Bud Ballyhoo has
9 years ago
To report for jury duty tomorrow. Sigh.
latest #16
9 years ago
bring a pocket sized book of puzzles. hope it goes well
9 years ago
I get called about once a year. I rarely have to actually serve. Have fun! Does your employer reimburse you?
9 years ago
Book~ Book~ take a book~
Bud Ballyhoo says
9 years ago
I have a book. There are about 90 of us and they need 40 or so. Now we wait.
9 years ago
don't raise your hand! They asked a question in our pool and I raised my hand....I got to be foreman of a Grand Jury. (tho I did enjoy the experience)
Bud Ballyhoo says
9 years ago
Narrowing down even more. There were 2 people in the 1st round if questions that said they cannot be fair.
Bud Ballyhoo says
9 years ago
That has my curiosity way up.
Deadrella says
9 years ago
Dede39: Not raising your hand won't necessarily save you, true story :-(. What a time sink
Bud Ballyhoo says
9 years ago
Thus far the only question I could raise my hand on was if I knew anyone in the room. There are 4 other college employees here.
9 years ago
Deadrella: true.
Bud Ballyhoo says
9 years ago
We are still in voir dire. The judge breaks for 20 minutes every hour.
9 years ago
Bud Ballyhoo
9 years ago
Apparently saying that I "believe we live in a litigious society and that frivolous lawsuits are filed more often than they should be" is a statement that may preclude you from jury selection.
Dede is
9 years ago
that a yay?
Bud Ballyhoo
9 years ago
it is.
9 years ago
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