9 years ago
stood outside in the courtyard fully dressed for the training he was prepared to undergo
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9 years ago
with Gilbert. He stood decently tall at this point but not taller than Gilbert and he was lanky with a little muscle but nothing to noticeable.
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still held a lot of his rounded baby qualities from when he had been very small but if he kept up with the regiment he was sure to learn from Gilbert
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he would grow to be a strong man....or he hoped because he was tired of being sickly and small.
9 years ago
|Gilbert arrives promptly, his uniform impecable as he makes his way over to Ludwig, eyes skimming over his younger brother's appearance. It was now his task to mold this young nation into a real world power,
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with the ability to contend against the likes of England and France on the world stage. When he stops in front of his brother, he greets him properly, professionally, before breaking down all pretence and_
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reaching forward to ruffle his hair. 'Look at you, trying to be all serious,' he teases, fingers pinching Ludwig's cheeks and pulling them outwards. 'You're so cute, West.'
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greets Gilbert in the same way before he's flushing at the fact that he'd just gotten his cheek pinched and hair ruffled. He does push Gilbert away in pure embarrassment. "Gilbert....bitte....I'm not a kid
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anymore." He tries to argue but the way he looked was quite contradictory to his statement. He does manage to fix his hair but there was still a few strands out of place thanks to Gilbert. "I thought we were
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going to train."
9 years ago
. Gilbert laughs, trying to hide his amusement behind his hand. "You're a kid as long as you feel the need to say that, West." He does straighten up however, looking around the grounds. He knew exactly where_
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he wanted to started, but Ludwig didn't need to know that. He would look so much cooler if he just came up with it off of the top of his head.
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flushes a little darker at the teasing tone his brother had taken and tries to look more mature by straightening up and squaring his shoulders. It was a suboncious shift but it would probably
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be very noticeable at Gilbert. He remains silent as he waits for Gilbert to tell him where and what they would be doing.
9 years ago
. Gilbert notices the shift in Ludwig, pride filling his chest. Of course his little brother would be amazing... but this amazing? "We'll be starting with a cardio workout, assuming you made sure to warm up_
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before coming here?" He had experience training America and had learned you needed to check these things.
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nods, perhaps to eagerly, almost to show Gilbert that he was taking this very seriously. "I ran here from the should have been five
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point six kms."
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hums lightly. "and then I stretched."
9 years ago
. Gilbert can't help but grin upon hearing that. Of course he has the best little brother. "Then I won't go easy on you." He points out the apparatus they will be using, which involves a lot of tires, nets_
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and climbing walls. "We'll keep doing that until you feel like you can't go on."
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smiles at this. "I was hoping you wouldn't." He says back just as he's being introduced to their obstacle course. He's studying the entire thing before he let's out a small laugh. "I feel that won't
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take much."
9 years ago
. Gilbert's expression turns awfully serious for a moment. 'If that's how you feel going in, we might as well not do this.'
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's eyes widen and he looks horrified. "Nein....Nein... I want to...I'm sorry Gilbert. I will work very hard to go for long."
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Pats him on the back, 'That's the least I expect from you.' He starts towards the course, letting Ludwig rush to catch up behind_
9 years ago
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follows quickly after and only stops when he gets there. "Anything specific that I should be doing while I go through this obstacle course?" He asks wanting to know all the information necessary to succeed.
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Shakes his head. "Nothing I can tell you that you shouldn't be able to work out for yourself..." Eventually. He can't spoon feed his brother, that wouldn't be awesome at all.
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glances down pensively as he hums and then nods. "Ja, that case I will start." He says as he readies himself and begins.
9 years ago
Follows behind Ludwig, trying to set a reasonable pace by never staying to far behind. 'Use your legs. You can't march on upper arm_
9 years ago
9 years ago
takes the advice shouted at him as he's doing the obstacle course. He can feel his muscles burn and the toll the entire thing would take but it was a good feeling....and he was starting to really like the
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feeling of being sore. He hussles harder, finishes the course and starts again. He would try to make Gilbert proud and go until he literally could not anymore.
9 years ago
|Gilbert keeps the treatment up, watching as Ludwig slowly reaches his limit. He is the one to call it to a fault, leading his little brother_
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Around the obstacle in a warm jog to cool down from the course. It wouldn't do to suddenly stop.
Ludwig is
8 years ago
exhausted. It's clear in the way he's panting as he jogs slowly around the obstacle course. It's when he makes the entire lap that his legs give out on him and he collapses on the ground. He rolls onto his back
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taking in deep breathes of air as he tries to compose himself....he knew he would be really sore tomorrow. "I-i'm sorry Gilbert....I'm so tired....just give me a minute..."
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