Just wanted to confirm who's going and when people plan to be there. :3
Matt n I will probably get there between the 12-1 o'clock hour, depending on traffic.
(and if we actually get out the door when I want to, lol)
i dont know what your car situation is but would you mind taking some stuff with you back to jersey? not a whole lot, like a backseat worth
if not thats totally fine, just trying to cut back on the amt of trips we have to make is all LOL
but that aside yes we are still going and plan to be there around noonish
Well, is not my car. Is Matt's parents...and he says he generally doesn't mind, but he would like to know what it's going to be before he accepts.
also: where are we to keep it? Frog's mom took the keys, lol, so we can't get into the house.
he says "I'll keep it here for her (we are still at his parents until the 20th), as long as it doesn't smell. unless it's chippy poop. actually, they should just give us chippy."
it's a microwave, a toaster oven, and various boxes with stuff my grandparents gave me, like house decorations and stuff like that
haha yes we will bring chippy for insurance.. but oh yeah right, we will give you a key then, or you can keep it with you guys, honestly whatever is more convenient for you, youd be doing us a favor as it
as is* so whatever is easiest for you
"I'll take what I can fit. it doesn't have the largest back seat, but I will help."
fair enough, thanks matt!!
Matt says ok good deal and make sure to bring Chippy.
we will stuff him into the trunk
Matt says I need to stop putting word into his mouth and that you should not bring Chippy.
But you should totally bring Chippy.
well you will see him soon! we're coming back next weekend so
Most excellent.
i'll let you know when we plan to get there once emily comes home!
-le gasp- You're coming???

I did not think it was happening because of possible!Baby
we'll be right over after the dentist so we dont know how long that will take but my appt is at 9:30
We plan on getting there around 12-12:30!
Wooo! all the people!
So we are on our way...but traffic is shit and we May not be there until after 1...just keeping everyone in the loop.
thats okay we're running behind ourselves haha so its all good
oh thank God, I came here to say we were running late and I felt like an ass. PHEW haha
Matt says he is disappointed in all of you. Lol.
Google says 1:15ish. See you all when we see you!
2:30 eta for us. Cruisers set us back
We are here! Three hours later. Lol.
Send txt mssages because I don't get plurk alerts. Matts number just in case is 609-792-2166
Here and looking for you guys