9 years ago
||France and Persia were in the midst of discussing an alliance, and so it had come time for a young Francis to travel with his diplomats for a visit. Unfortunately, their caravan had crossed into the territory
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of a bedouin tribe unhappy with the way their country was treating their land, and had been violently attacked. Defending themselves had just lead to many deaths, and now Francis was the last alive, left to
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die with a nasty stomach wound- the attackers unaware he was a nation.
9 years ago
| The Seljuk Empire was just starting, honestly the word Empire shouldn't have been used so early in it's stages of existence but the fact that many of them had broken free from their shackles of slave
9 years ago empire no matter how small was a big deal and an empire is just as good as it's name. Sadik had high hopes. He was still young in comparison to many like Persia but he was stubborn and determined.
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| He had been through hell and back and he wasn't about to give up because things were getting a little hard. That was why he had decided to go out and scout the area. He had heard that there were a few
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caravan coming through and if he could catch sight of who they belonged to, there was a possibility that he could theorize what Persia was thinking of doing next. However, what he found was not what he had
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expected. Half buried in the sand was the body of a foreigner. The man's skin was now due to the strength of the sun but there was a beauty there that Sadik hadn't seen in a long time....since Rome.
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|He slides off his horse and buries his arm into the hot sand making sure to pull most of the figure out of the sand so he could see the man...the young man's face...more boyish if anything. Sadik doesn't waste
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time in pulling the rest of the man out before he's cradling the lithe figure in his arms. He notices a cut in the rich looking garment and what should have been a wound....ah, another like him. Interesting.
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He'd never seen one so beautiful. Sadik pulls off his cape like garment and wraps it around the man before he's getting back on his horse and riding back to the rest of his men. Sadik makes sure to wash the man
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up, get him in clean clothes (clothes fitting for such a jewel) and tucks him into his sleeping accomodations until the man awoke.
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stays unconcious for some time after being laid down for rest, though he slowly starts to stir as the day is creeping into evening. He blinks open his eyes, looking around at his surroundings groggily, his
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brain taking a few moments to process before what had happened flashes back into his head and he sits up in a flash, grabbing his stomach. "Quoi...?" he mumbles when he realizes the clothes on him
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aren't his. Climbing out of the bed, he looks around, deciding to cautiously try leaving the room to see if he could figure out where he was. The decor looked similar to where he had been heading, but
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different enough to realize that's not who had found him.
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| Sadik had been discussing with a couple of his general and his sultan about the next move. They were trying to figure out which territories to conquer and methods of expanding the empire and what they would
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do if they had to deal with Persia. The conversation is a long one that had started later afternoon and had gone into the evening. Sadik had ordered someone to keep watch on his guest and so he wasn't entirely
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surprised when the man was at his side. He whispers about how the foreigner is awake and Sadik hums with a slight upward curve of his lips. "The Jewel is awake already." He says. "I'm disappointed I wasn't
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there to greet him." Sadik grins before he's excusing himself to make his way back before the man got to far from his tent.
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(( I totally hacked into Tarik's old account! Ahahaha, I'll use this from now on for Sadik. Makes it less confusing for me. ))
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figets a bit with the fabric of his new clothes as he wanders, looking decidedly lost. He had definitely determined he didn't know who lead this camp, although he could
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figure it probably wasn't an enemy with how he had been treated.
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spots him, really, it was impossible not to notice him. The man was out of place in this camp and with such fair skin. His grin is back on his face as he strides over to him. "Ah, so the jewel is awake. It
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didn't take you long." He hums as he stops in front of Francis and gently lifts the young man's chin up so he's looking at him. The size difference wasn't so drastic but there was still evidently one between
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certainly can feel how out of place he is, pausing when the man approaches him. He flushes a bit as his chin is tilted up, noting that although the other wasn't that much
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taller than him, he was certainly sturdier built. <<What...? Who are you?>> he asks, pulling himself back and trying to stand tall.
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laughs at the attempt to stand tall. The tongue that the man used was certainly an interesting one but it was none that he was familiar with, not even in the slightest. It wasn't used very much in this part of
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the world. Sadik straightens a little more so he's looming just that much more over the blond. It was interesting the difference in skin tone even....he was considerably darker than the young man and although
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they both had coloured eyes that was the only thing they even remotely had in common. The flush on the other's cheek just added to his beauty. It was such a shame that they wouldn't be able to communicate, or
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perhaps that was a good thing. So instead of replying Sadik grasps Francis by the shoulders turns him around and keeps a hand on his back as he leads him back to his tent. When they enter he hums as he waits
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so the other is looking at him and makes a motion for him to stay here and that soon he would bring him food.
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hesitates as the other straightens up and seems even bigger, but he holds firm his ground... up until Sadik grasps him and directs him along with that, then he protests and stumbles a bit in
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surprise. He frowns a bit in the tent, starting to tell him off as he's motioned to stay shut, though he crosses his arms and does once he seems to understand that the other's going to get food.
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isn't sure what the man was saying but he has a feeling that it's far from niceties. However, he doesn't really stick around for long as he exits to go get that food he promised, or well gestured to the
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foreign man. He makes it back ten minutes later with a large plate filled with rice, meat, a sort of dip, pita and a baked and seasoned potatoe. It smells delicious and he takes a seat on the floor and places
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it in front of him waiting for Francis to come near him to eat.
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crosses his arms as he waits, though after a moment he gets bored and takes a seat back on the cot, rubbing his head as he looks around, trying to get his bearings as he still had no idea where
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he was... somewhere between France and Persia of course, but he hadn't paid much attention when the route was planned. He looks back up when Sadik re-enters, glancing at the plate curiously and feeling his
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stomach grumble in want. He only hesitates a half moment before scooting over to join the other one the floor, looking over the dish and thinking it smelled really good. <<What is this...?>>
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had sat down crossed legged and his gaze falls on Francis as he joins him. He hums lightly mostly a sound he made when he was observing and analyzing beautiful things. He makes a motion of eating and points at
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him so he understands it's for him. He even leans forward stealing a bit of the pita and dipping it into one of the sauces before popping it in his mouth to show him that it was fine. He knew that there were
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many who would question the food....but Sadik wanted to keep Francis for himself.
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hums a bit at Sadik's motions, but despite how hungry he was after not eating for quite awhile at this point, he decides manners should come first despite the odd situation. He extends his hand for a handshake
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to introduce himself. <<Francis, of France,>> he says, placing his other hand on his chest to indicate he was saying his own name.
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glances at the hand for a second before he takes it and instead of shaking it he brings it to his lips to kiss. He looks up Francis' arm at the man before releasing his hand. "Sadik of the Seljuks." He answers
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back as he brings a hand to his chest to motion to himself. When his introduction is done he motions for the man to continue eating.
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blinks as the other takes his hand, cheeks flushing a bit at the sweet kiss and the seemingly meaningful look. <<...Sadik,>> he repeats, more for himsef to remember. <<Ah.... thank you,>> he smiles
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and he picks up a piece of the meat to try it, humming a bit happily as it tastes as good as it smelled.
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didn't realise he was going to like Francis' flush as much as he thought he would. He does get up to do other things as Francis eats but he doesn't leave the tent wanting to keep an eye on the man.
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can feel the eyes on him but pretends to pay it no mind as he munches on the meal given to him, enjoying it regardless. He's quick to finish, having missed several meals between the attack and now and
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pleased to be full, especially with cooking that was as tasty as this.
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notices that Francis had finished the food and he strolls over to take a seat in front of the man again. His intense gaze is back on Francis this time it's apparent he's studying him. Sadik does end up leaning
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forward to gently run his hand through Francis soft golden locks. It wasn't common to see blond hair....he had heard about people who did have it but he didn't expect to see it here...not up close like this and
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with no hostility. He lets that same hand gently run down to Francis cheek stroking it lightly as if the fair complexion was also something of an anomaly.
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wipes his mouth daintily and glances up just as Sadik's rejoining him. He sets the dish to the side, straightening up a bit and blinking as Sadik reaches forward to touch his hair. He's intimidated by this
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man and the way he's being studied, though equally curious about him- he hadn't travelled very far from his home lands until very recently. <<U-uhm...>> he starts, clearing his throat awkwardly. He was
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certainly used to this kind of attention, but usually from nations he already knew, or at least knew of. <<I'd like to thank you for the hospitality, but I'm afraid I am very late for a meeting
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now...>> he attempts to see if any words would ring familiar to Sadik's language, cheeks still a bit red.
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knew nothing of French. There were no common words not even one and so his lip curves up when the man does speak. "Your voice is so soft and's quite attractive. I can imagine the sounds you could
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make if played right." He smiles. It was a handsome smile. Sadik was probably not aware of how handsome he really was considering it wasn't a concept he knew well.
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listens carefully to Sadik's reply, but isn't able to catch even a single similar syllable to try and understand. He chews on his lip slightly in worried frustration, though when he sees Sadik's handsome smile
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like that he can't help but feel his heart race a little faster. <<Do you have.. a trans-la-tor...?>> he tries to sound out, though his eyes keep glancing down to the taller man's attractive smile.
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stares at Francis when he speaks. It was like the man was making poetry without even trying. He wondered if Francis was reciting poetry for him to calm him down....he wasn't at all on edge but he appreciated
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the sentiment. "Are you fond of poetry too?" He asks as he moves to a trunk and pulls out a leather notebook. It was worn and when Sadik opened it it was filled with writing. It would be impossible for Francis
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to decipher since the script was in Arabic not in the Roman Alphabet.
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blinks in confusion as Sadik gets up, though taking the moment the he's got his back turned to really look over the other. He back was quite broad comparatively, and he certainly looked like a strong
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nation. Hopefully they would be able to start understanding each other soon enough to build a friendship... or more, his mind adds for him. He accepts the notebook when Sadik hands it to him, being sure to
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be careful with the worn pages as he flips through the pages. He can tell it's writing, but it's nothing he's able to recognize. <<This isn't what I meant...?>> he mumbles, looking up in helpless confusion.
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almost looks at Francis expectantly before he's taking the notebook back. He was quite protective of it and doesn't waste time wrapping the thin leather string around the book before tucking it away. "I need to
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go and deal with things." He begins to explain knowing full well that Francis doesn't understand but feeling as if at least for himself it was good to explain. He gently guides Francis to the bed and gently
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pushes on his shoulder so he sits down. When the man looks comfortable Sadik reaches down and grabs what can only be described as a ankle chain and snaps it onto Francis ankle. This would assure that the man
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doesn't make a run nor does he go in areas that he's not supposed to. He does make sure to leave some water because he honestly wasn't sure how long he would be gone.
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.gives him a confused smile when he notices the expectant look. <<I'm sure it's very nice....?>> Whatever it was. He sighs a bit at Sadik's words, unsure what they meant but able
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to start to guess from the tone... though he second guesses himself as he's led so gently back to the bed, cheeks flushing pink again. Before he realizes it though, the chain is around his
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ankle, and he looks very startled. <<H-hey wait, you can't do that!!>> he protests, trying to jerk his leg back to no avail. <<Release me!>> he frowns, grabbing hold of Sadik's shirt
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before the other can get out of range and giving him a stern look.
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could tell that Francis wasn't happy with his impromptu incarceration. He honestly didn't expect the other to take it well considering the way he had been just treating the man. However, it was necessary and he
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wasn't the type to be soft especially with a foreigner. He wasn't sure what the other's motives were regardless of his blinding beauty and so Sadik didn't want to risk it. He had been a slave for far to long
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and he wasn't going to risk it happening again. When Francis grabs his shirt Sadik glances down at him and pries the man's hand off. "I will be back soon." He says simply before he's backing away and then
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slipping out of the tent.
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's scowl deepens as Sadik pries his hand off and he stands to try and catch the taller man again before he's out of reach,swearing as Sadik is too fast for him and ending up falling over in surprise as he jolts
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at the end of his chain like a dog on a leash. He stands on spot, crossly looking around his now prison, before wondering if perhaps there's something he can use to break or pick the lock with. He starts
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rummaging through everything, using various things to try and gain his freedom back before Sadik returned. If this was how he was going to be treated here, he was going to make a run for it instead...
Sadik was
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busy nearly the entire afternoon until late evening talking to all his generals about what they were going to do next. Their main goal would eventually be Constantinople to rid the entire area of the Eastern
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Roman Empire but they needed more territory and a plan to deal with Persia as well....
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spends a lot of time trying to break the lock, his ankle bruised from missed hits by the time he gives up and an array of items just littered by the side of the bed- he didn't care much about cleaning up
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now. Despite giving up on the ankle chain, he decides to spitefully wreck some things, pushing over a pile of stuff to scatter on the floor and finding that little book again. He frowns at it, tempted to rip
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pages out... but feels too guilty to do that to something that seemed rather sentimentally valuable, even if he didn't know what it was. He stashes it under the pillow before just collapsing back down on the
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cot haphazardly, staring at the ceiling of the tent for a long while before finally just falling asleep.
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returns to his tent by candle light. He wasn't at all surprised by the things that were overturned and the mess that had been left around the area. Francis had not been happy when he had chained one
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would Sadik knew that first hand. He does quietly fix a few things before his gaze falls on the sleeping figure. The man was even more beautiful in his sleep it seemed, and he thought it was impossible. -
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places the candle down before he's undressing to get into bed with Francis. It was his cot and unfortunately for the blond he would be sleeping with Sadik because he'd be damned if he slept somewhere else for a
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possible enemy. He slides under the sheets shifting Francis a bit so that he can get the thick blanket over them before he blows out the candle and pulls the small body against him for a good nights rest.
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stays passed out for a bit, stirring as a warm body climbed into bed with him, but ashamedly too used to that sensation to wake to it. He does wake far too early in the morning though, while it's still dark,
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and after a few moment wakes up enough to realize where he was. His eyes widen and he scowls as he realizes who's wrapped around him, quick to turn in his arms and try to shove Sadik away from
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him... though really he just end up pushing himself onto the floor with a small 'oof'.
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does register in his sleep that someone was pushing against him. It takes him a moment to really take in what had happened but the cool that came with the disappearance of a body is evidence enough. A part of
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him just wants to go right back to sleep but at this point Francis could kill him if he so chose too. Instead, Sadik shifts to the edge of his cot as he glances over it to the man on the floor. His brow quirks
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and it's evident he looks amused by what had happened. "I never thought someone would chose the cold floor to sleeping in my arms." Sadik comments lazily, not that Francis could understand anyway.
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frowns at the words, finding them irritating even though he didn't know the meaning thanks to that amused smirk. He reaches up to smack Sadik in the face spitefully, aiming for his nose with his palm. <<I will
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not be conquered so easily,>> he defends, swearing at him in latin by accident thanks to just waking. Somehow the situation was reminding him of his years under Rome.
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does manage to back far enough away that Francis misses but the action causes him to be wide awake. The amused expression is immediately erased from his features and he looks about ready to punish Francis for
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his transgression....that is until he hears Latin spill from Francis' lips. He freezes, his eyes widening before his brows are knitting together and it's clear he's furious. "You speak his language." Sadik
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growls lowly as he reaches over the cot and grabs Francis collar lifting him up. The sheets around him pool around his waist but it's clear he's not wearing very much if anything at all.
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notices the miss, trying again as he notices the immediate change in Sadik's demeanour to protect himself. He doesn't even notice his slip of tongue, gasping in surprise as his collar is
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grabbed, hands flying up to try and shove him away instead. He too freezes when he notices he understands this new sentence, realization dawning on him. "You've known Latin this whole time!!" he scowls
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indignantly, not much minding the fact Sadik seemed naked, more intent now on kicking him. He didn't like speaking Rome's language, and had purposefully tried to forget it, but it somehow stayed
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stuck in his mind.
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notices that Francis is trying to fight him and so he waits for the Frenchman to attempt the kick and then after he's followed through with the motion Sadik pulls him against him. He turns the man around so
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his back is pressed against his chest and grabbing both of Francis wrists he pulls them to either side of Francis body giving him the look that he was in an invisible straight jacket. "I try not to speak such a
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repulsive language!" He hisses. "Do you belong to him?!" Sadik demands because then he could decide what to really do with Francis.
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yelps as his own momentum is used against him and he finds himself trapped against Sadik's body. He continues to struggle against him though, trying to wrestle out of the other's iron grasp. "Rome fell!" he
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exclaims, voice cracking as he reminds himself of that fact as well. "Rome cannot own me any more, he is gone!" Though Francis never earned his freedom from Rome by fighting, more that he was left behind
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with the expansion to the east, and left open to further invaders.
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knew this but he had this horrible paranoia that he was still around waiting to take him back as a slave. Sadik would never become a slave again! He would rather disappear than let that happen. He doesn't
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release Francis just holds him tighter to stop him from struggling. "Any....more? What are your relations to him?" He asks against his ear. "I will find out if you lie to me."
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gasps as Sadik tightens his grasp, struggling slowly calming as he realizes he can't best him from this position. He still scowls though and his shoulders stiffen, turning his head away from the voice in
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his ear. "I don't have to tell you anything," he answers.
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growls and shifts his hold so he can spin Francis around again and press him down against the bed so he was looming over him. "Are you sure about that?" He threatens.
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makes a sound of surprise as he's shifted again, glaring up at the man trapping him. Instead of replying, he headbutts Sadik in the face, hoping to do more damage to him than himself.
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grunts in pain at the heasbutt but he doesn't move. Instead, he tightens his hold on Francis and shakes him hard. "This could be easy. I'll give you one more chance."
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swallows nervously as the attack does nothing, but keeps the scowl on his face. "What about you! Are you his protege or something? Sure would explain a lot," he hisses in reply.
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looks disgusted by the comment. "He enslaved me! I'm hardly a protege, I'm actually better than him in every way!" His tone diminishes a bit when he hears the question about being a protege there seemed to be a
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bit of perhaps there was a change that Francis didn't like Rome at was just conicidence that they had both been under him...the man had a problem when it came to expanding his
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cringes at Sadik's answer, shifting uncomfortably beneath him. Francis had such mixed feelings on Rome still, but now he definitely knew this was not a good man to bring that up to. "Well then fuck
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him, and fuck you," he curses, turning his head away from Sadik.
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looks amused now mostly because such a beautiful man cursing with such passion was not a thing he saw often. "You have such attitude for a person in your position." He hums as he leans down and nuzzles his nose
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up along Francis neck.
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freezes up as Sadik nuzzles in like that, his cheeks flushing red. His neck had always been a sensitive spot. "I-I am not going to become subservient just because you put a chain on me," he scowls, struggling
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anew to try and get free.
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quirks a brow at the comment. "I can take it off if you're good." He says as he trails his nose over his jaw and along the line under his ear. "Do you even know how to be good?" He breathes against his ear.
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|| The voice and breath in his ear sends a shiver down Francis's spine, causing him to involuntarily make a soft sound of pleasure. "I don't believe you," he mutters, trying to lean away from him, embarrassed
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at the way his own body was reacting.
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smirks as he pulls a little back but not that far back. "Have I lied to you yet?" He asks watching him closely.
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eyes him suspiciously. "I wouldn't know, I didn't understand a word you said until you were yelling about Rome."
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can't disagree with that. "Ha, I forgot about our communication barrior." He says before he's rolling off of Francis and onto his back. He wasn't worried about the man mostly because he knew how to overpower
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him. He was a Seljuk warrior afterall.
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gasps as it feels like he can breath again, surprised to see Sadik just lay back down beside him. What an odd man. He frowns still, sitting up as sort of a precaution he wouldn't get pinned again, though
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turning his back to him petulantly as he tries to control the blush of his cheeks.
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doesn't seem bothered by that and instead tucks his hands under his head as he closes his eyes. He was still a little tired but there was no way he would be sleeping if Francis was up. Even though he made sure
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to remove weapons from around Francis reach he didn't want to chance. However, his position gave the impression he had fallen asleep.
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keeps his back to him, though glancing back after a few moments and noticing it looked like the other had passed out. He watches a moment curiously to make sure, before looking around the tent for
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where the man had dropped his clothes. He creeps over to them as quietly as he can manage, starting to rummage through all the pockets to see if he could find the key for his chain.
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doesn't even open his eyes. As quiet as Francis had been Sadik has heard....the man really underestimated him especially in his tent and in his territory. "You won't finding anything there." He speaks up eyes
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still closed.
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startles at the voice and drops Sadik's clothes with a soft thud on the floor. "G-go to sleep!" he replies, embarrassed that he was caught. Hadn't he been asleep??
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opens an eye as he yawns softly. "Come join me." He says simply as he pats the place beside him. "I'm your only exit out so there's no use in looking around."
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frowns at him, debating a moment as he looks around the tent before opting to come and sit next to the cot, on the floor instead. "I'm not tired." He replies, crossing his arms.
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turns onto his side pulling the blankets up as he glances at the back of Francis' blond head. "Unfortunate, the bed is very warm."
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huffs, staring in the opposite direction. "I'm not cold either," he replies curtly.
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sighs and decides there's no point wasting any more time on him. "Suite yourself." He says simply before turning over and cuddling into his bed to find a bit more of sleep.
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doesn't reply, staying quite stubbornly where he is, maybe pouting a bit that Sadik had been so many steps ahead of him. He'd just sit here and not deal with anything for a while then. ~.~
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, in that time, does doze off. Again, it was probably because he was confident that he could deal with whatever Francis would try on him. The man was not strong by any means nor did he seem like he was well
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versed in hand to hand fighting.
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preferred to be a renaissance man! He sighs and just sits for a long time, debating if they really was anything he could do. He starts to notice the light rising through the walls of the tent, but soon dozes
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off himself, still on the floor, as the warmth of the light lulls him.
Sadik is
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the first to wake this time. He doesn't really waste much time checking on Francis until he's changed and then he's gently lifting the man into his arms and gently placing him into the bed. He had things to do
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and even though last night was revealing he hated his '' being uncomfortable in his presences. The man should have just slept in the bed instead of being stubborn.
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stirs slightly as he's lifted up, snuggling into the warm sheets before he slowly blinks open his eyes. He doesn't say anything though, expression kind of neutral before he realizes again where he is, and
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he huffily wraps the blankets tighter around himself and turns to face the side of the tent.
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quirks a brow as he rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Sleep well, Guzelim." He hums as he moves to make for the exit.
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|| "Don't call me that," he mumbles, though he has no idea what it means. He does have a moment of realization as Sadik makes to leave though, sitting straight up. "Wait, you can't just leave me in here all
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day...!" he frowns, rubbing his face sleepily.
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stops at the tent flap, his brow quirked up again but his expression amused. "Of course I can. You belong to me. I can do whatever I wish with you." He replies back. "I'll have someone bring you in some food."
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's frown deepens, picking up the closest heavy-ish item and chucking it at Sadik's head. "I'm not your property!!"
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laughs loudly as he ducks the item and then at the same time ducks out of the tent. He would be back later.
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grumbles and flops back down onto the cot to see if he could just sleep away this nonsense. He's not tired any more though, having slept most of yesterday and his wounds from before fully healed
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already. He groans as he looks around his prison, trying to think of how to even pass the time. An idea finally comes to him though as he fidgets with his ankle cuff, and he follows the length of chain to
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where it's attached to. He notes the peg in the ground, wondering why he hadn't thought of this before, and starts digging with renewed hope that he could get out of here before the other returned.
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is gone nearly the entire day and as he had said before someone comes in during both lunch and dinner to bring Francis something to eat. After dinner
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the entire becomes impeccably quiet...unusually so. it's fire...
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makes sure to keep his digging hid from the attendants that bring him food, realizing after dinner comes that he's running out of time. He's relieved at last to pull the peg from the ground, quick to
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steal a bag and shove whatever looked useful into it- including Sadik's odd book. Maybe it was full of information he could use if he got it translated. He wraps the chain that's still dangling from his ankle
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around his wrist so he could keep it quiet. Peeking out from the tent timidly first to check and make sure no one was there, Francis is unnerved by how silent and dark the area had become. God bless
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long work days, he supposes as Sadik is no where to be seen, before taking off to try and find the best way out of here.
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| There had been rumours of an army coming close to the Seljuk camp in hopes of catching them off guard. The enemy had been naive in thinking that Sadik and his other officials hadn't planned counter-measures
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in case of such an event. They had been prepared however they hadn't expected the amount of men that had been waiting at their trap. The camp had been nearly abandoned except for the few wounded and the
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few woman that had come along for their plan to expand. the fighting had taken nearly the entire day and well into the night before
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Sadik was even able to make it back. He had sheathed his scimitar as he walked through the empty 'streets' of his camp. it was quiet...the lights were off as instructed and there was no life
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until a smaller body ran dead into his chest and Sadik's first reaction was to grab and immobilze the stranger.
9 years ago
.was getting the feeling something terrible was happening the further he got from the tent, though unable to confirm that feeling since he couldn't see anything. With the moon as dim as it was and no fires
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lit in the camp, every turn he made was a blind guess. He manages to keep himself quiet as he runs, though he can't help but shout in surprise and pain as he quite suddenly collides with a solid body and he's
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grabbed. He swallows back the words he wants to shout at whoever was holding him, not wanting to alert more of the camp, instead trying to wrench himself away indignantly.
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was unfortunately covered in blood and so he was sure that the person who ran into him would not find that fun at all. When he feels the individual struggle he tightens his hold.
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sighs because he was really not in the mood. "I'm impressed you got out." He says fatigue evident in his tone.
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can feel the blood against his skin, but he's praying that it's not what he thinks it is. His scowl returns as he hears Sadik's voice, though its ruined by his panting to try and catch his breath, pausing in
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his struggles as he's gripped harder. Of all the people in this camp, why did it have to be him he ran into? "Let me go," is all he answers with.
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grunts as he tightens his hold to stop him from struggling. He even turns him around as a means of settling him. "No, you're mine and you're going to stay here with me."
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can't help but whimper softly as Sadik tightens his grip again, giving up for the moment. "I'm not yours, and I'm now two days late for an important meeting. They'll send a search party for me!" He threatens.
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quirks a brow as he glances down at him. "Were you meeting with Persia?" he asks things starting to click into place.
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frowns up at him, pausing at the look Sadik gives him as he guesses that. ".....yes..." he answers hesitantly, though quick to add; "And you'll be in for trouble when she arrives!"
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's brows knit together momentarily at the thought of her. However, he doesn't look that put off by it. "Unfortunate for you. I ran into her search party...someone was feeding us false information about them
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but now this makes sense."
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plaes at Sadik's words, understandin in an instant what 'ran into' entailed.... and that he really was covered in blood. "'re lying," he attempts to call his bluff, though theres a sinking
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pit in his stomach.
8 years ago
| It was probably a good thing it was so dark, Sadik wasn't able to see Francis pale. "You accuse me of lying a lot. I'm a very honest man, Guzelim. This is fact." He answers.
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.is glad for that, at least. He frowns though at his words. "A viruous man wouldn't kidnap another," he argues, squirming in Sadik's grasp again.
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tsks. "I saved you, I didn't kidnap you." He says as he starts guiding Francis forward, shoving when necessary.
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gasps as he's shoved forward, trying to dig his heels in but finding he can't get much traction and ends up having to stumble along. "I-if that were the case, you wouldn't be chaining me like a prisoner!"
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nearly picks Francis up to carry him back to the tent but restrains because they were making good way towards it. "I'm not sure your intentions. I'm assuring that you aren't an enemy that will tell my position
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to Persia or any of the others around the area." He answers back which seemed like a valid reason to chain Francis. It would give him enough time to figure the man out. The tent draws nearer and he moves the
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flap aside to step in. This is where he picks Francis up in his strong arms and strides to the bed dumping him upon it and then without wasting much time tying both his wrists over his head. This way, Francis
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wouldn't be going anywhere.
8 years ago
|| "Well Persia knows your location now, so this is no loner necessary!" he scowls, struggles increasing as they near the tent. He cries out in surprise as he's suddenly picked up and deposited on the bed. His
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eyes widen as he realizes how Sadik intended to keep him this time, giving the man a fight but eventually losing to Sadik's strength. "You're sick," he pants, though noticing now in the light just how
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much more intimidating Sadik looked covered in blood like this.
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did cut an intimidating figure especially in the blood. It was clear that he was much older than Francis but there was still a trace of youth in his features as if he was still in his teens, which was true. He
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did cut an intimidating figure especially covered in blood. However, beneath that exterior there was still a young adult that just recently remembered the taste of freedom. "You are naive!' He growls back just
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as he starts peeling off his armour and clothes until he was standing in the nude. He had made sure to light all the lanterns in the tent before he had gone out to fetch a basin of water. He stands off to the
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side beside the basin and cloth. Since the tent was not that big Francis had a good view of Sadik and the Turk's body was perfectly muscled. It was clear that in many more years his body would fill out even
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more making him quite the looker. Sadik wets the cloth to begin scrubbing the blood from his tired body.
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flinches at the response, though keeping the scowl on his face. He doesn't bother responding this time, instead tugging at the ropes from the moment Sadik turns around, trying to figure out if he can get out
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of this one. When he notices Sadik's bare body though, he can't help but stare... before petulantly looking away, cheeks red. He only lasts a few moments before his eyes are back to roaming over the
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well sculpted body in both envy and desire.... fuck. He really shouldn't find his captor desirable like this.
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takes quite a bit more time in scrubbing himself off. The blood had been hard to get off completely but he had managed to get most of it. When they arrived at the capital of Seljuk Empire he would make sure to
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take a long bath in the royal bathhouse. The cloth he had been using to wash himself he sets on the edge of the basin before he's turning to look at Francis. He had felt the man's eyes boring into his back. "Do
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you like what you see?" He asks a smirk gracing his lips.
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makes sure to look away again as Sadik sets down the cloth, before he can turn around. His face is red but he tries to act as if he hadn't been watching... even though he definitely had. "Absolutely not," he
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answers, knowing that smirk was on his face without even having to look again.
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hums lightly as he crosses the small space to the bed so he's standing right at the foot. "Then why is your face red?" His smirk widens. He really loved teasing, it was something he had learned he liked after
8 years ago
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attempts to turn further onto his side, though the action just looks more awkward than anything with his arms bound the way they were. "You're trying to twist reality into what you want it to be," he
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answers with a huff, trying to will his face back to normal. The sight of Sadik still in his peripherals wasn't helping him with that though.
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look ridiculously amused. A part of him was tempted to just take the man on the bed, the fight had driven his adrenaline high and he needed a stimulant in the form of a partner. The Turk moves around the bed to
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sit on it so he's in Francis' direct line of sight. "Then in that case I should twist harder so it becomes my reality, right." He asks rhetorically before he's dipping in to capture Francis lips in a rough,
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heated and powerful kiss.
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shifts again to stare up at the ceiling when Sadik comes over to sit down, doing his best not to stare at the man's naked form. "What are y-" he starts, though his words are cut off as suddenly Sadik's
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mouth is on his and his eyes widen in surprise as he's overtaken like that. He whimpers and tries to pull away, resorting to biting Sadik's lip.
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hisses in pain as he pulls back and his hand immediately grasps Francis' neck. He squeezes in hopes of scaring him as he presses his tongue against the cut Francis had made. He can taste the metallicness of his
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blood. "You are not in a position to hurt me." He reminds in a low voice as his hand slips under Francis' tunic to trail over the man's white and flawless skin.
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doesn't have any time to relish in his triumph as there's immediately a hand squeezing his neck. He gasps in the half breaths of air he could still get, fear evident in his expression with the threat of it. He
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squirms as he feels the hand sneaking into his clothes, trying to shift away from the contrastingly gentle touch.
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does soften his hold on Francis neck but he doesn't remove his hand as the other one explores and maps the soft skin underneath his own. He runs the pad of his thumb over the other's nipple before he's shifting
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so he can loam over Francis.
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breathes heavily as the grip on his neck loosens, though the threat remains. He tenses as Sadik trails over his chest like that, refraining from making any sound and turning his face away as Sadik shifts on top
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of him like that. He blushes anew with the well sculpted naked form hovering over him, feeling the way his body was already becoming more receptive to the touches. Perhaps he was more of a masochist
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than he liked to admit...
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smirks when he can feel the man responding to him. He pushes Francis' shirt all the way up as he leans down and runs his tongue up from the Frenchman's navel all the way to a nipple which he takes into his
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mouth. Sadik then takes a hold of himself as he starts jerking off while sucking and tugging on said nipple.
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tries to pull away as Sadik pushes up his shirt and he feels the cool air against his skin. He can't help but arch in pleasure into the month on him, but closes his eyes and mouth, trying not to make any sort
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of sound to further feed that smirk on the other's face.
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| The way Francis' body was reacting to him was evidence enough that he was doing a good job without meaning to. He hums against his skin before he's moving to the other nipple his strokes on his own cock
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slowing down so he wouldn't come so soon.
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trembles slightly beneath him, wanting to retaliate but hand still wrapped in warning around his throat keeping him in line. The slow teasing and the thought of the Sadik pleasing himself above him were
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certainly having an effect on him though.
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does eventually move his hand from Francis neck so he can wrap it around the man's waist pulling him forward and closer. He nuzzles his way up to the Frenchman's neck nipping and then sucking a mark into his
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neck as a sign of ownership. He could tell the other was reacting to him and he liked this fact a lot. However, he keeps from commenting on it letting it play out without words.
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takes the opportunity as soon as Sadik's hand pulls away to scrunch up his shoulders to his neck and try to pull himself away, but the strong tug of Sadik pulling him down negates that right away. He can't
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help but gasp and make a soft sound at last with the mouth on his neck, writhing under him in twisted pleasure.
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pumps at himself harder in hopes of bringing himself to completion as he pants against Francis neck. He does trail his nose up so he can tease the
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Frenchman's earlobe between his teeth. Once he was satisfied he would go to bed.
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whimpers as a shiver runs down his spine with the teasing, arching beneath him. The hot breath on his neck and Sadik jerking off above him has him decidedly turned on.
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pumps a few more times before he's tensing and coming all over the man. Sadik continues to stroke himself until he falls limp in his hand. He's panting
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and slightly flushed but other than that looks quite pleased
With that out of the way he rolls off of Francis, off the bed and throws him a cloth before he's putting on some clothes and disappearing. He had
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forgotten he needed to get something done.
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gasps as he feels the man come hit his stomach, shifting a bit away from it. When Sadik pulls back he's left with cheeks flushed red, breathing shakily himself and watching in dismay as the Turk pulls away.
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"H-hey..!" he protests as the cloth lands on him, unable to relieve his own pressure, or even clean himself up thanks to his hands still being bound above his head. He groans, dropping his head
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against the pillows in frustration as Sadik disappears so quickly.
8 years ago
| They had moved from tent life to back to the city where Francis had been moved effectively to hid large room in the palace they had established. Since the Seljuks were mostly nomads it wasn't common
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for them to have a home base but this was as good as it would get...which was quite good. In that time Sadik had made sure to tease Francis mercilessly. He had been
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a little kind in terms of not having him tied to the bed the entire time but there wasn't that much freedom especially with how quickly their relationship had soured. Of course, it
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was quite evident how attracted Sadik was to Francis and how turned on he got with the power dynamic and the noises that came out of the Frenchman.
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was working at a desk not to far from.the bed Francis in view...the man hardly wearing much now that they were more situated. it had been his decision in the end. -
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tries to ignore the delicious looking man as he works through a few things they had been having trouble with especially with the increase in Persian presences on the outskirts of their territory. His mind
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was all over the place.
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still felt sour towards his captor, the small kindnesses not exactly outweighing the fact he was being kept as a pet and plaything. He still prayed that Persia would come get him, but at this point it was
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looking more likely that his bosses back home would notice him missing soon themselves; his trip hadn't meant to be this long. But the longer he spent with Sadik, the harder it was getting to deny
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how attracted he was to the man, and the merciless teasing without any relief himself was causing his mind to become more clouded to his desire each time. Currently, tied again with his arms to the headboard
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while Sadik was preoccupied with work, he could feel he was still being watched and so he's turned his head away, trying to ignore the feeling.
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's lips quirk up in amusement at the way Francis was being. "You know, looking away won't help you much." He says breaking the silence of the room.
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hums in response. "Means I don't have to look at your ugly mug," he lies, knowing there's not really a lot he can do like this anyways... he can't even fix his clothes to feel less exposed.
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doesn't seem bothered by the comment. "If I was so ugly you wouldn't be getting as hard as you do." He comments his attention fully on the Frenchman now.
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's face goes red almost immediately. He doesn't bother dignifying that with an answer, instead shifting onto his side with his back away from him.
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laughs. "Why won't you admit you want me to fuck you?"
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|| "Because you're an animal," he scowls, still trying to deny it to himself, as much as he felt he wanted it. "Don't you have work to do?"
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rolls his eyes at the comment. "If I was such an animal I would have fucked you already." He retorts as he turns his attention back to his work. Two could fucking play that game.
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can feel his cheeks flush redder. "A-as if I don't know what you're trying to do!" he huffs.
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pauses to glance up and quirk a brow. "Oh please! tell me what you think I'm trying to do."
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scoels at him, turning his back to him best he can. He's not going to give him any ideas if he's wrong.
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smirks a bit at the silence. "So then...I'm not doing anything, huh. Good I'm glad we have that cleared up."
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|| <<Fuck you,>> he grumbles at him. A very eloquent comeback really.
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laughs assuming Francis has cursed him. He ignores his work to go over and tease Francis
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some more. He stops at the side of the bed gently trailing his knuckles over his thigh. "So you don't like when I touch you." He hums.
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tenses slightly in surprise when Sadik's hand is brushing against him like that, cheeks tinying red again though he keeps his back to the other still. "A-absolutely not..."
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quirks a brow as he moves that hand to trail over Francis side before he's moving it to trail his fingers over his nipples. "No?"
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squirms a bit under his touch, though trying to stay stubbornly unresponsive. "No.." he lies.
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sees through the lie and leans down to nip and suck at Francis neck.
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gasps at that, unable to help but turn towards him and extend his neck for it. His body was being trained well...
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smiles against his skin as he pulls back a bit, however still breathing against the wet skin. "I thought you didn't want this."
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's face turns even redder at the comment, a shiver tunning down his spine with the hot breath against his nevk. "I-I don't...." he answers, though its harder to hide how quickly his body was
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starting to react, thanks to how denied he had been up until now.
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makes a tsking noise as he pulls away. "Then I guess I'll just go back to work." He hums as he slowly starts pulling further away knowing full well the response he would get.
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lets out a breath as Sadik pulls away, embarrassed at how abandoned he fely once the man's warmth was gone. He struggles with himself, intrusive thoughts causing him to be more aroused than he really
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wanted to be, and torn because he didn't want to seem weak. Sadik's almost back to his desk before Francis just has to cave in, the constant cycle of arousal with no satisfaction getting to be too much at
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last. "W-wait...!" he calls out weakly, blush all the way to his ears by now.
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's lips are quirking up again and he pauses near his desk. "Wait?" He repeats wanting to hear what Francis wanted exactly.
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shifts a bit uncomfortably, hating that he was caving to this sadist. "Y-you win, alright? I can't take this anymore..!"
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didn't think that was enough. He wanted Francis to admit everything. "You're being very general. What can't you take?" He smirks dickishly.
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can feel his cheeks heating up, indignant at Sadik's reply and that damn smile. He should've known he wouldn't make this easy. "T-the teasing and leaving me!" he scowls.
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hums lightly. "Are you asking me to leave you alone or would you like me to bring you to completion... finally?"
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groans. He wanted to say just to let his hands free and leave him alone... but he knew that wasnt the answer Sadik was looking for. "F-for the love of..." he curses, closing his eyes so at least he didn't have
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to see the smug look that was sure to come. "P-please, let me come...."
8 years ago
| Francis was right in closing his eyes because Sadik's smirk does indeed widen. It's also at this moment that he strides over
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grasping Francis hips hard as he leans forward breath hot on the Frenchman's cock. He glances up the man's body before he licks up the erection and then takes
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the head of Francis dick in his mouth to suck on it hard.
8 years ago
can feel his heart leap in anticipation as he hears the heavy footsteps come closer, gasping as hands grasp his hips. He arches against the hands into the hot breath, unable to help
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the loud moan of pleasure as Sadik finally guves him the attention he's been dying for.
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let's out a pleased hum as he takes the man in deeper into his nose is pressed against him and then after a couple of seconds begins to bob up and down. it was a merciless rate and it was clear it wasn't
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's first time.
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bites his lip to keep from making more embarrassing sounds, though he can't help but arch into Sadik's mouth, writhing with the merciless pace. To his own shame, it doesn't take very long until he's
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coming with a groan of pleasure, the previous denial making him more sensitive than usual and Sadik's skilled mouth too much for him.
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keeps going until Francis becomes limp in his mouth and only then does he pull off and with a pop. He swallows Francis' spend before wiping his mouth to look down at his work. "Better?" He asks with a quirked
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brow and not at all ashamed of what he'd done.
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collapses against the bed as he calms down, cheeks red and panting. "Much.." he answers breathlessly, though he still found that smirk aggravating. "You're... surprisingly good at that."
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's lip quirks even wider. "I'm good at a lot of things." He says just before he crawls onto the bed and over Francis. "But now you'll regret asking me to make you come." He says wickedly his lips moving to
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Francis' neck where he sucks and nips at the neck and his hand fondling the man's balls. "I'm going to make you come over and over again until you can't even take that."
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would've been content to simply relax after that, a lot more calm now that he's had a release at last. Instead he gasps and tilts his head for Sadik, letting out a soft whimper with the
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fondling. "S-sadist," he gasps, though pressing his hips into the hand on him.
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nips a little harder on Francis skin. "I think you like it." He hums against the man's skin. He's trying to work the Frenchman back to life which he imagined wouldn't be so hard.
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|| It certainly wasn't difficult to arouse him again... Sadik was exactly right about him enjoying it, even if he'd never admit it. Francis bites his lip, again embarrassed to be caving so
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easily under this man's touch, and he trembles slightly in pleasure beneath him.
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moves his lips to kiss along his jaw. "Look at that. Standing tall for me." He murmurs huskily as he squeezes Francis hard. He pulls back moving two fingers to the Frenchman's mouth. "I'd advise you to suck
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them well."
8 years ago
flushes red to his ears at the comment, about to tell him to shut up when that squeeze causes him to gasp instead. Hehesitates as the fingers are pressed to his mouth but takes them in,
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realizing things would happen either way. He winds his tongue around Sadik's fingers, sucking on them in the best mimic of a blow job he could, hoping to at least fluster the man a little.
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doesn't get flustered instead he looks quite captivated by the way Francis sucks his fingers. He had never let the man suck him off, for good reason too but now he was reconsidering especially with how lovely
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it looked having the Frenchman's mouth so full of his fingers. He could only imagine the breathtaking sight of the blond with Sadik's cock shoved deep into his mouth. He wanted the man to choke on his
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length but that could wait for another time. When he feels that his fingers are lubricated enough he pulls them out and praises Francis softly before he's bringing one digit to circle the man's hole. He's being
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careful, not wanting to hurt Francis but wanting the man to enjoy himself. He knew how it was to not only be forced into sex but having your partner only think of themselves. Sadik enjoyed when his partner
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enjoyed it too no matter if his partner wasn't willing at first. There could always be a change of heart. He pushes his finger slowly in making sure to wiggle it around to open the man up. He was tight and he
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could only imagine how it would feel around his throbbing cock.
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pants softly when Sadik pulls his fingers away at last, looking embarrassed by the praise. He's expecting the man above him to be rough and so he braces himself for that, tensing up as a finger presses
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inside. Instead he makes a soft sound of surprise as Sadik is gentle with him, turning his head to hide his face against the crook of his arm. This wasn't the first time he had slept with another man, but
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it had certainly been a while since then.
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grabs Francis' chin with his other hand making sure the man is looking at him as he stretches him up. "No hiding." He says merely as he shoves the finger deeper in and starts thrusting it in for a good while
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before attempting to press the second one in.
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gasps as he's forced to look up at Sadik, squirming beneath him as he thrusts into him like that. When a second finger presses into him he can't help but arch his hips against the increased intrusion,
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biting his lip and closing his eyes so he didn't have to watch the way Sadik was watching him.
Sadik is
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captivated by the look and leans forward to steal a bruising kiss as he picks up the pace now that Francis was becoming a little looser for him.
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gasps in surprise as there's suddenly lips against his, giving Sadik easy access to his mouth. He kisses him back though in need, moaning as the fingers inside of him brush against a sensitive spot. He can feel
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himself becoming desperate for more despite himself, rocking his hips against Sadik's touch.
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nips at Francis' lips as he starts rocking against his fingers. He picks up the pace thrusting them faster and harder inside of him. He does try to angle them to hit the spot that had caused Francis to react
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more strongly than before.
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