squawks in response to the shhh, making his way over to Francis when he realises the other is trying to climb out of the window.
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_Humans weren't meant to do that... They were fragile and could die easily. He beats his wings to try and stay level with Francis, letting him_
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Know he should stay inside through their minds. He squawks again, looking upset with the situation.
Francis wants
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to get out onto the roof to so he can grab Arthur! "Get back inside and I will too!" he whispers, trying to shake off the thoughts in his head. "You're going to get caught, and it won't be pretty...." He's
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trying to remain calm, but really there's an edge of panic to his voice and actions.
9 years ago
|Arthur almost flies off at that point, knowing that Francis wanted to contain him in that small little flat. An idea strikes him however, and_
9 years ago
He waits until Francis is perfectly placed before sliding his head between Francis too legs and pulling him out of the window. If he couldn't_
9 years ago
Fly without Francis, he would just fly with him.
Francis has
9 years ago
a near death grip on the windowsill as he does his best not to look down, reaching out towards Arthur with his other hand. Heights were not really thing he ever had to deal with too much, and he did find
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it a bit scary. He startles worse though as he finds himself suddenly scooped up, crying out in surprise and wrapping his arms around Arthur tightly. "W-what are you doing...!!"
9 years ago
Arthur flaps his wings when Francis has settled, planning to gain some height. 'Dragons fly,' is all he tells Francis, glancing back briefly before_
9 years ago
He concentrates on navigating the skyline of Paris. When he reaches the city limits he screeches in joy, finally able to glide freely over_
9 years ago
The valleys.
9 years ago
groans and clings tightly to him, making a face. "I know you want to fly, but you're going to get caught!!" he scolds, before theyre almost out of the city already. He startles
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at the screech once they're far out again, looking around them cautiously, half admiring the view and half worried they might still be spotted.
9 years ago
Swoops down so that they fly just above the treetops of a forest. His feet drag against the foliage, basking in a feeling that is at once foreign and familiar._
9 years ago
_It's in this moment that he knows he hasn't flown properly until now. He tilts to the left to turn, spotting a body of water and screeching once again_
9 years ago
In joy. It's easy for him to forget that Francis is on his back, despite the scolding.
9 years ago
|'I don't care. I can deal with anyone who sees us.'
9 years ago
frowns at his answer, but falls silent as they continue along. He didn't want to risk them falling out of the sky by scolding
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Arthur with a smack. Slowly he starts to feel more okay with it, especially now that they're out where people don't often travel, and he tries to appreciate the view a little more.
9 years ago
Arthur skims across the surface of the water, getting the two of them soaked in the process. He seems to be enjoying himself far_
9 years ago
Too much. He soon stops for a break, out of shape for a normal dragon and sets Francis down at the edge of the bank.
9 years ago
shouts in surprise as he's suddenly getting wet, flailing a bit as he tried to put up his arms for a shield but it doesn't do much. "A-Arthur!!" he scolds. He huffs a bit as he's finally set down on the bank,
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sitting down immediately and rather grateful to be back on solid land for the moment as he wrings out his nightshirt. "Feel better now?" he asks with a pout.
9 years ago
|Arthur Squawks happily in response, shaking off the droplets of water with a few flaps of his wings. He stretches out, revealing his true_
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Size. He would probably start needing expeditions like this more often than not. He soon settles down resting his head in Francis' damp_
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Lap. He exposes his throat, obviously wanting the other to scratch there.
Francis has
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moved on to trying to shake out his hair by the time Arthur nestles into his lap like that, and he can't help but laugh. "You're a ridiculous thing," he says playfully, giving in to scratching Arthur's throat
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after a moment."...I suppose you don't have much room to move in my house any more, hm?" he sighs, wondering what the best solution for that really was. Maybe he should look into moving further out of the city.
9 years ago
|Arthur's eyes shut, a soft rumble of pleasure escaping. It was just what he needed after a good flight. He eventually rolls off when he's fed up, going to explore_
9 years ago
The surroundings. He seems content for now to stay where they are, perhaps to Francis' displeasure. He makes sure to always come_
9 years ago
Back to where Francis is however, checking up on him with a nudge before taking off exploring. Perhaps somewhere outside of the city with_
9 years ago
A large garden was needed.
9 years ago
.is glad to see the dragon feeling better now, watching as he runs off to explore the area. With the other gone, Francis brings his knees up to his chest to keep warm, the cool night's air mixed with his
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damp clothes not giving him much warmth, but he decides to stay quiet about it an let Arthur have his moment. Somehow he had grown really fond of the annoying creature. He laughs when Arthur comes
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back up to him, having just enough time to give him a pat on the head before he's off again. After perhaps the third time Arthur does this though, it's probably getting obvious that Francis is shivering, and
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his eyes drooping in exhaustion since he was awoken in the middle of the night.
9 years ago
|Arthur notices the drop in Francis' temperature more than anything, lightly pushing against Francis to urge him up.
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|He stretches his neck for Francis to climb up on, feeling a sick feeling of guilt creep into his stomach. 'I'm sorry,' he conveys, knowing that_
9 years ago
Since Francis was a human, he would probably get sick after this outing.
9 years ago
blinks as he's nudged, shaking his head to try and wake himself up as he realizes he was starting to drift. "Ah... no, don't worry," he smiles reassuringly, getting to his feet a bit unsteadily and keeping his
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arms wrapped around himself to hide the shiver, unaware Arthur could tell from his temperature. "This is your best chance to play right? The littler master can take his time..." he offers. "I'll just
9 years ago
walk a bit so I stay awake."
9 years ago
|Arthur shakes his head, giving Francis a firmer nudge this time. He wouldn't have his human getting sick. He could always go flying another time, without Francis.
9 years ago
.is not sure he would approve of Arthur going without someone to keep an eye on him... not that he's being a very good watch right now. "Okay, okay..." he hums, patting Arthur's head. "We'll do this
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again though... I'll wear something warmer," he laughs softly, climbing back on to Arthur's back. "And you be a bit quieter when we get back near home, alright?" he hums.
9 years ago
|Arthur nods his head, anything to get Francis back home and in warm clothes. He had forgotten how sensitive humans were to such_
9 years ago
Things. The flight back home is fairly uneventful, as Arthur concentrates more on getting Francis home quickly than anything else. He stops by_
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The window so that Francis can climb in, careful to make sure there was little chance that he could fall.
9 years ago
clings to him drowsily, glad for no more diving through lakes and stuff. He carefully climbs onto the windowsill, scooting into the apartment and waiting for Arthur to join him so he can close the window.
9 years ago
Arthur is quick to join him, revealing the fact that he was indeed naked in his human form.
9 years ago
blinks as Arthur switches forms and he realizes he's naked, blushing a bit and looking away to the side to give privacy. "So... do you have a set form when you're like that then..?" he asks
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curiously, noting that he did look the same as last time.
9 years ago
|Arthur has little sense of decency, looking down at His form before shrugging. 'This is the one that comes easiest to me.... Shouldn't you change?'
9 years ago
hums, nodding and moving to pull a new set of pjs from the drawer. "It looks good on you.. I was just curious, since you have the whole changing forms thing going on." He shrugs on a new shirt before
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having to pause... and suddenly sneezing. Dangit.
9 years ago
|Arthur's head snaps in Francis' direction, brows furrowing in concern. 'Are you alright?' He asks, stepping forward to get in Francis' personal space.
9 years ago
blinks as Arthur's suddenly right there, flushing a bit and waving him off. "Just a sneeze, I'll be fine," he assures him, pulling back a bit as he sniffles a bit. "I'll be right as rain by the
9 years ago
morning, I promise."
9 years ago
|'You're still cold... Should I sleep with you tonight?' He seems very serious about that, already pushing Francis towards the bed.
9 years ago
stumbles a little in surprise, though lets himself be pushed to the bed, taking a seat the edge. "Ah...well... that might be nice," he smiles. Arthur did feel like a nice heater to have. "You should... uhh put
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some pants on though," he mentions, still not looking down. He's trying not be a perv... though if it was anyone else naked and pushing him to the bed, it would be an entirely different story.
9 years ago
|Arthur looks down at himself again, feeling an odd sort of flush coming to his cheeks. He supposed humans did normally wear pants. He makes his way over to where Francis_
9 years ago
Normally procures them and quickly puts them on, feeling his ears heat up too. 'Is that okay?' He asks, hands on his hips. The trousers_
9 years ago
Are a bit too long for him, but they cover up everything important and that's the main thing.
9 years ago
pulls himself into bed as Arthur finds a pair of pants, looking back at the question. "You look very cute, mon cher." He smiles, thinking he should probably buy Arthur something to wear like
9 years ago
this so he wouldn't have to continue wearing his clothes.
9 years ago
|Arthur climbs into bed beside Francis, laying rather rigidly. He normally slept in his dragon form, so he wasn't quite sure what to do like this. 'You usually say I'm radiant,' he mutters, turning his_
9 years ago
Head to face Francis.
9 years ago
curls up close to him once Arthur lays down, though refraining from wrapping around him like he was a teddy bear... Arthur seemed tense. He hums at the complaint though, glancing up at
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him. "Am I not allowed to compliment you a different way~?" he asks in a soft teasing tone.
9 years ago
|Arthur would probably need to be told how human's normally slept, although he seems to relax with Francis' proximity, turning fully_
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On his side. 'I like being called radiant more,' he explains, reaching over to brush some hair from Francis' face. 'It's befitting a dragon.' He pauses, choosing_
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His next words carefully. He was worried his human already had too big an ego. 'Words like 'beautiful' and 'cute' are more befitting of you.'
9 years ago
would find that ego comment pretty hilarious coming from Arthur. He hums at the first comment. "Well in this form I'd say you're more cute," he replies with a smile, though his smile grows into a teasing grin
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as Arthur continues. "Oooh, you think I'm beautiful~~" it was less a question and more an agreement of fact, his hands coming up to gently tickle Arthur's sides.
9 years ago
Buckles as the hands brush against his sides, proving to be incredibly ticklish. He pushes Francis' hands away, gasping for breath as he relaxes_
9 years ago
Onto the bed. 'What was that?'
9 years ago
blinks as Arthur reacts like that, grin growing. "Tickling," he laughs, reaching forward to do it again without explaining.
9 years ago
|Arthur once again crumples under the attack, attempting to edge away from the tickling. He laughs out of relax, the sound itself catching him by surprise before_
9 years ago
He's distracted all over again by the tickling. 'Stop!' He pleads, hands trying to pry Francis' away.
9 years ago
laughs triumphantly when Arthur laughs, pulling back at last on the request. "Very cute," he reaffirms, relaxing back into the blankets.
9 years ago
|Arthur struggles to catch his breath, looking thoroughly shocked. He holds onto Francis' hands, to prevent another attack.'I don't think I like that..._
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I couldn't control myself!' He seems to relax into the bed more now however, shifting closer to Francis.
8 years ago
hums happily as the heat comes closer. "Welcome to the human body," he answers, wiggling his fingers threateningly in Arthur's grasp, though not going to actually tickle him again. "You should smile
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more," he mumbles, nestling into the comfort of the bed, his sleepiness starting to catch up with him again now that he was so cozy.
8 years ago
Tightens his grip on Francis' hands when he wiggles his fingers. 'And you should go to sleep.' He pressed closer, pleased to sense that Francis' body_
8 years ago
Temperature was going back to normal.
8 years ago
's eyes are already closing, but he still smiles at the comment. "Workin on it," he murmurs, half asleep already. He curls in close to Arthur, glad the other seems to have relaxed now and feeling more
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comfortable allowing him to sleep here with him. It's not much longer until he's asleep.
8 years ago
Stays awake until he can hear Francis' breathing even out, letting go of the man's hands after that. It takes Arthur_
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_a while longer to reach the land of nod, the adrenaline from the flight still running through him. He eventually does however, tucking himself up against Francis.
8 years ago
sleeps through the rest of the night and into the morning, but when he does awake he's groggier than usual and he finds upon sitting up that his head hurts. He groans, flopping back down against the bed instead
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of dealing with it.
8 years ago
|Arthur stirs when the other falls back onto the bed, stretching out his limbs with a soft groan. It takes him a moment to realise he's still_
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Parading about as a human. He sits up a little, rubbing his eyes. 'Are you sick?' He asks, now scratching his chest as he looks down at the other.
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drapes an arm over his face, making a soft displeased sound. "," he denies, though sniffling right after.
8 years ago
|Arthur snorts, beginning to climb out of bed. 'Do you want water?' He supposed he should probably look after his human, since this was sorta his fault.
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reaches over to smack him at the snort, though he misses cause Arthur's already up. "Yes please.."
8 years ago
|Arthur doesn't waste too much time finding a clean cup and filling it with clean looking water. He returns with the cup and a jug to go with it_
8 years ago
Sitting on the edge of the bed as he offers it to Francis. 'There are leftovers, if you want to eat.'
8 years ago
gently sits up, taking the glass from him. "Thank you," he mumbles, taking a sip, "not right now, though. Maybe in a bit."
8 years ago
|Arthur nods, unsure of what else to do apart from putting the jug on the bedside table. He briefly contemplates turning into his dragon form and curling up in_
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Francis' lap, but he can't imagine what help that would do. He was also a bit too big for that nowadays....
8 years ago
wouldn't mind cuddling the furnace again, though he's unaware Arthur would want to change back for it. He glances over, smiling a little wearily. "You can lay back down if you want to just relax... it
8 years ago
doesn't look like I'll accomplish much today." He sneezes into his arm, shaking his head a bit after. "It's too bad Maman wasn't here to take care of me," he laments, leaning back against the headboard.
8 years ago
|Arthur nods, settling back against the headboard beside Francis. 'Who is Maman?' He asks, having never heard the name before.
8 years ago
leans against him once he's settled, revelling in the warmth. "Ah, that's my mother, Marianne," he smiles fondly. "She lives a distance from here, so I don't get to see her very often any more."
8 years ago
Hums, resting his head on Francis' shoulder. 'I could always fly you there....?' A happy human meant a faithful one after all.
8 years ago
blinks as that possibility becomes a realization, looking over at him. "You can fly...!" Yes Francis, that was obvious. "You would be willing to do that for me...?"
8 years ago
Resists the urge to roll his eyes. He nods, 'Yeah.' It would give him an excuse to fly as well.
8 years ago
smiles happily, nestling back down against him. "I'd kiss you if I wasn't so gross today," he replies happily. "I don't think I could make that trip right now though... so I guess you'll just have to take
8 years ago
care of me~"
8 years ago
|Arthur shifts, soon wrapping an arm over Francis shoulders, finding that more comfortable. 'What's she like?' He asks, curiosity somewhat_
8 years ago
Peaked. Who was the person his human called 'Mum'?
8 years ago
lets him shift, comfortably nestling in against him. "Maman is beautiful, kinda, loving... whenever I was sick she would read to me and make
me soup..." he smiles happily. "I think you'll like
8 years ago
her, when you meet her."
8 years ago
|Arthur nods, thinking it sounded a lot like their current relationship. Francis had never read to him though. 'Does reading help cure sickness?'
8 years ago
blinks at that, consideirng it a moment before laughing softly and shaking his head. "Perhaps not directly, but it always raised my spirits as a child."
8 years ago
|Arthur doesn't seem to understand completely, but he nods anyway. Humans often did a lot of pointless things. 'Should I bring you a book?'
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looks a little surprised, looking up at him. "Do you know how to read?"
8 years ago
|Arthur shakes his head, a small flush coming to his cheeks. 'Dragons don't need to read....'
8 years ago
smiles softly, about having expected that answer. "Ahhh.. well, if you bring me a book, and don't mind my sick voice.. I could try reading out to you for a bit?" he offers.
8 years ago
|Arthur shakes his head, already hearing the mild croak in Francis' normally smooth voice. 'You should probably sleep...'
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hums, nodding in consensus after a moment. "As much as I want to say no, since I just woke up... maybe...." he sighs, nestling down further in the covers. "...what will you do if I nap?"
8 years ago
|Arthur shifts to let Francis get comfortable, moving towards the edge of the bed. 'Dragon stuff...' He assures the other. He was actually going_
8 years ago
To try and make soup... Whatever that was.
8 years ago
laughs gently at that answer, snuggling against the pillows that were still warm where Arthur sat. "Hmm, alrighty... but please no more stunts like last night without me, okay?" he asks, unaware
8 years ago
Arthur's actual plan.
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