Francis has
9 years ago
found himself quite suddenly looking much younger than usual this morning, and figured the England must've done something nonsense yet again. He's upset at first, before realizing this is the perfect
latest #23
9 years ago
opportunity to go tease Antonio. He's made his way over and snuck into the house, searching for Toni to sneak up on him.
Antonio was
9 years ago
taking a nap outside in his hammock that he'd received as a gift from Mexico. It was a beautiful day, a nice breeze and even a perfect time for a siesta. There wasn't much he needed to do and the night before
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he'd been up much to late due to random festivities that hard erupted in Madrid (this was common).
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can tell from the quiet that Toni had to be napping, so he checks the bedroom first to no avail. It only takes him a moment later to figure out that meant outside and he makes his way
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out, grinning as he spots the figure in the hammock. He tries as delicately as he can to climb i to the hammock with him, though even with his current small stature it's not the easiest task.
9 years ago
doesn't stir much when Francis first attempts to get into the hammock. He does make a small noise of protest but then settles back down. It's when the small Frenchman tries to climb in that he wakes up with a
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jolt because the hammock nearly pitches forward. Antonio yelps but manages to find his balance before he's settling back down and rubbing his eyes. "But it's only been a hour..." He pouts. A little longer would
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have been nicer. However, when Antonio glances to the side he spots the child like Frenchman and his expression lights up. "Que Lindooo~" He coos as he leans over with care and scoops the 'man' up and into his
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arms so he can cuddle him and shower him with affection. "Francis, you are the cutest!" He exclaims as he presses soft kisses to his forehead and cheeks. He was doting on him already.
9 years ago
yelps too as the hammock pitches like that, having to cling to Antonio to keep from falling out. So much for being sneaky! He giggles and squirms as Spain instantly starts
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doting over him. "Toniii! I was trying not to sneak up on you, why'd you have to nap in a hammock?" he pouts playfully.
8 years ago
doesn't seem worried at all with the way the hammock seem to pitch forward like it had. He cuddles Francis close as he presses soft butterfly kisses all over his face affectionately. "Because this is where I
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like to nap when there's a nice breeze~" He answers his voice carrying a sing-song lilt to it.
8 years ago
|"So tell me did this wonderful develop occur?" He asks giving the Frenchman a little room to breath and move around on the hammock.
8 years ago
grins with all the little butterfly kisses, but does take the opportunity when he's released to settle into a comfortable spot against Antonio. "Mm, to be honest, I'm not really sure... but it's a solid bet
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that caterpillar-brows had something to do with it," he laughs.
8 years ago
lets the hammock swing gently from one side to the other as he slides an arm around Francis. He was so much cuter this way then when he was older. "Si, he would do something like that." He smiles. "Oh well! I
8 years ago
like the change." He says.
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laughs, patting Antonio's chest. "I thought you might, you old perv. That's why I came here to show you~" he teases happily.
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chuckles softly. "Ohhh, don't be mean Francis! We're friends for a reason. I'm sure if it was the other way around you'd like it too."
8 years ago
"Hmmm, maybe maybe~" he hums doubtfully, but smiling because yeah. Definitely. "Anyways, you should make me a snack don't you think~?"
8 years ago
gasps. "You want to make me work?!" Of course, he was being dramatic for show, Antonio was hardly horrified about the proposition. "What would el principe like to eat?""
8 years ago
hums in though, shrugging. "Something sweet, please!"
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