ivysaur can be part of red's UuU
Oh, hey! Thanks! I could totally see that. For both Chiyo's theme and for Ivy being a part of Red's. Ivy will always be a part of anything Red's. XD
oh gosh red taking care of chiyo ;3;
Ohhh, you know, the last person who played Red (michelle) at Smash, her Red actually did take care of Chiyo. She really cherishes him
I'm sure she would love your cheerful Red as well.
he's more of the hgss red but he'd still be so gentle and kind to pokemon
Ohhh, I think Michelle's Red was also from hgss because that description fits him. She'd take to him very quickly, albeit would have to get used to the idea he's not the same Red.
shoot i missed a lot of people
;3; wah i would love to play with any of your cuties
you know I would always love to play with you, regardless of characters.
Yeah, Michelle's Red was HGSS era, too!
yis let any of my characters spoil yours
i have Brendan and Dawn too
so Chiyo can go to contests
my babies are too lucky. always getting spoiled XD
i also have steven but he probably wouldn't be a fitting trainer for her aldfjk
he'd treat her well though
she has no immunity towards such acts from men
he'll just have to catch her when she swoons
'miss... are you alright?'
she could probably use the swooning. she's a little heartbroken from Mondo and Caim leaving the school.
if steven's too much for her, there's also brendan
hahaha. oh boy. so many suitors
I feel Elli's gonna have to watch over her then... Can't have dumb boys hurting her girl.
Jon: Excuse me gentlemen but what are your intentions towards my daught--I mean Vaporeon.
brendan just "huh? oh! I just need a contest partner and she'd fit some of these outfits, ha ha"
"hey you're her dad then? wanna come watch?!'
LOL, he totally would, too.
Two bosses to overcome: Ellie and Jon
Jon is actually not hard to overcome XD So long as her friends treat her well, he'll always be as welcoming as he's able.
haha. i'm actually curious to see her in a contest. she'd be pretty shy initially since she's not used to being in the limelight
tell me about ellie n jon~
brendan will practice with her
if she wants to try it one time
maybe she saw one and it looked so fun
She could always practice with Rio. XD Jon is working on contest stuff with him.
Not so much for Elli then, she's a hard wall and she loves to make life hard for those on her radar

But nothing harsh, she's a huge tease and will poke fun at them/play tricks to see how their personalities-
I think her and Rio would make a bombshell contest team ngl.
ohhh, may Chiyo can talk to Rio about contests. she hasn't had the pleasure of interacting with him yet
Homeslice has been swamped with work but they've been dying to have some family time and get Rio established down with the team. ^^
I'd love a team Talbain family log. XD
i then had an image of jon in a contest
LOL. so fabulous. so cool.
"And here comes the challenger, Brendan and his... arc.. anine... mighty.. ena..? What is that? Blue houndoom? My Pokédex refuses to acknowledge it."
oh man what outfit would he even wear? rock star?
this is the best. i am going to need to draw this someday
i mean the magical girl and belle dresses are options too
would he wear his martial arts attire?
ahahahaha. chiyo would think it weird, yet marvelous at the same time. she'll wear princess dresses with you, Joooon.
I haven't even seen most of the contest outfits - luchador would be pretty fun XD
Jon: Chiyo, we must find you the dress with the puffiest arms and the most frills.

her eyes would sparkle like a thousand stars
Jon: This dress has so many sparkles. Chiyo - this one? Or one with less glued on stars?

Chiyo whispers, "...The one with many sparkles, please."
Jon: Anything for you, Little One.
I can just see Jon, shirtless and in kung fu pants, walking into a Michaels or Jo Anns and buying tubs of glitter. "It's for a dress I'm making."
That is a beautiful image.
'oh um. uh, that'll be $23.95... sir...'
"Thank you." Walks out looking manly as all heck and holding bags full of pink and gold glitter.